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Online Search Tools - Mobile

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Mobile search. Market description[edit] "Competition for the US mobile search market promises to be fierce, thanks to the large US online ad market and strong pushes by portals.

Mobile search

By 2011, mobile search will account for around $715 million, or almost 15% of a total mobile advertising market worth nearly $4.7 billion", according to a leading market research firm; eMarketer.[1] Depending on a researcher's particular bias toward telecom, Web or technology factors, the published forecasts for global mobile search vary from $1.5 billion by 2011 (from Informa Telecoms & Media) to over $11 billion by 2008 (according to Piper Jaffray).[2] Mobile search is important for the usability of mobile content for the same reasons as internet search engines became important to the usability of internet content.

Early internet content was largely provided by portals such as Netscape. As the depth of available content grew, portals were unable to provide total coverage. Types of mobile search[edit] [edit] Main providers[edit] About ChaCha. Picollator - Web and Multimedia Search Engine. Mobile Software : Questions. CloudMagic : Add a Powerful Search Tool on Your Android and iPhone. Do you know CloudMagic ?

CloudMagic : Add a Powerful Search Tool on Your Android and iPhone

It is a powerful search engine that integrates quickly to your Gmail account, Google Apps and Twitter. A mobile version of CloudMagic for Android and iPhone is now available for download. Search engines on smartphones are not very efficient. For example, it is impossible to search the text of a message on the iPhone. Or search for emails with a PDF attachment. Now you can easily search across Twitter, Gmail, Google Apps, Docs, Calendar and Contacts from desktop or mobile. Super Fast Search : Lists relevant tweets, emails, docs, calendar events and contacts instantly as you type. Android and iPhone versions of CloudMagic come partly solve this shortcoming. Link : CloudMagic for Android | iPhone. Towza Mobile Search and Portal.

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