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Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling - University of Houston System. About the Course Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling introduces educators to digital storytelling and explores ways to use digital stories to enhance students’ learning experience.

Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling - University of Houston System

The course is designed to be comprehensive yet fundamental. By comprehensive we mean that the course provides a solid foundation to all of the components of a digital story and illustrates these components with tutorials, example stories and links to additional readings. The course also provides a hands-on opportunity for learners to create their own digital stories. The course is fundamental because it covers the basic process of creating a digital story starting with just a simple script and as little as one still image. Hands-On TIC: Apprendre, pratique, enseigner la créativité et les TIC. Faciliter un Mooc Poster par Carles Fernandez et Muriel Garretta Le project Hands-On ICT (HANDSON, vise à favoriser l'intégration d'outils TIC dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage en développpant un environnement d'apprentissage par la pratique, , conçu pour être exploré par les éducateurs, , individuellement, ou avec l'aide d'un pair mentor.

Hands-On TIC: Apprendre, pratique, enseigner la créativité et les TIC

Notre prochain (troisième) MOOC – à partir du 27 Octobre – sera offert en plusieurs langues (Anglais, Espagnol, Slovène, Grec, Catalan et Français) et nous sommes à la recherche de facilitateurs volontaires familiers avec ces différentes langues.. Un bon niveau d'anglais est également nécessaire pour faciliter. Que gagnerez-vous d'être un facilitateur? Pendant 5 semaines en mai-juin 2014, nous avons offert un MOOC conçu pour les enseignants afin de faciliter la conception des activités d'apprentissage et l'intégration des TIC à travers la méthodologie «Learning Design Studio '.

BlendKit Course: Learning Activities. Course Home | Schedule | Learning Activities | DIY Tasks | Readings | Blogging | Real Time Sessions/Archive The BlendKit course materials present several different types of potential learning activities, and the BlendKit materials are designed to accommodate a range of participation/engagement options; whether one is pursuing self-study, a local discussion group, or participating in one of the facilitated open online course cohorts such as BlendKit2014.

BlendKit Course: Learning Activities

Whole or Part Many of us who have years of experience with higher education courses are mindful of the time commitment involved in engaging fully with a course as an “A student.” The BlendKit course materials, however, are designed to serve the needs, time availability, and topical interests of the individual. Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills. About the Course Education and work are changing as a result of technology and its influence in the workplace.

Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills

We now have new ways of working, new tools for working, new ways of living and even new ways of thinking as a result of the influence of technology on life, work and leisure. In the workplace, more workers are needed in multi-tasking, information and communications-based employment. Entrants to workplaces need skills to function effectively in this environment that have not traditionally been taught in our schools and universities. In this course, we identify some of these complex skills, and select one to examine in detail - collaborative problem solving - that combines both cognitive and social aspects and requires the ability to use and build knowledge. Announcement for US based teachers: To participate in this opportunity, U.S. district leaders should approve Coursera MOOCs as teacher professional development by completing a brief form at:

Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom. About the Course Effective measures of performance and assessment are a crucial component of any virtual program.

Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom

Teachers and administrators must understand both the myths and challenges of assessing performance virtually, administering standardized testing with geographical challenges, and complying with state and local requirements to make sure students are meeting requirements. This course will discuss student performance in a virtual classroom, formats of virtual assessments, assessing special populations, including at-risk, gifted, and special needs students, data analysis of virtual course gradebooks, and learning management systems as related to performance and assessment. K-12 Blended & Online Learning. Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application. In this course you will learn about the fundamentals of online education.

Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application

The emphasis will be on planning and application. In the planning phase, you will explore online learning pedagogy, online course design,privacy and copyright issues, online assessments, managing an online class, web tools and Learning Management Systems. In the application phase, you will create online learning materials. Learning to Teach Online. About the Course Are you an educator?

Learning to Teach Online

Have you ever wanted to understand more about how to design your course to make better use of educational technology – whether fully online or in blended contexts? Would you like to learn from those who have extensive practical experience with online technologies? This course is designed to help you develop a working understanding of successful online teaching strategies that you can apply in your own practice. Integrating online technologies into your teaching can be a challenging prospect, and it can be difficult to know how to approach it effectively for the benefit of both students and yourself. Watch interviews with the Course Instructors Simon McIntyre and Negin Mirriahi discussing the motivations behind the course. Announcement for US based teachers: To participate in this opportunity, U.S. district leaders should approve Coursera MOOCs as teacher professional development by completing a brief form at:

Advanced Instructional Strategies in the Virtual Classroom. About the Course This course will help you ‘up’ your game and develop the advanced level skills and techniques that eludes even some of the most experienced virtual teachers.

Advanced Instructional Strategies in the Virtual Classroom

We will examine the pitfalls beginning teachers run into and learn how to overcome them by focusing on the fundamentals that have the greatest impact on student learning in a blended or online environment. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to hear from a variety of experienced K-12 teachers and be challenged to assess your own skills and apply what you are learning by creating a guide, assignment or resource that you will be able to use in a class that you teach or hope to teach someday soon. Learning to Teach Online.