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Wrong Planet - Autism Community. Interview: Henry and Kamila Markram about The Intense World Theory for Autism. Our quirky autistic columnist, John Scott Holman, interviewed Henry and Kamila Markram, originators of the Intense World Theory.

Interview: Henry and Kamila Markram about The Intense World Theory for Autism

Read their compelling and refreshing insights in this Wrong Planet exclusive… 1. The Intense World Theory sheds light on the mystery of autism, and offers fascinating and refreshing insights. This theory may baffle those with a limited understanding of neuroscience. How would you explain Intense World Theory to the layman? The Intense World Theory states that autism is the consequence of a supercharged brain that makes the world painfully intense and that the symptoms are largely because autistics are forced to develop strategies to actively avoid the intensity and pain.

The brain is supercharged because the elementary functional units of the brain are supercharged. The theory predicts that there are three factors in the cause of autism; a genetic predisposition, a toxic insult during pregnancy and environmental exposure after birth. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Handwriting problems in children with aspergers - National Handwriting Association.

Author: Sheila E.

Handwriting problems in children with aspergers - National Handwriting Association

Henderson and Dido Green Institute of Education, University of London A few years ago hardly anyone had heard of the term (Asperger's Syndrome)...yet today almost every school seems to have a child with this new syndrome (Attwood, 1998). Since Asperger, a Viennese paediatrician, first described the syndrome that was later to bear his name (Asperger, 1944), there has been a great deal of debate about its status, its particular characteristics and whether it can truly be distinguished from autism (see e.g. Frith, 1991; Howlin, 2000). Recently, however, Asperger Syndrome (AS) has gained formal recognition, through entries in the diagnostic manuals of the World Health Organization (ICD-10, 1992) and the American Psychiatric Association (DSM IV, 1994), although doubts continue to be expressed as to whether it describes a distinct clinical entity and how it relates to High Functioning Autism (HFA). All Cats Have Asperger's Syndrome: Kathy Hoopmann.

High-functioning autism and Asperger syndrome: what's the difference? Aspergernauts - Your universe for Aspergers help, advice & information. Hans Asperger. Hans Asperger (* 18.

Hans Asperger

Februar 1906 in Hausbrunn; † 21. Oktober 1980 in Wien) war ein österreichischer Kinderarzt und Heilpädagoge, der 1944 als Erster das später nach ihm benannte Asperger-Syndrom beschrieb. Biografie und pädagogisch-wissenschaftliches Wirken[Bearbeiten] Asperger war der Älteste von drei Brüdern, der Mittlere starb kurz nach der Geburt, der Jüngste fiel 1942 in Russland. Über sein Elternhaus schrieb er: »Wie bin ich erzogen worden? Von 1957 bis 1962 war er im Vorstand der Innsbrucker Kinderklinik. 1962 wurde er Professor für Pädiatrie und Leiter der Universitäts-Kinderklinik in Wien, was er bis zu seiner Emeritierung im Jahr 1977 blieb. 1967 wurde er zum Mitglied der Gelehrtenakademie Leopoldina gewählt. Am 3. Da Asperger seine Veröffentlichungen größtenteils in deutscher Sprache verfasste und sie kaum übersetzt wurden, waren seine Arbeiten zunächst wenig bekannt.

Hans Asperger war seit 1935 mit Hanna Kalmon verheiratet. Werke (Auswahl)[Bearbeiten] Literatur[Bearbeiten] Paddy Considine: Knowing I have Asperger's is a relief. Indeed, so good an actor is Considine that if he wasn’t telling me about his condition now, I would never guess he was a sufferer.

Paddy Considine: Knowing I have Asperger's is a relief

True, sitting opposite him, the wiry Midlander can seem intense and as nervy as a racehorse. Yet at the same time he is funny, open and warm with no sign of the inability to relate to others that often comes with the condition. Aspergers Syndrome Foundation. Famous People With Asperger Syndrome. Is a three-time Academy Award-winning American film director, writer, actor, jazz musician, comedian and playwright.

Famous People With Asperger Syndrome

His large body of work and cerebral film style, mixing satire, wit and humor, have made him one of the most respected and prolific filmmakers in the modern era.Woody has said the following in a interview “I am a neurotic in a more benign way. I mean I have a lot of neurotic habits," the quirky American director and actor told Reuters Television. “ "I don't like to go into elevators, I don't go through tunnels, I like the drain in the shower to be in the corner and not in the middle," Allen said in an interview after showing his new comedy "Anything Else" at the 60th Venice Film Festival” What is Asperger syndrome? Here we explain more about Asperger syndrome - a form of autism - including the three main difficulties that people with Asperger syndrome share, how many people have the condition, and what may cause it.

What is Asperger syndrome?

As soon as we meet a person we make judgements about them. From their facial expression, tone of voice and body language we can usually tell whether they are happy, angry or sad and respond accordingly. People with Asperger syndrome can find it harder to read the signals that most of us take for granted. This means they find it more difficult to communicate and interact with others which can lead to high levels of anxiety and confusion. About Asperger syndrome Asperger syndrome is a form of autism, which is a lifelong disability that affects how a person makes sense of the world, processes information and relates to other people. Asperger syndrome is mostly a 'hidden disability'.

Social communication social interaction social imagination. Three main areas of difficulty Love of routines. How to find us.