How to choose a university. UCAS Search tool - Home. Search tool - English - Summary. Why study this course An English degree at Bristol is distinguished by a strong commitment to literary studies, as a serious yet immediately pleasurable academic discipline, together with an awareness of how much may be gained through dialogue with other disciplines in the University and beyond.
The degree covers major texts and authors from all periods of English literature, and also gives you the opportunity to develop your own special interests. Core period units in years two and three offer you the opportunity to study the full historical development of English literature from the medieval period to the present day, while in optional special subject units, based on the research interests of teaching staff, you will explore particular authors, topics, or genres.
Location Senate House Tyndall Avenue Bristol United Kingdom More about this course Who’s this course for? This course would suit intelligent, imaginative, hard-working students who love reading widely. Modular structure. Search tool - English - Entry requirements. Study at Bristol. English. Which? University - find the best university & degree course. The official website for comparing UK higher education course data - Unistats. Showing 10 results out of 22 for '*' Open day questions: veterinary science students Planning to study veterinary science at uni?
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