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> English
Reading For Pleasure. Are we there yet? The long, steep, and winding road towards improved reading instruction.
All parents will be familiar with the pleading question from the back seat on long (or sometimes not so long) car journeys, normally delivered in the most whinging (whining for US readers) tone of voice possible: Are we there yet?
As the youngest of four children, growing up in the 1960s and sitting unrestrained in the back of the family station-wagon, mine may have been the loudest voice in this chorus. I hope the advent of car air-conditioning, screens and wireless headphones makes for easier car journeys these days for parents.
Read Theory for Homework – The Teaching Booth. I am a big, big fan of Read Theory.
It’s been kicking around for a fair few years now and I’ve used it religiously in Year 6. We replaced scheme books with it in Y6, as it’s easier and quicker, and I also use it for homework, which I’m going to tell you about after I give you a whistlestop tour about what it actually is. OH AND DID I MENTION IT IS COMPLETELY FREE? Read Theory is an online reading platform. You sign your children up and they log in and take a diagnostic quiz, which assesses them at a ‘grade level’. You can see that some have dropped way below their orange diamond, but we are only two weeks into Year 6 and they came out really high, so it’s nothing to worry about as the pre-test is not the be all and end all. You can track how many quizzes your class has taken and the average level of the whole cohort together, which you can see is already starting to go up.
Blue Stained Wooden Garden Shed.
Online Reading
How reading habits have changed during the COVID-19 lockdown. During times of crisis, people find themselves faced with lifestyle changes.
One of the earliest and most noticeable changes seen during the COVID-19 lockdown was how we consume media — and especially how we read. People tend to find comfort in certain books, and reading habits and genre preferences can change during periods of stress. This helps to explain why much genre fiction has roots in times of significant social, political or economic upheaval.
Gothic literature is, in part, a British Protestant response to the French Revolution (1789-99). Science fiction, which emerged as a genre around the fin de siècle, was galvanised by both the industrial revolution and the theories of Charles Darwin.
Building fluency in reading workshop. Reading Reconsidered Booklet. Summer Reading Challenge. Skip to content.
Phonics. Fluency. Inference and comprehension strategies. Dyslexia. Reading Aloud. Book recommendations. Guided Reading. Reciprocal Reading. Whole Class Reading. Parents - Advice. Reading for Pleasure. Reluctant Readers. Using stories in the curriculum.
An Excerpt from Chapter Two of Reading Reconsidered. Lately I’ve been posting some excerpts from Reading Reconsidered here on Field Notes.
Today I’m posting a section from Chapter 2, which is about Close Reading. The segment I’ve chosen deals with the idea of Establishing Meaning–making sure that students understand the full text and its nuances before you jump fully in to analysis.
7 ways to challenge more able readers - NACE. As schools across the UK celebrate Libraries Week (8-13 October), NACE Associate Judith Mason outlines seven approaches to ensuring more able readers are effectively challenged and supported.
Reading provides a wide range of opportunities to challenge more able learners and there’s certainly an abundance of wonderful books to share and explore.
Touch-type Read and Spell (TTRS)
Journey into a world where stories come to life...
LOST WORDS Explorers Guide pages original. A New Way of Reading. Pictures Mean Business: 7 ways you can support illustrators. All-11710947. Shakespeare's plays plus a modern translation you can understand. Save The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus.
The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus Rare photo of the elusive tree octopus (Enhanced from cropped telephoto) The Pacific Northwest tree octopus (Octopus paxarbolis) can be found in the temperate rainforests of the Olympic Peninsula on the west coast of North America. Their habitat lies on the Eastern side of the Olympic mountain range, adjacent to Hood Canal.
EQuIP Feedback Close Reading Charlie Anderson_0. Close Reading Charlie Anderson_0. About Destination Reader. How to Get Your Mind to Read.
In one experiment, third graders — some identified by a reading test as good readers, some as poor — were asked to read a passage about soccer. The poor readers who knew a lot about soccer were three times as likely to make accurate inferences about the passage as the good readers who didn’t know much about the game. That implies that students who score well on reading tests are those with broad knowledge; they usually know at least a little about the topics of the passages on the test. One experiment tested 11th graders’ general knowledge with questions from science (“pneumonia affects which part of the body?”)
, history (“which American president resigned because of the Watergate scandal?”)
Reading, kicking nuns and the payback!
We Need Better Readers; So What Next?
If all your students read at the same standard as your very best readers in the year group would you transform the progress, attainment and life chances of your young people?
I tend to say “yes” to this; so what must we do to achieve it? Part of the work of our newly designated Research School is to challenge ourselves with the approach we take to solving some of our most intractable problems; using the best evidence available as part of the leadership and management processes within the school. The neatly named Best Evidence Encyclopaedia has just released a publication on Effective Reading Programs for Secondary Students.
Elem_read_Jan_22_2010. Secondary Reading 08 03 17. We Need Better Readers; So What Next?
CLPE READING SCALE REBRAND. Premier literacy educators. E-Books. Nearly half of year 7 pupils make no progress in English. Nearly half of pupils made no progress or dipped in attainment in English in their first year at secondary school, according to new research, which has used an innovative comparative judgment method to measure progress.
Forty-two per cent of year 7 pupils either stood still or “regressed” in English, and 37 per cent of pupils in maths did the same, research released today by No More Marking, a company specialising in assessment software, has found. The research also found 10 per cent of pupils in each subject saw their progress fall steeply, leading the company’s press release to say learning at the start of secondary school is “distributed unevenly”. The findings echo reports from the Department for Education (DfE) and Ofsted which have previously found key stage 3 to be a weak point in pupils’ attainment.
Dogs Helping Kids. The School Dogs are highly trained dogs who are of impeccable temperament, have undergone in-depth positive reinforcement training and who then have been rigorously assessed to clarify that they are competent and safe to work in the school environment.
Training for each School Dog Team takes 2 years and each team has to pass 6 assessments. Once Certified, each School Dog Team is annually assessed in their working environment. All D.H.K. School Dogs will be provided with harnesses, leads, collars and identification to prove that they are Certified DHK School Dogs. The School Dogs are divided into four different groups – visiting, attending, educational and support.
Primarytimerydotcom – primerytimer.
The Perfect Classroom Gift: A Gift of Words. I belong to a book club, one that has continued since 1990.
Closing the language gap: Building vocabulary. But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling like dew, upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. Like most teachers, as soon as pupils are sequestered in the exam hall I always used to race around trying to get my hands on the exam paper and anticipate how my eager charges will have coped.
ReadTheory. The Opening Lines Of The World's Most Famous Books. Visible%20Learning.pdf. Young Teacher Love: Character Study Part 1: The Westing Game. Priory Woods School and Arts College - The Sleepy Farmer. Short Stories for Kids - Short Kid Stories. Read. Play. Learn.
Research Based Training - Proven Impact - Thinking Reading.
Dear Google, You Should Have Talked to Me First. Dear Google,
PALS: A Reading Strategy for Grades 2–6. Primary school library furniture. Scoop › News. 20 Quotes From Children’s Books Every Adult Should Know. Posted on July 7, 2014. Literacy, meaning making and social and cultural capital: six thoughts. Earlier this month I had the opportunity to spend a morning listening to David Didau talking about literacy.
English teaching, reading and literacy matters.