Nutty hoax email has Right-wing Americans on my case – Telegraph. Suddenly I've become a poster boy for the Republican Right. It started when Fox News linked to a blog I'd written suggesting, not terribly seriously, that Brits ought to boycott America in retaliation against Barack Obama's refusal to support us in the Falklands.
Now thousands of emails are being forwarded around the US – particularly in southern states such as Texas – quoting me. The Telegraph's reader-relations department is being innundated with queries asking if I really called for a boycott of America. And Google tells me that quotes from the post now appear in hundreds of websites. This would all be fine, except that after the first paragraph in the email, it transforms into a rant about "Barack Hussein Obama", using bizarre language that certainly isn't mine. My new fans won't like me saying this, but while Barack Obama is clearly one of the most hopeless Western leaders at the moment, I haven't forgiven the Republicans for their disgraceful record under George W.
The Two Faces of the Tea Party - Ross Douthat Blog. Spring Hope Enterprise,Spring Hope,Spring Hope newspaper. To listen to Tea Party folks and their right-wing allies, the U.S. government and the country is so messed up we ought to give it back on the Fourth of July to the British from whom we declared independence in 1776. Their big battle cry this year is “take back our government” from the incumbent politicians they don’t like, but Americans with any sense will keep their government in the hands of grownups, not selfish whiners without a real clue how to respond to the genuine and multiple problems we face.
The first clue of their philosophical incoherence was when the movement began protesting against higher taxes last year at the same time most Americans, including them, saw their taxes reduced by Congress and the President. They opposed the financial bailouts of the banks, went berserk over the bailouts of the auto industry, sneered at health care reform, and treated the stimulus spending of the government as a work of the devil. Reader Opinions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Early Word: 9.5 Percent - The Caucus Blog. Right Wing Leftovers.
Kyl says Obama said no border security for political reasons. Right Wing Thuggery. Gallagher Is a Paranoid, Right-Wing, Watermelon-Smashing Maniac. "Y ou have your hat backward," Gallagher sneers at a twentysomething man in the front row. "Are you a homosexual? Because it seems you have a problem figuring out the front from the back.
" Big laugh. "I see people every day I can't figger out what sex they are," he continues. It's cocktail seating inside the Admiral—small tables of four—and we are placed at #B32 with a largish lady in pink and her mustachioed gentleman friend. My memories of watching Gallagher during my 1980s childhood (Comedy Central was my third parent) were pretty much apolitical—silly props, innocuous puns, and, of course, all the smashing, smashing, smashing. Then Gallagher gets going. "Hey, President ," he spits out the name like a mouthful of burning hair. Gallagher is upset about a lot of things. Above all, everything is gay, gay, gay to Gallagher. Gallagher commands the stage with the weary, sure hand of a touring comic closing out his third decade on the road.
"This is why I'm not on TV," he keeps repeating. Right-wing media freak out over Pelosi's accurate unemployment b. Right-wing media figures are jumping on Nancy Pelosi's comment today that unemployment benefits are a "job creator" that "creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name. " (Representative comment from Doug Powers : Pelosi is "around the bend," "demonstrating lunacy"). They are not, of course, pointing out that she's basically right. As we've repeatedly noted , economists, including Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Elmendorf and McCain economic advisor Mark Zandi, have pointed out that increases in unemployment benefits are among the most effective forst of economic stimulus. In congressional testimony, Elmendorf has said: Transfers to persons (for example, unemployment insurance and nutrition assistance) would also have a significant impact on GDP.
A dollar's worth of a temporary tax cut would have a smaller effect on GDP than a dollar's worth of direct purchases or transfers, because a significant share of the tax cut would probably be saved. Demonizing the Other | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journa. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has been making it up again. This time, she's claiming that illegal immigrants are on a rampage, beheading people in the desert. She has also claimed that most illegal immigrants are "drug mules" who smuggle drugs into the country. Both claims are, of course, false. What Gov. Think back and it's easy to spot right-wing use of "demonize the other" technique in our recent history. When it's convenient for the political right, any group that's not 1950s nuclear family white is eligible for ire.
Now, with the country in a mess thanks to eight years of right-wing policy-made-action, the distracting "other" of choice is illegal immigrants (and legal citizens accidentally mistaken for them). Furthermore, the extent of the problem-du-jour (illegal immigration in this case) must be exaggerated so that it's seen as the biggest problem we face.
Lastly, the problem (illegal immigration in this case) must be made as much of a wedge issue as possible. The Confirmation Process: Is this the Judiciary Committee We Des. A lot of ink (virtual and otherwise) has been spent the last couple of days grading the performance of Elena Kagan at her Supreme Court confirmation hearings before the Senate. If confirmed, this week is the last time Kagan has to talk to the people, so it’s right to focus on how she did. But there seems to be a media blind spot when it comes to grading the Senate Judiciary Committee itself. These 19 elected representatives are entrusted with the awesome responsibility of being the people’s voice in a process that ends with a lifetime appointment. Yet few seem to care if these guys are doing a good job — or if they even know what they are talking about.
Sure, we’ve got to live with confirmed SCOTUS Justices for the rest of their lives, be we have direct electoral control over the Senators who do the confirming. Is it too much to ask that we find 19 people in the entire U.S. Senate that actually understand what judges do for a living? Let’s get this ball rolling. Orrin G. Benjamin L. Fox hypes GOP activist's "explosive new allegations" against Oba.
Fox News is trumpeting completely unsubstantiated allegations made by GOP activist and former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams that the DOJ improperly dismissed voter-intimidation charges against members of the New Black Panther Party for political reasons. But Adams, a longtime Republican activist, relied on hearsay and charges made by others, rather than firsthand knowledge, in making his allegations. Fox News' Kelly interviews GOP activist for "explosive new allegations" Kelly hypes "explosive new allegations in an infamous case of voter intimidation. " On the June 30 edition of America Live , host Megyn Kelly promised "explosive new allegations" in the Black Panther case and introduced her interview with Adams by commenting: "A Justice Department lawyer giving America Live a dramatic interview today alleging politics and race were to blame for the decision not to pursue serious charges against members of the New Black Panther Party.
" Adams is a longtime GOP activist. Right-wing media push Kyl's flatly denied claim that Obama said. Beck's "preachers and pastors" panel: straight from the fringe | John Hagee Evangelical pastor's extreme comments led McCain to reject his endorsement. John Hagee is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church. During the 2008 election, John McCain actively sought Hagee's nomination. After some of Hagee's controversial comments came to light, McCain refused to repudiate Hagee but said , "in no way did I intend for his endorsement to suggest that I in turn agree with all of Pastor Hagee's views, which I obviously do not.
" After more comments were reported, McCain publicly rejected Hagee's endorsement, calling one of Hagee's comments "crazy and unacceptable. " Hagee: God sent Hitler as a "hunter" of "the Jews. " John Hagee, the controversial evangelical leader and endorser of Sen. Going in and out of biblical verse, Hagee preached: " 'And they the hunters should hunt them,' that will be the Jews. He goes on: "Theodore Hertzel is the father of Zionism. "Then god sent a hunter. Ralph Reed Longtime conservative and GOP activist. Jim Garlow David Barton.
Forums:It's still the economy, stupid. Welcome to POLITICO.com. Below you will find answers to some commonly asked questions. Commenting POLITICO uses the Disqus commenting platform. If you have any questions that aren't answered here, please send them to commentsfeedback@politico.com. Will my old POLITICO username still work? Yes, you can continue using your current log-in and password to post to Disqus. I don't have a POLITICO username but I still want to comment on a story. With the new Disqus platform, you can also post with your Facebook ID, Twitter handle or Disqus ID. Can I post photos? No, images are not supported at this time. I posted a comment but it still hasn't shown up. Comments are posted in real time and are not subject to pre-approval.
Does this mean I won't receive breaking news alerts anymore? If you have signed up for them, you will continue to receive any newsletters you've subscribed to. How do I report an abusive comment or a spammer? Simply "Flag as Inappropriate" and moderators will be alerted. POLITICO Pro. Media Matters for America. Varney advances baseless attack that Kagan's Commerce Clause com. July 01, 2010 12:26 am ET — 3 Comments Fox News' Stuart Varney advanced the baseless claim that Elena Kagan's statement that Congress' power to write laws regulating interstate commerce "has been interpreted broadly" makes her "far-left.
" In fact, her comments are in accord with an opinion by conservative Justice Antonin Scalia and a 2005 ruling by a majority of the Supreme Court. Varney advances baseless claim that Kagan's Commerce Clause comments make her "far left" Kagan: "The Commerce Clause has been interpreted broadly. " During Kagan's June 29 confirmation hearing, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) asked whether a hypothetical law that required Americans to "eat three vegetables and three fruits every day" would "violate the Commerce Clause. " [I]t is absolutely the case that the judiciary's job is to, in Marbury v. Varney advances claim that Kagan's interpretation makes her "far-left. " Kagan's statement that the Commerce Clause power is "broad" actually put her in the Supreme Court mainstream.
Drudge falsely claims Biden compared GOP to Nazis | Media Matter. The Drudge Report highlighted Vice President Joe Biden's prediction that Democrats "will be hit with a GOP blitzkrieg" of attacks to falsely claim he was "compar[ing] Republicans to Nazis. " But Republicans and conservative media have often made use of the word "blitzkrieg" in a political context, including in attacks on President Obama and Democrats. Drudge: Biden statement that Dems "will be hit with a GOP blitzkrieg" was a Nazi comparison Biden warned of "GOP blitzkrieg" in fundraising email.
The New York Daily News reported on June 30 that in a fundraising email sent by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Biden stated, "As things heat up, you can expect House Democrats will be hit with a GOP blitzkrieg of vicious Swift-Boat-style attack ads, Karl Rove-inspired knockout tactics, thinly veiled attempts at character assassination and tea party disruptions. " Drudge: "Biden Compares Republicans to Nazis. " Drudge headline amplifies GOP response. Rep. Mr. Beck, Barton, Six Degrees, and Seven Mountains | Right Wing Watc. When I received email alerts yesterday from Wallbuilders, Renewing American Leadership, and the Faith and Freedom Coalition announcing that their respective leaders - David Barton, Jim Garlow, and Ralph Reed - were all going to appear on Glenn Beck last night, I knew something remarkable was going on.
As it turned out, these men with also joined by several other Religious Right leaders, including NOM's Robert George and John Hagee (John Hagee!?) : The discussion went pretty much as you would expect it would when a bunch of Religious Right leaders who are convinced that America was, is, and ought to always be a Christian nation team up with a far-right conspiracy nut ... so it is not really worth covering. Which brings me to my main point: two of the men featured on Beck's program last night also appeared at Convergence 09: According to the schedule, Barton spoke for three hours, but unfortunately I have not been able to find any video of his speech ... but he clearly was there:
PostPartisan - Surprise, surprise: Tea Partyers are Republicans. For some months now, I have been battling against the idea that the Tea Party movement is some brand-new thing in American politics, an independent movement akin to the rebellion led by Ross Perot in the 1990s. Tea Party people, I have been arguing, are simply right-wing Republicans organized under a new banner. I have not been alone in making this case, of course, and it has been slowly gaining ground, but I hope a new Gallup study will settle the question. Gallup is one of our oldest polling firms and no one’s idea of an agent for the left-wing conspiracy. Today, Gallup put out a report that concluded: There is significant overlap between Americans who identify as supporters of the Tea Party movement and those who identify as conservative Republicans.
Here’s Gallup’s summary of its findings from three surveys in March, May, and June of this year. Gallup concluded that “almost 8 out of 10 Tea Party supporters are Republicans, compared with 44 percent of all national adults.” McCarthy’s Ghost and the Right-Wing « Roads to Freedom. July 2, 2010 silentrebellions Politics Canada , Cold War , Communism , Democracy , Equality , Freedom , Justice , Lies , Misinformation , Propaganda , Revolution Betrayed , Russia , Socialism , Soviet Union , United States With the coming of Canada Day, I am compelled to explore an issue that both frustrates and fortifies me at the same time. It is an issue that can trace its roots back to the politics of the early Cold War, but has since permeated every institution and household in our society. That is the dismissive rhetoric and socio-historical distortionism practiced by the right-wing when any discussion arises about the left-wing call for reform in the social and economic order.
One only has to look at the recent debate over health care reform in the United States to catch a glimpse of these tactics in action. One aspect of the conservative philosophy has always been about maintaining the past into the future. Propaganda well executed is an affirmative defense against the truth. Beck misleads about Kagan's arguments on political books, pamphl. June 30, 2010 8:36 pm ET — 2 Comments Glenn Beck falsely suggested that Elena Kagan, in arguing before the Supreme Court that the government could ban "certain political pamphlets," would have banned Thomas Paine's pamphlets. In fact, she was arguing the government's case that pamphlets by corporations and unions could be restricted, not those by individual citizens. From the June 30 edition of Fox News' Glenn Beck : BECK: Finally, this one made my eyes and ears bleed.
First time I saw this, I couldn't believe it. Solicitor General of the United States Elena Kagan argued in front of the Supreme Court that the federal government had the constitutional authority to ban certain political pamphlets. The law Kagan was arguing to uphold wouldn't apply to Paine or any individual Kagan actually argued that the government could restrict corporate pamphlets that advocated for the election or defeat of a candidate. Paine pamphlet did not argue for the election or defeat of a candidate. Virginia Challenges Feds in First Health Care Lawsuit Hearing. The Real Purpose Of Marriage: Sex, Not Love – America’s Right-Wi. A cloud over Bali's beautiful beaches. Right Wingers Trolling for Jews as MSM Turns the Corner.
One Republican's plot to overthrow Nancy Pelosi - War Room - Sal.