Mayan King Lord Pacal Statue on Ceremonial Base:Amazon:Home & Kitchen. Скифская эпоха Алтая | Публикации | Полосьмак. Н.В. Полосьмак (г. Новосибирск, ИАиЭ СО РАН) N.V. Polosmak (Novosibirsk, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SD RAS) Warrior's helmet of pazyryk Впервые за более чем столетнюю историю изучения пазырыкской культуры в "замерзших" могилах Укока были обнаружены войлочные головные уборы воинов- всадников. Войлочные шлемы пазырыкцев сшивались из двух одинаковых деталей, выкроенных по меркам конкретного человека, так как должны были плотно облегать голову, прикрывая уши. Внешний вид этих головных уборов близок к колпакам известным по разнообразным изображениям, от скифской торевтики и персепольских барельефов до монет первых Аршакидов. Аналоги пазырыкским воинским шлемам обнаружены благодаря удивительной сохранности вещей из органических материалов в погребениях северо-западного Синьцзяна.
Таблица 1. Абрис войлочного шлема воинов-пазырыкцев представляет собой птицу. Нельзя не отметить и другую линию бытования подобных шлемов. |Вернуться к публикациям| TRIBUTE. Giza Plateau. ELONGATED SKULLS. Tribute. By April Holloway French archaeologists made a surprising discovery during an excavation in Alsace, France, when they uncovered a substantially elongated skull dating back 1,500 years. The finding prompted the archaeologists to extend their search over 7.5 acres, which resulted in the discovery of an abundance of artefacts, human and animal remains from Neolithic, Gallic, Gallo-Roman, and Merovingian societies.
The skull appears to have been intentionally elongated through the practice known as cranial deformation, which is usually associated with ancient Mesoamerican cultures and was practiced extensively in Europe, Africa, Asia, and as noted, South America. Starchild skull Mexico. The Starchild skull. The Starchild skull is an abnormal human skull allegedly found in Mexico that is claimed to be the product of extraterrestrial-human breeding or genetic manipulation. Tests conducted utilizing mtDNA recovered from the skull have established it as human.[1][2] Experts believe it to be the skull of a child who died as a result of known genetic or congenital abnormalities, such as congenital hydrocephalus. Discovery Paranormal researcher Lloyd Pye, the owner of the skull, reported having obtained the skull from Ray and Melanie Young of El Paso, Texas, in February 1999.
According to Pye, the skull was found around 1930 in a mine tunnel about 100 miles (160 km) southwest of Chihuahua, Mexico, buried alongside a normal human skeleton that was exposed and lying supine on the surface of the tunnel.[3][4] Claims Young children with hydrocephalus typically have an abnormally large head, as fluid pressure causes individual skull bones to bulge outward. DNA testing References. The NESS » The Starchild Project. February 2006 by Steven Novella, MD An American couple present to the media the skull of a child they claim was obtained 60-70 years ago from a cave in Mexico.
The cranial cavity of this skull is grotesquely enlarged, and the other features appear human, but in a distorted form. The media dub the skull the “starchild,” and speculate freely about the creature to whom it once belonged. Conservative scientists are convinced that the skull represents a severe congenital abnormality, but require more thorough examination before they can be more specific. Other investigators, however, reject this conclusion, and claim instead that the skull belongs either to an alien or an alien-human hybrid. Skeptics are all too familiar with the above sequence of events. The Starchild Project About 60 or 70 years ago, an American girl living in Mexico allegedly discovered the skeletal remains of an adult and an apparently malformed child in a cave near her village.
References 1) Shermer, M. Baby Elongated Skull. On July 20, 2012, the Unexplained Phenomena Examiner had the good fortune to speak with Brien Foerster from "Ancient Aliens. " Foerster is an accomplished author and researcher who took time from his busy schedule to provide additional information and answer questions about the recent discovery of elongated skulls found in Peru, which included an elongated baby skull and the elongated skull of an unborn fetus. He provided the following information exclusively to's readers. This is a follow-up to the article "DNA testing underway on 'alien hybrid human baby' found in Peru. " Examiner: When do you expect the results of the DNA testing on the elongated human skulls found in Peru?
Foerster: The process began over a year ago, in April of 2011 when I sent samples to Lloyd Pye of the Starchild Project: The initial samples I sent were bone, skin and hair from five elongated skulls, and unfortunately they were contaminated with bacterial DNA. Anatomy Expert Believes Enigmatic Skeleton Of Peru Is Not Human. Large Skulls in Peru. Skulls Comparaison. Elongated Skulls Shock American Physician... Lower Leg Bones Caucasoid Like. Interview with Brien Foerster on Elongated Skulls. Elongated Skulls in Siberia.