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Ajax Animator – Blog. One of my projects to build a fully standards-based, online, collaborative, web-based animation suite.

Ajax Animator – Blog

Its original goal was to be a usable Flash IDE alternative, but has evolved into a cross-platform/cross-format animation tool, primed to support Animated GIFs, SWF (Flash), SVG Animations, and more. It is currently built using Javascript and PHP. Yes I know that the name isn’t the most creative thing ever, and also isn’t the most accurate name ever (There is almost no actual XMLHttpRequests going on there, most of the stuff is client-side and saving/opening is done through a POST into an <iframe>).

The new Ajax Animator version 0.2 was launched on Sunday, August 8, 2008, with this post. Newer and Old Screenshots. MINI DICIONÁRIO TUPI-GUARANI « POVO DE ARUANDA. Corretor Gramatical » LibreOffice.

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