A pooling of efforts to illustrate, in color, all five of the Walker treasuries. Tricot d'Art. Library of Knitting Stitches - Knitting Stitch Patterns. The Weekly Stitch. Knitting and Crochet Made Simple. Knit ~ Stitches. Free Knitting Stitch Patterns. Knit & Purl PatternsTutorial & Patterns A simple combinations of knit and purl stitches creates variety of textured stitch patterns.
Here are some classic stitch patterns such as the basketweave stitch, double seed stitch and moss stitch. Lace PatternsTutorial & Patterns A good variety of free lace stitch patterns. Here are some classic lace patterns such as garter eyelet, butterfly stitch, open honeycomb and many more. Miscellaneoues PatternsTutorial & Patterns A good variety of free stitch patterns. Reversible Stitch PatternsTutorial & Patterns. Library of Knitting Stitches - Knitting Stitch Patterns. Points de tricot DROPS: Tricot Ajouré.
Notre bibliothèque de modèles contient 430 modèles, et ne cesse de s'agrandir tous les jours!
Les stylistes DROPS veulent vous montrer le résultat de l'application des différentes techniques au tricot ou au crochet. C'est un outil très utile quand vous cherchez l'inspiration pour vos propres créations. N'oubliez pas qu'avec une qualité différente, plus fine ou plus épaisse, et avec une tension différente, vous pourrez créer vous même un nouvel aspect au motif. Amusez-vous bien! NOTE: Cliquez sur le lien sous la photo pour accéder aux explications complètes. Retour à l'école de tricot. Classement par: Qualité | Nº DROPS | Type de point. Free Knitting Stitch Library knitting patterns. Knitting Stitches at Knitting-and.com. Free Knitting Patterns for Lace Edgings and Insertions at Knitting-and.com.
Edge lace. Pattern of the edge lace motives “Silvia” is inspired by the traditional stitch motif “Silvia” which is enriched with great amount of nupps.
The edge lace is forming a zigzag edge with changing textures. Download pdfRavelry project page. Lace knitting stitches. Wrapped Stitches. I’ve heard this many times: “There are only two stitches used in every piece of knitting—the knit stitch and the purl stitch.”
I guess that’s true, but what about the yarnover? It isn’t really a stitch, I suppose, but it’s used so often that I think of it as one. There are so many uses for the yarnover—there's lace knitting, of course, which is lousy with yarnovers, but there are also stitch patterns such as wrapped stitches and faux cables. The stitch shown above left is a wrapped stitch, and the wrap is actually a yarnover. This stitch pattern is worked as such: Row 1: K3, yarnover, k3, pass yarnover over all three stitches, k3, yarnover, k3, pass yarnover over all three stitches, and so on across row.Row 2: Purl across row.
I’m not sure I’d incorporate the wrapped stitch into a garment because the yarnover wraps would catch on things and snag. The stitch shown at left is a faux cable that uses a yarnover to separate the stitches and achieve the cable look. Cheers, Jolis points. Le site web du tricot ! : pointstricot. Les points ajourés au tricot - 2ème série.