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GitHub - DevPress/DP-Dashboard: Plugin for customizing WordPress admin pages. Create WordPress Plugins with OOP Techniques. Object-oriented code, among other things, can help organize and add reusability to your code. In this tutorial, I will teach you the basics of writing a WordPress plugin using object oriented techniques. We'll be using Dribbble's API as an example for this tutorial. Ready? Benefits of using OOP for WordPress plugins.How to setup a shortcode.How to setup a template tag.How to enable shortcode in WordPress widgets.Real-world example by using Dribbble's API. Before moving forward with this tutorial, you should have at least an elementary understanding of writing a WordPress plugin. Creating WordPress plugins with object oriented code is quite efficient and tidy, when compared to using procedural code.

To write a WordPress plugin, we first need a sense of direction. Object oriented code is based on classes and methods (functions). PHP classes have a constructor function, __construct, which is executed as soon as a new instance of a class is instantiated. Learn more about wp_remote_get. Super Link Preview — WordPress Plugins. Get the most relevant image, or the appropriate embedded media player, or the page screenshot of any external link in your post (similar to what you get when you share a page on Facebook or Google+).

The Super Link Preview plugin supports: You can overrule the workflow and force the plugin to take the linked page’s screenshot with the forceshot dashcode attribute. Shortcode Preview [link-preview url="link-to-website" forceshot="false"] Multisite Compatibility The Super Link Preview plugin is compatibly with WordPress Multisite, just use the Network Activate feature to enable the shortcode on every site. If you only want to enable the shortcode for a specific site, activate the plugin for that site only. Adminimize. Media Library Assistant. The Media Library Assistant provides several enhancements for managing the Media Library, including: The [mla_gallery] shortcode, used in a post, page or custom post type to add a gallery of images and/or other Media Library items (such as PDF documents).

MLA Gallery is a superset of the WordPress [gallery] shortcode; it is compatible with [gallery] and provides many enhancements. These include: 1) full query and display support for WordPress categories, tags, custom taxonomies and custom fields, 2) support for all post_mime_type values, not just images 3) media Library items need not be "attached" to the post, and 4) control over the styles, markup and content of each gallery using Style and Markup Templates.

The Assistant is designed to work like the standard Media Library pages, so the learning curve is short and gentle. This plugin was inspired by my work on the WordPress web site for our nonprofit, Fair Trade Judaica. The 15 Most Useful Media File Manager Plugins for WordPress. Long gone are the days in which websites are a text-only experience. These days using different types of media to improve web content is not only possible but mandatory. Using images, videos, and other media is important to enhance the user experience, evoke emotions, break up large pieces of text, and emphasize points made in the post. It’s no wonder the demand for free stock photos has dramatically increased. In WordPress, all media files get stored in the media library where they can be searched, edited, and removed if no longer needed. Recent updates have greatly improved this part of the WordPress backend. However, while that is true, there are still things to be improved.

WordPress Plugins for Better Media Organization Depending on how active your site is, you might quickly accumulate large numbers of images and other media files in your library. 1. This next plugin also enhances the WordPress media manager with a few very useful features. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Using External Media Files.


WordPress Security Plugin | Wordfence. WP Plugin Directory | The Best WordPress Plugins. Meta Slider. Must Use Plugins. Must-use plugins (a.k.a. mu-plugins) are plugins installed in a special directory inside the content folder and which are automatically enabled on all sites in the installation. Must-use plugins do not show in the default list of plugins on the Plugins page of wp-admin – although they do appear in a special Must-Use section – and cannot be disabled except by removing the plugin file from the must-use directory, which is found in wp-content/mu-plugins by default.

To change the default directory manually, define WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR and WPMU_PLUGIN_URL in wp-config.php. Features Always-on, no need to enable via admin and users cannot disable by accident. Can be enabled simply by uploading file to the mu-plugins directory, without having to log-in. Loaded by PHP, in alphabetical order, before normal plugins, meaning API hooks added in an mu-plugin apply to all other plugins even if they run hooked-functions in the global namespace.

Caveats <? History and Naming Source Code. Groups. Groups is designed as an efficient, powerful and flexible solution for group-oriented membership and content access control. It provides group-based user membership management, group-based capabilities and access control for content, built on solid principles. Groups is light-weight and offers an easy user interface, while it acts as a framework and integrates standard WordPress capabilities and application-specific capabilities along with an extensive API. Enhanced functionality is available via official extensions for Groups. Documentation The official documentation is located at the Groups documentation pages. Features User groups Supports an unlimited number of groupsProvides a Registered group which is automatically maintainedUsers can be assigned to any groupUsers are added automatically to the Registered group Groups hierarchy Supports group hierarchies with capability inheritance Group capabilities Access control Easy user interface Sensible options Access Control Framework Multisite Feedback.