Free Projects. Tutorials. M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League - Jens Pind Linkage 3 and variants - Definitions, differences and distinguishing characteristics - Submitted by Titus. This article is about a magnificent spiral weave called Jens Pind Linkage (JPL) and its variants.
In the following chapters I will explain how regular JPL is constructed, and how the variants are related to the original chain. Also, I will introduce a relatively simple method to distinguish between different JPL variants. Handmade Custom Chainmaille Jewelry by Red Panda Chainmail - How to Make Chainmail. How to Make Chainmail (with pictures) Edit Article Beginning Your Chain MailMaking Chain Mail Edited by Adam, Bob Robertson, Flickety, Bo and 46 others Chainmail (aka: chainmaille, chain mail, chain maille, maille or mail) is made up of a pattern (called a weave) of interlocking rings.