Elon Musk’s Space Dream Almost Killed Tesla. By Ashlee Vance | May 14, 2015 Illustrations by The Red Dress SpaceX started with a plan to send mice to Mars.
It got crazier from there. In late October 2001, Elon Musk went to Moscow to buy an intercontinental ballistic missile. Uzziel on Instagram: “Essentials this morning #drawing #inspiration #morning” Just another WordPress.com site. The original mural by Ganzeer and friends, taken on December 2, 2011 Days after the first anniversary of January 25, tensions between anti-regime activists and loyalists to the SCAF have now reached the cement walls and streets of Cairo.
OH Abbey Lee .... Hilo Chen. Rudolf Dassler Wellengang Mid (brown / blue / grey / copper) M a blog / Tyler Askew [New York] A mixer of inspiration and tips about web design, wordpress, joomla, vectors... Tim Howard Management - WENDY ROWE + SHAY ASHUAL FOR ALLURE FEBRUARY 2012. Graphiste / Webdesigner. LEO KEMPF DESIGN. The Mark Velasquez Blog. Beauty Standard - - page 2. El nuevo año vino con muchos cambios. el 7 de enero nació Franz, y desde ese día somos más felices de lo que alguna vez pudimos imaginar. los últimos meses del año pasado fueron una locura. aunque cada uno tiene su experiencia, creo para todos la etapa final de un embarazo viene con una mezcla de emociones y sensaciones que muchas veces se contradicen. ansiedad, felicidad, miedo, desconcierto y comprensión. fue un tiempo que elegí guardar para nosotros para aprovechar y recordar cada momento. los primeros días de este año, y últimos de mi embarazo, se hicieron interminables. el saber que el bebé podía llegar en cualquier momento me generó una ansiedad y adrenalina que no podría comparar con otra situación. sólo quedaba esperar, hasta que llegó el día.
26 Brilliant Minimalist Print Ads. Leonardo da Vinci once said: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”, and architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe adopted the motto “Less is more” to describe his extreme simplicity, by enlisting every element and detail to serve multiple visual and functional purposes (such as designing a floor to also serve as the radiator, or a massive fireplace to also house the bathroom).
Even after 500 years Leonardo’s words are true and this rule is still widely used in design and advertising. 50 Inspiring Logo Designs. Jan 20 2012 A logo is an essential part of branding your website and marketing it offline and online.
Some logo designs feature simple, beautiful typography whilst others more are fun and colourful. However, all logos should be memorable and able to integrate with your website design effortlessly. One of the best ways of getting inspiration for a logo design is by looking at what other designers have created. Today we would like to show you 50 creative logo designs that we hope will inspire you and give you ideas for creating your own logo.
Lovely Logo Designs. The Cartoon Lounge: An Interview with Noma Bar. NiceFuckingGraphics! SEVNTHSIN // We Make Connections // Home. BStudio. Webdesign & Grafische Vormgeving. Plat4M Digital Agency. Fotos para decorar. 80 Beautiful Typefaces For Professional Design. Advertisement You don’t like to scroll?
Be prepared. (We warned you.) Every now and again designers stumble upon the very same problem: the choice of a unique and beautiful typeface which manages to fulfill three basic tasks. Support the corporate identity, enrich the visual appearance and is compatible with the overall design. So which typefaces are “bulletproof”? We have answers. Let’s take a look at over 80 gorgeous typefaces for professional design, based upon suggestions from designers and web-developers all over the world.
Classic Typefaces Classics of typography in a brief overview. 1. 2. 8 New Sans-Serif Fonts. Posted on 10'11 Jun Posted on June 10, 2011 along with 28 JUST™ Creative Comments Here are a bunch of ‘new’, clean, sans-serif fonts that have caught my eye recently.
Online Portfolios on the Behance Network. Color Scheme Designer [Combinador de Colores para diseño web] Apples and Butter: Gazpacho Garnish - Kicking It Up a Notch! Earlier this week I promised you a way to kick up the garnish on this gazpacho.
This presentation technique takes a delicious, casual summer soup and turns into something elegant and worthy of company. It's really quite simple and the only tool you need is a ring mold. If you don't have any and you're interested in working on presentation, I strongly recommend getting a set like this. You will find a hundred and one uses for it. Here are some suggested ingredients for the vegetable salad that make up the bulk of the garnish, but you should use whichever vegetables you have on hand or whatever looks good at the market that week. Some of the things we think about — Really Simple. I recently attended the Do Lectures – an annual event held in a stunning location in West Wales, often referred to as a conference, although I don’t think that word describes the experience very well at all.
A Vancouver, BC design studio specializing in branding, graphic design, art direction, photography, web design, copy editing, events and product reviews. Blogger Inspiration: Alicia of Cheetah is the New Black. Over the past few months, we’ve been interviewing some of our favorite fashion bloggers and finding inspiration in their styles.
In case you missed them, see our past interviews with Maria of Lulu Letty, Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky, Georgina of Cupcake’s Clothes, Tieka of Selective Potential, Rebecca of The Clothes Horse, Keiko Lynn, Kendi of Kendi Everyday, Sally of Already Pretty, Mel of Idee Geniale, La Carmina, and Julie of Orchid Grey. Today we’re meeting Alicia of Cheetah is the New Black. About Alicia Alicia’s blog is a wonderful mix of outfits, inspiration, collages, photography, food and fashion.
Based in San Francisco, but soon to be moving to New York, Alicia has a fun and laid back sense of style – just like San Francisco itself. Our Interview with Alicia 1. I write Cheetah is the New Black, a lifestyle / fashion blog in which I feature anything I find particularly inspiring from fashion to food as well as the rather obvious cheetah / leopard print. 2. 3. Artistic Flooring Ideas - Bold Color Rugs by Gan Rugs.
Graphic Design Portfolio by Alan Reddan. Since 1999 home of design culture, leading independent publication for design, architecture, art, photography and graphics. A little bit Alice. A little bit Alice. Ben the Bodyguard. Protecting your data on iPhone® and iPod touch® Recetas de postres – Kiwilimon. Conéctate con tu usuario de tu red social favorita: Conéctate con tu red social favorita: Recuperar mi contraseña y/o mi código de activación: Validar la cuenta: Muchas gracias por registrarte en Kiwilimón. Te hemos enviado un código de validación a tu cuenta de correo. No has recibido el código? Enlaza tu cuenta: Hemos detectado que el correo de tu red social ya esta en nuestra base de datos.