Advocacy – Proving Your Worth. Australian Children's Literature. Equity Through the School Library. There is a startling lack of diversity in children’s literature.
School librarians around the country are hard at work trying to fix this problem and bring real diversity to their school’s collection. The problem is alarming: only ten percent of all children’s books were written by or about people of color. For the past twenty years, the Children’s Cooperative Book Center (CCBC) in Madison, Wisconsin, has collected data about diversity in children’s literature.
Sadly, the “10% of authors” statistic has stayed stagnant for the last two decades. Only recently, in 2015, did the numbers start to show improvement. School librarians work to champion the diverse literature available. The Importance of Diversity in School Libraries. This post contains affiliate links.
When you buy through these links, Book Riot may earn a commission. This post on diversity in school libraries is sponsored by Get Booked: The Handsell. Get Booked has added a weekly bonus episode called The Handsell! Jenn and Amanda, former booksellers, take 5 minutes every episode to pitch you a book they think you’ll love, with notes about what readers the book is perfect for. The hosts will be focusing on books they haven’t talked about much or at all on the show before, so come hear about a new-to-you read! The book market here in the UK is experiencing a boom, at least in my opinion. The importance of multicultural literature. Australian primary schools are more culturally diverse now than ever before. By including multicultural literature in the school library fiction collection, teacher librarians ensure they provide their students with texts that represent the culturally diverse classrooms and home environments in this country, and those across the globe.
With recent global events, it has become increasingly important that students do not become ethnocentric. Exposure to a variety of multicultural literature can assist in breaking down cultural barriers. What value does multicultural literature add to the school library fiction collection? Multicultural literature serves as a powerful tool in enabling students to gain a better understanding of both their own culture and the cultures of others.
Suzanne Evans (2010) conducted research on critical literacy using a range of multicultural picture books. Equipping Christian Schools For Race Conversations with David Robinson, Director of Diversity & Inclusion. KNOW 48 2 OE Robinson. School Library Guidelines - Effective school libraries. An effective school library enhances student learning outcomes by providing a range of programs, services and resources which support teaching and learning.
It also supports and encourages students' reading experiences. Effective school libraries Offer quality programs that support the curriculum. Help teachers integrate information literacy skills into learning activities. Promote information literacy by helping students develop skills to find, evaluate, use, create and share information and knowledge. 15 Graphic Design Tips for Beginners & Non-Designers. A good set of graphic design tips always comes in handy when you are a beginner graphic designer, or even a non-designers on the journey to teach yourself some practical graphic design skills.
In this article, we share 15 of the most practical graphic design tips for beginners and non-designers. Let’s get started. ASLA-ALIA recommended minimum information services staffing levels: Table 6 revised. 2020 School Library Survey – Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific p – Softlink. Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2020 Softlink Australia, New Zealand, and Asia Pacific School Library Survey.
We had our highest ever response rate to date, with 2103 participants from 9 countries. Participant summaries have been sent out, with the full report due to be released in early 2020. If you did not receive yours, please email Some preliminary findings are available below. The Virtual Library Learning Commons: Leveraging the Pandemic Tipping Point for Lasting Change – Canadian School Libraries Journal. By Anita Brooks Kirkland The virtual school library learning commons.
This is not a new idea, but it is an idea that has not caught on as well as many had hoped. While there are many great examples of schools and districts implementing the vision or part of the vision for the virtual library learning commons (VLLC) as a vibrant learning space, all sorts of constraints have prevented widespread implementation. News and Australian children: how young people access, perceive and are affected by the news. Description In September 2017 we surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 young Australians aged 8-16 years to understand their news engagement practices and experiences.
The analysis provided in this report considers the overall results and compares this with results filtered specifically to account for gender and age. The analysis finds that young Australians consume a lot of news regularly and they get this news from many different sources. Engaging with news stories makes young people feel happy, motivated and knowledgeable. However, many young Australians do not trust news media organisations and perceive they are biased. Going Dewey-Lite…or even Dewey-Less – QSLiN. Going Dewey-Lite…or even Dewey-Less I’m ashamed to say that when dumping the Dewey Decimal System was suggested to me by an elementary school library volunteer, I huffed and puffed and continued to classify with those numbers.
If I only knew then, what I know now! Aboriginal cultures: Sharing, connecting and practising - English,Geography,History (F,2,3,7,8) The visionary’s hat. Libraries have been part of society’s culture since man first began to convey information by etching images on the walls of caves.
School libraries have been part of the Australian education system since well-meaning people in London sent religious texts to recently-established Sydney so the children of the convicts would learn to read the scriptures, learn from them and become better people than their parents. But libraries, like society, change so they can meet the needs of their users and remain relevant in the context in which they sit. Self-Care Tips for School Librarians. Let me first say that I am not good at self-care.
I would even venture to say that I stink at it. In fact, one of my primary motivations in writing this article was to invest more time in thinking about managing my own self-care. DC Dewey Sign Download Form - Resources. Telling Tales: Joe Lambert from the Center for Digital Storytelling. The following is a guest post by Jane Mandelbaum, IT Project Manager at the Library of Congress’s Office of Strategic Initiatives.
The Insights Interview series is an occasional feature sharing interviews and conversations between National Digital Stewardship Alliance Innovation Working Group members and individuals involved in projects related to preservation, access, and stewardship of digital information. In this post, I am excited to have the chance to talk with Joe Lambert, Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Digital Storytelling. Joe Lambert by user cogdogblog on Flickr Q1. Students Reimagining School Libraries as Spaces of Learning and Wellbeing.
School Librarians Should Be Required, Not Fodder for Short-Term Cuts. Nothing as vital to learning as school libraries should be left to the push-me, pull-you of whittling a budget under pressure. My heart sank when I heard that school librarians are at risk in Spokane, WA, again, with a clock ticking for a decision on proposed cuts at the end of the summer. Then my blood boiled. Book Covering 101 - PVC Covering. Book Covering 101 - Adhesive Contact. The Coalition of Knowledge Building Schools - The Australian Museum Blog. What is the Coalition of Knowledge Building Schools and how does the Museum work with them? The Coalition of Knowledge Building Schools is based in Sydney, and supported by the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney. The Coalition is an unfunded network of Government and non-Government Schools and other education institutions (such as the Australian Museum, the State Library of NSW and Taronga Zoo) who share an interest in inquiry-based professional learning and a commitment to hearing and listening to student voice.
For more information about the Coalition have a look at their website. The Australian Museum has been working with the Coalition of Knowledge Building Schools over the past eight years. Students aged from 5-18 years have been advising the Museum on the development of exhibitions and programs, as well as how the Museum can best use the digital environment to showcase its research and collections. Groundwater-Smith, S. (2002). Empire State Information Fluency Continuum - NYC School Librarian Guidebook - Homepage at NYC DOE Office of Library Services. Digitial citezshiip. More Research – Canadian School Libraries Research Archive. An Excellent Platform for Immersive Digital Storytelling with Students. Mystery Science: Lessons for elementary teachers. Performance development framework.
AITSL Standards for teacher librarian practice 2014. Policies and Procedures. The planner’s hat. A vision statement is just the beginning. If it is to come to fruition then it needs to be teased out in and supported with a formal strategic plan which becomes the road map to the destination of your vision. AITSL Through the Library Lens - Home. Report: School Libraries: The Heart of 21st Century Learning – Students Need School Libraries. Online Course for Educators: Designing and Leading Engaging OER Ecosystems.
The ‘teacher’ in ‘teacher librarian’ – SCIS Schools Catalogue Information Service. Libraries in the 21st century: the struggle between perception and reality. The Kendall Library Lady. Collected november 2013. Arranging library fiction by genre. Changes in fiction arrangement or labelling gives you an opportunity to promote and discuss with library users the characteristics of different genres. It also helps identify personal reading preferences, people who share reading preferences, and effective book selection strategies. Promote at sessions with students as they visit the library. Also consider displaying library posters, wordles (word clouds generated using and other displays with genre information and title examples.
School Libraries, Teacher Librarians and Acceleration of. I have forgotten how to read. Author of Solitude: A Singular Life in a Crowded World and The End of Absence: Reclaiming What We've Lost in an Age of Constant Connection. Turning, one evening, from my phone to a book, I set myself the task of reading a single chapter in one sitting.
Simple. But I couldn't. Home - Resources for Primary and Secondary - ABC Education. Encouraging a Love of Reading in a Culture of Assessment - Quiet Revolution. CRHS School Library Mission. A belated confession. Campaign for Quality School Libraries in Australia. 'Escape the Room!' classroom games - ActiveHistory.
Overview: What is an "Escape Room"? An escape room is, according to Wikipedia, "a physical adventure game in which players solve a series of puzzles using clues, hints and strategy to complete the objectives at hand. Players are given a set time limit to unveil the secret plot which is hidden within the rooms".
They are increasingly popular as team-building exercises as well as a fun leisure activity. In the classroom, an "Escape the Room" format can involve students working together, against the clock, to solve a series of puzzles using existing and fresh knowledge from their studies and from clues and sources which have been left around the room. Four Things Students Need to Create Book Trailer Videos. This is an update of a blog post that I published about 16 months ago. Stories: Listening, Telling, Teaching, and Learning. No More Public Displays of Achievement. 27 Things Your Teacher Librarian Does.
How to Get Your Mind to Read - The New York Times. Have You Seen The Awesome Additions To Collections By Destiny In The Last 6 Months? Pick up a book and share it with a child: it's the key to success in an uncertain future. School Libraries and Their Influence on School Culture. Infographic: Why Audiobooks Work! How to Host a Battle of the Books - Lindsay Kufahl - Elementary Librarian. New ALIA report responds to digital economy consultation. 18 Times Libraries Had the Best Holiday Displays Ever.
How to Stop Killing the Love of Reading. Ww2.kqed. The Oft-Hidden Role Of The School Library – Leon's Library Blog. 15 Quotes to (Re)ignite Your Love for Reading. Free Photos for Education. Photos For Class - The quick and safe way to find and cite images for class! Mornings - Mornings - ABC Radio. Whitepaper School libraries share ideas for collaboration. Up & Running with VR. School Library Annual Reports: Examples Curated by Jennifer LaGarde. Why So Many Students Dislike Reading.
Reading makes you feel more empathy for others. Search Results for “picture book” Female Librarians on Horseback Delivering Books, ca. 1930s - History Daily. Libraries, Development and the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Why do teachers need school librarians? 5 questions to ask yourself. Parents, teachers stop reading aloud too early and kids are missing out, researcher says. Library Reports as Infographics – Librarian Design Share. 'It doesn't matter what children read so long as they’re reading'
Library Reports as Infographics – Librarian Design Share. Why Librarians are the Key to Future Ready Schools.