Envision Art 01 Spring 2007. Prof. Fabian Winkler This is the first course in a series of interdisciplinary Electronic and Time-Based Art classes offered through the Division of Art and Design combining resources and technologies in the Envision Center with contemporary artistic research and practice. Envision Art 01: the responsive screen investigates the complex relationship between computer-generated images and the physical environment around them.
Through technical workshops, independent research and collaborative project work students will explore many new answers to the question: how can digital images interact with physical objects? The course focuses on the experimentation with both, physical objects using sensors/actuators and the aesthetics of real-time computer graphics. Parallel to their project work, students will explore key works of new media art practice. How to Use the Arduino Servo Library. A better way to generate servo control signals is to include the Arduino Servo library in your sketch, one of the standard libraries of pre-written code bundled with the Arduino software. To see a list of Arduino libraries, click the Arduino software’s Help menu and select Reference.Find and follow the Libraries link.
We want to take a closer look at the Servo library. Find and follow the Servo link.Follow and read the links for these functions on the Servo library page: attach() writeMicroseconds() detach() Servos have to receive high-pulse control signals at regular intervals to keep turning. Using the Servo library to send servo control signals takes four steps: Tell the Arduino editor that you want access to the Servo library functions with this declaration at the start of your sketch, before the setup function. #include <Servo.h> // Include servo library Declare and name an instance of the Servo library for each signal you want to send, between the #include and the setup function.
Arduino & NunChuck create Real Time DIY Pan & Tilt Camera. Learn to create your own DIY pan and tilt camera which is controllable (in basically real time) by using a Wii nunchuck and the Arduino.  By moving and rotating the nunchuck, two servo motors match your movements allowing you to control your camera and take pictures. If you’re unfamiliar with the arduino, see our tutorial and the top 40 Arduino projects of the web. How to Make your Own: Grab a nunchuck ($12.50 on eBay), an arduino and two servo motors.We’ve covered how to connect and use the wiimote as an accelerometer in a previous tutoiralAttach them roughly as shown in the image below (slightly different because you have two servos)Upload the arduino sketch.For full details, you can check out the tutorial write up. Control Servo Motors with the Wii Mote Joystick. Servo. The word itself is reeks with coolness. Combine that with the power of the WiiMote joystick and an arduino to… steer a boat or plane for example.
We’ve found two fantastic tutorials to get you started in your WiiMote joystick controlled mod. First up, you’ll need to learn the basics of arduno servo control using a potentiometer. Basically, if you turn the pot to the eight, the servo copies. If you turn it to left, same thing. After you’ve mastered the potentiomenter, let’s move onto servo joystick control. Slightly more complicated, but nothing you can’t handle. Finally, apply your joystick mastery to something useful, like controling a boat rudder. Top 40 Arduino Projects of the Web. Arduino timing methods with millis() This is chapter thirty-seven of a series originally titled “Getting Started/Moving Forward with Arduino!” By John Boxall – in what feels like an endless series of articles on the Arduino universe. The first chapter is here, the complete series is detailed here. Any files from tutorials will be found here. [Updated 20/01/2013] In this article we introduce the millis(); function and put it to use to create various timing examples.
Millis? (2^32)-1, or 4294967295 milliseconds converts to 49.71027-odd days. Where start is an unsigned long variable. /* Example 37.1 - millis() demonstration > chapter 37 John Boxall | CC by-sa-nc */ unsigned long start, finished, elapsed; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { Serial.println("Start... "); start=millis(); delay(1000); finished=millis(); Serial.println("Finished"); elapsed=finished-start; Serial.print(elapsed); Serial.println(" milliseconds elapsed"); Serial.println(); delay(500); } (image licence) Getting Started with Arduino – Chapter Ten. This is part of a series titled “Getting Started with Arduino!” By John Boxall – A tutorial on the Arduino universe. The first chapter is here, the index is here. In this tutorial we’ll minimise an Arduino Uno board, use time to control – and then find some synergy between the two.
As time goes by, you will want to build projects to use away from the bench, or that are permanent. Although doing so is infinitely fun, it can become expensive if you keep buying Arduino boards for each project or proof-of-concept prototype, or even finished products. How? To start, please download the Uno schematic from here. X1 is the 16 MHz resonator. Furthermore, if you only have one chip, it would be very wise to have a second or third as a backup. The blue and yellow wires run off to a 5 volt power supply. To recreate this at home, you will need: A note about the resonator. The cable also supplies power whilst programming, or leaving the cable plugged in. So here it is in action. Exercise 10.1 Like this: Setting up an Arduino on a breadboard. Overview This tutorial shows you how to build an Arduino compatible breadboard with an Atmel Atmega8/168/328 AVR microcontroller and FTDI FT232 breakout board from SparkFun.
You could also use the Arduino USB Mini. Originally created David A. MellisUpdated from the ITP version by Carlyn MawUpdated October 23, 2008 by Rory Nugent Parts To do this, you'll need: The Supplies Basic Parts for wiring up Arduino A breadboard 22 AWG wire 7805 Voltage regulator 2 LEDs2 220 Ohm resistors 1 10k Ohm resistor 2 10 uF capacitors 16 MHz clock crystal 2 22 pF capacitors small momentary normally open ("off") button, i.e. USB to Serial Communication Board You will need a FT232 USB Breakout board from SparkFun. FT232RL USB to Serial Breakout Board, SKU BOB-0071Arduino Serial USB Board, SKU DEV-08165 If you plan to use the top option and have not yet soldered headers to the breakout board, now would be a good time.
Bootloading your Atmega Chips Adding circuitry for a power supply Top Power lines Bottom Power lines. Amherst M5. The M5 tutorials are intended to provide more extensive information to help someone better understand how to use the software and hardware examples listed in the Modules section. *More Arduino Links LED Blink Tutorial. This tutorial introduces the Digital Out feature of the Arduino and some of the most basic programming elements. Basic Digital Input Tutorial. Voltage Divider Tutorial. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Tutorial. Multiple LEDs on one Output Pin Tutorial. Simple MIDI-Out Tutorial. Parallel to Serial Shift Register (input expansion) AD5206 Digital Potentiometer. Whatartist Projects. Processing and arduino. » Blog Archive » A conversation between Processing and Arduino. Processing/Arduino application step-by-step | COSM Community. Coding and the API For code and programming questions, pose them to the Xively community on Stack Overflow.
Many of our engineers actively participate in responding to questions there, alongside topic experts in various programming languages and hardware platforms under the 'Xively' tag. It's a great place to troubleshoot code you’ve been working on, and look for related questions. For technical questions that don't contain code and aren't answered by the API Docs, check the FAQs under 'Using Xively'. Arduino Tutorials. Camera + Turntable + Laser = 360° Scanner. Spooky Arduino Projects #4 – Musical Arduino. The notes for the fourth and final class are up on the Spooky Arduino class page. At the end of the class, Mark of Machine Project bestowed upon each of the students a merit badge. It was great. Click above for a larger view of the badge. Arduino MIDI Drum Kit and Spooky Sound Trigger Here’s a quick project using techniques from this week’s class that turns an Arduino board and a few buttons and piezos into a MIDI drum kit or scary sound trigger.
Hardware The hardware is an Arduino board with a MIDI jack, a few buttons, and two piezos attached to it. (Note: depending on what kind of MIDI connector you’re usign (jack or cut-off cable), you may need to swap the connections to MIDI pins 4 & 5). For the piezo input, the 1M resistor is to bleed off the voltage generated by the piezo when it is struck. Arduino code The code has a few tricks that may not be immediately obvious. The next tricky bit is that the switches in the above schematic don’t need pull-up resistors.
Arduino code: midi_drum_kit. Arduino and ableton. Ok. I found what I needed, but now I've run in to another problem. //// BY: MARK DEMERS Copywrite 20009// April. 2009// VERSION: 1.b//// D Arduino analog input used to sense piezo drum hits then sent serialy to processing.// // Required - 1. Drum kit - kit (From SpikenzieLabs.com)// 2. Arduino//// Required - 1. Serial MIDI converter// 2. Garage Band, Ableton Live etc ...//// This code is provided as is. //*******************************************************************************************************************// User settable variables //******************************************************************************************************************* unsigned char PadNote[6] = {52,16,66,63,40,65}; // MIDI notes from 0 to 127 (Mid C = 60) int PadCutOff[6] = {600,600,600,600,600,600}; // Minimum Analog value to cause a drum hit int MaxPlayTime[6] = {90,90,90,90,90,90}; // Cycles before a 2nd hit is allowed unsigned char status;
Maker Faire New York: Pulse Sensor: Incorporating Biofeedback into your Arduino Projects. For the last couple of years, I’ve become interested in the “quantified self” movement (also known as self-tracking and bio-hacking). QSers like to measure everything they can about themselves: how long they sleep, how well they sleep, how many calories they consume and burn, their blood pressure, their blood glucose levels, their brainwaves, and so on. They do this because they want to find out how their health and sense of well being is affected by their behavior. To find out more about the quantified self movement, visit the Quantified Self blog, started by Kevin Kelly and Gary Wolf. The Pulse Sensor is a quantified self device designed by Joel Murphy and Yuri Gitman of New York University. As they describe it, it’s a “well-designed plug-and-play heart-rate sensor for Arduino.
It can be used by students, artists, athletes, makers, and game & mobile developers who want to easily incorporate live heart-rate data into their projects.” I interviewed Yuri Gitman the Make: Talk podcast. Jaxzin/arduino_touchosc_servo_controller. Tutorial Series for Arduino: It begins. This video was featured on the Adafruit Blog on 01/06/11 This tutorial was featured on the official Arduino blog on 3/9/2011 This video was featured on the DIYFilm Blog on 03/19/11 Thanks to a generous sponsorship from element14, I’m putting together a tutorial series on using the arduino microcontroller platform! The arduino is a platform that I’ve done several projects with, and I think it is the best possible way for beginners to get acquainted with electronics. This tutorial series will be aimed at beginner users, but I’m hoping to keep it going with some more advanced topics a few episodes into the future.
This first episode will get you acquainted with the arduino uno (the current “flagship” arduino), introduce the programming language, and help you get your first program running! You can download the files associated with this episode here: Distributed under the GNU General Public (Open-Source) License. Arduino Project Contest!