Conseil et Services Open Source: Embedded Linux et PKI. Open-source hardware. Open source hardware consists of physical artifacts of technology designed and offered by the open design movement.
Both free and open source software (FOSS) as well as open source hardware is created by this open source culture movement and applies a like concept to a variety of components. The term usually means that information about the hardware is easily discerned. Hardware design (i.e. mechanical drawings, schematics, bills of material, PCB layout data, HDL source code and integrated circuit layout data), in addition to the software that drives the hardware, are all released with the FOSS approach.
Since the rise of reconfigurable programmable logic devices, sharing of logic designs has been a form of open source hardware. Instead of the schematics, hardware description language (HDL) code is shared. Licenses[edit] The RepRap general-purpose 3D printer with the ability to make copies of most of its own structural parts Noteworthy licenses include: Development[edit] Intalio. Ismael Chang Ghalimi. OpenSource, Wifi, Zope ... sex and sun — Toonux - Vecteur de gee. HADOPI, LOPPSI, ACTA, Paquet Télécom ... sous les octets, la pla.
Zigbee. Bienvenue. Workflow. Arduino 3.0: moins cher avec deux fois plus de mémoire - Gizmodo. La toute dernière version d'Arduino est disponible, avec une mémoire doublée, deux couches et une taile jivarisée .
Ce nouvel Arduino s’appuie sur un ATmega328 au lieu du ATmega168, et certains éléments ont été déplacés, comme la LED témoin de tension et les connecteurs PIN. Les plus bricoleurs d’entre vous sauront quoi en faire et comment mettre à profit les nouvelles perspectives permises par l’Arduino 3.0, qui est dès à présent disponible pour 34,99$. [Maker Shed via MAKE] Free licences. Hackability, bidouillabilité, Do It Yourself. To be reused (or not) Web platform v1.1 Assembled [THM106B3P] - $37.15. Dangerous Prototypes · Prototype: Web platform. This is an old version, see the latest version on the documentation wiki.
The Dangerous Prototypes web platform is a tiny server designed for networked hacks where a full PC is inconvenient. There’s lots of interesting projects that bridge the internet to microcontrollers, but most of them have a PC in the middle to handle network stuff. This business card size internet appliance can connect to web services, control physical objects from a browser interface, or email sensor status reports; no PC intermediary required!
This isn’t our first small server. Ian designed a popular web server on a business card featured at Hack a Day. This article introduces the hardware. The Web Platform is available as a kit for $35, including worldwide shipping. Hardware Click for a large image of the schematic [PNG]. DsPIC 33FJ128GP204 The dsPIC33- series also has peripheral pin select, a feature that allows custom pin assignments for the various hardware modules. ENC28J60 network MAC & PHY microSD CARD Ping. Strobit - Strobit Wireless Widget Open Hardware Project. Welcome to the Strobit Wireless Widget Project.
The project aims to is to create a compact, low cost, battery powered, wireless enabled Arduino that is Open (as in Open Hardware). All Documentation is available via the wiki. See RoadMap documentation for further details. Images (Click thumbnails to view larger images) RFM12B Widget Board RFM12B Widget Board Basic Strobist Personality. Linaro - Software foundations for an open digital world. Open Compute Project. Open source : Facebook publie le design développé pour ses serveurs et son datacenter.
Si le concept d’open source est communément admis pour tout ce qui touche au logiciel, l’équivalent pour le matériel est nettement moins répandu.
C’est la voie qu’a choisie Facebook pour faire profiter la communauté de son travail sur la conception d’un serveur et d’un datacenter inédits. Hier, le réseau social a dévoilé le résultat de près de deux ans d’efforts durant lesquels 3 ingénieurs ont imaginé et fabriqué un serveur et un datacenter adaptés au besoin du site de pouvoir traiter les informations de ses 500 millions de membres en temps réel (photos, messages, discussions…). Facebook (1)