CWRC. Writing Meaningful Description. To the reader? The world of your book is a black box. Devoid of all sensation—no sights, sounds, tastes, smells, or aural pleasantries beyond dialogue. Bedford/St. Martin’s — Exercise Central. Left-brained Writing Prompts. Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory. Equipped for the Future - Assessment Resource Collection. WritingFix: prompts, lessons, and resources for writing classrooms. The Poem Farm. English Companion Ning - Where English teachers go to help each other. 36 Tips for Writing Just About Anything. Basic tips for writing just about anything.
There’s a lot more to writing than just typing words. Writing well takes years of study, practice, and experience. It requires diligence and attention to detail, study and dedication to the craft. Each project has a unique set of requirements and different types of writing have different rules. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Writing. Awarded to: Professor Debra Myhill Funding Awarded to Exeter: £77,339 Dates: 1 September 2011 - 31 August 2012 Sponsor(s): ESRC This study built on the findings of the Grammar for Writing?
Project, which found that an embedded approach to the teaching of grammar within the context of writing had a statistically significant beneficial effect on students writing attainment, but also found that teachers’ own grammmatical and metalinguistic subject knowledge mediated the beneficial impact. Shaping Policy and Practice set out to explore and develop these findings with professionals and policymakers.
The project had three key aims: Firstly, the project sought to bridge the research-practice interface by working collaboratively with a small number of English departments, using the successful intervention pedagogy, and supporting teachers in using it to address their own learners’ needs. Esu17training.wikispaces. Research and Writing and the Web. Digital Writing Tools. I have assembled a collection of tools which break the mold of traditional writing and use the power of the digital medium to create multimodal, interactive texts.
Please add more examples in the comments, I want to keep collecting tools which can help to recreate what writing looks like in the digital medium. These tools move beyond just digitizing words and pictures, pushing digital writing to more creative levels. Add Movement and Scale: Prezi – – if you are stuck in the serial, linear model that writing in a word processor or presentation tool can create, try using the presentation tool Prezi to write a story. Secrets of Teaching Writing Revealed. Writing Fluency Activities Build On Grammar Corollary. Fluency activities are a staple of English language arts classes. Yet despite all the lessons and worksheets devoted to teaching fluency, much student writing remains disjointed . The ideas do not flow from one sentence to the next. To create fluency, writers must physically join individual sentences .
Without physical linkages, like the eggs in the photograph, the individual sentences occupy the same container, but their ideas are not joined. Writing_Continuum_table. Writing-Continuum. Writing in Digital Environments. Writing in Digital Environments (WIDE) Research is a research area operating within the context of MATRIX.
WIDE’s maintains its historical focus on creating new knowledge about digital communication, and we remain committed to results that have impact via academic literatures and via more public outcomes, such as events, performances, and software. Player not working? Revisualizing Composition: Mapping the Writing Lives of First-Year College Students. Writing in Digital Environments (WIDE) Research is a research area operating within the context of MATRIX.
WIDE’s maintains its historical focus on creating new knowledge about digital communication, and we remain committed to results that have impact via academic literatures and via more public outcomes, such as events, performances, and software. Player not working? There is a known iOS and Android bug or download file.
Writing with Google Docs: Foster Collaboration & Creation (While Addressing Common Core) At ISTE, I had the pleasure of presenting in the Google theatre on Writing with Google Docs.
It was a short presentation aimed at demonstrating how educators can use Google Docs to foster writing in its various stages. I wanted to share some of the my slides to inspire other teachers to explore how docs, spreadsheets, forms, drawing and presentation can be used in creative ways to foster writing. Just some general info on Google Docs… Google Documents is a great tool to facilitate collaboration. The Eyes of a Writer: A Strategy for Improving Students’ Writing Skills.
April 5, 2012 By: Kristin M.
Gehsmann, EdD in Teaching and Learning. Commas You Can Choose And Commas You Can Use. Four pixels of ink stand between every writer and complete mastery of his or her craft.
Who among us has not wrestled with that most dreaded of punctuation marks, the comma? Not quite a full stop, something light as a breath of air; neither attribution, coordination, nor interjection; yet shun it we dare not, for we are haunted by its ubiquity. 18 Writing Tools for Grammar, Style, Content. Content is king.
If you run a blog, most of your content is language. For an ecommerce site, you write promotional copy, product descriptions, policies, procedures, and more. You need tools to check your grammar, perfect your punctuation, and hone your craft. Here is a list of tools and resources to improve your content. There are style guides, grammar checkers, word tools, and more. Writing prompts. Style and Grammar. 105 Writing Tips from Professional Writers. 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing. Summary: Few sources available today offer writing teachers such succinct, practice-based help—which is one reason why 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing was the winner of the Association of Education Publishers 2005 Distinguished Achievement Award for Instructional Materials.
The National Writing Project's 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing offers successful strategies contributed by experienced Writing Project teachers. Since NWP does not promote a single approach to teaching writing, readers will benefit from a variety of eclectic, classroom-tested techniques. These ideas originated as full-length articles in NWP publications (a link to the full article accompanies each idea below). Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… - The Best Places Where Students Can Write For An “Authentic Audience” I’ve been spending time over this past year reflecting and evaluating on how I can be more effective in teaching writing — both to English Language Learners and my mainstream ninth-grade students.
In fact, all the English teachers at our school have been doing the same thing. Our school got a grant that enabled us to contract with the California Writing Project to do ongoing teacher development. In addition to that work, those of us who teach English Language Development (which is what most others call ESL) classes have been refining our work with the extraordinary The Write Institute curriculum.
I’ve also been thinking more about the idea of students writing for an “authentic audience” — in other words, someone other than me. In practice, so far that’s meant my ELL’s writing penpal letters (with pen and on paper) to students (who would respond) in another mainstream English class, and that has worked very well for both classes. A Literary History of Word Processing. The literary history of word processing is far murkier, but that isn’t stopping Matthew G.
Kirschenbaum, an associate professor of English at the University of Maryland, from trying to recover it, one casual deletion and trashed document at a time. Pay no attention to the neatly formatted and deceptively typo-free surfaces of the average Microsoft Word file, Mr. Kirschenbaum declared at a recent lunchtime lecture at the New York Public Library titled “Stephen King’s Wang,” a cheeky reference to that best-selling novelist’s first computer, bought in the early 1980s.
“The story of writing in the digital age is every bit as messy as the ink-stained rags that would have littered Gutenberg’s print shop or the hot molten lead of the Linotype machine,” Mr. Digital Writing Across the Curriculum - A TLT Group Resource. Implications of Technology for a College Education - Home Page Digital Writing Across the Curriculum: Writing is the lifeblood of a liberal education: almost any course taught by a university can be taught better, and in more ways, if entering students are good writers. Student writing ability is also crucial for many forms of assessing learning. Digital Storytelling: Extending the Potential for Struggling Writers. 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing. Story Starters. What makes good writing. Literacy Coaching Connects Reading, Writing, and Study Skills. Teaching Writing- Approaches & Activities.
10 Types Of Writing For eLearning. Writing prompts: Archive. Transition Words. Sentence Fluency. How to Introduce the 6 Traits - The Writing Teacher - Tips, Techniques, and Advice on Teaching Writing. The Norton FIELD GUIDE To WRITING. Cybrary Man's resources. 21 Interesting Ways to Support Spelling in the ... - "Google Documents" A Writer’s Guide To Free Apps For Inspiration & Organization. Digital Is. ProfHacker. National Writing Project. 10 Ways To Use Technology To Teach Writing. Writing Felonies. A Collection Of “The Best…” Lists On Writing.