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Myers Briggs A Complete Guide and Questionnaires. By Steve Myers (no relation to Isabel Briggs Myers) You are a unique individual. You also share some characteristics with other people. The Myers Briggs model of personality tells you about some of those similarities and differences. Myers & Briggs. Myers Briggs and articles about the MBTI. Online Questionnaire Our online MMDI (Mental Muscle Diagram Indicator) helps you work out your personality type.

Myers Briggs and articles about the MBTI

It produces one of the sixteen four letter codes (the same as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® instrument) and another code to show your unique personality. Myers Briggs overview A short introduction to the basic concepts of the Myers Briggs model of personality type. Schema Theory and Myers Briggs functions. Skip this page and go straight to the first schema theory demonstration (intuition).

Schema Theory and Myers Briggs functions

What is Schema Theory? Schema Theory describes how we create psychological representations to perceive and understand reality, whether it be reality in the outer world of people and things, or reality in the inner world of the psyche. According to schema theory, we do not observe any reality directly, but only through a perceptual framework. A psychological schema is the perceptual framework we use to make sense of the world around us. How does it work?