FONTS IN USE >3. Fontshare. Pangram Pangram Foundry — Free to Try Quality Fonts and Typefaces. Polytype. Freizeit Roquefort Spoof Hellenic Typewriter Chromatica Info Basket Typefaces Freizeit Roquefort Spoof Hellenic Typewriter Chromatica Freizeit.
Welcome – Grilli Type – Independent Swiss Type Foundry – Free Trial Fonts. Latinotype New Home. Non Foundry. OH no Type Company. High quality fonts and custom type design. Fonts In Use – Type at work in the real world. Or Type. When Zarathustra was thirty years old, he left his home and the lake of his home, and went into the mountains.
There he enjoyed his spirit and his solitude, and for ten years did not weary of it. But at last his heart changed, and rising one morning with the rosy dawn, he went before the sun, and spoke to it thus: You great star! What would your happiness be, had you not those for whom you shine? For ten years have you climbed here to my cave: you would have wearied of your light and of the journey, had it not been for me, my eagle, and my serpent. But we waited for you every morning, took from you your overflow, and blessed you for it. Laïc: Type Foundry. Catalogue – Swiss Typefaces. Fontfabric™ — We design fonts. Fatype - Typefaces.
Coppers and Brasses. Type catalogue. Blackletra — Type & Graphic Design Studio. The Type+Tech® company. Бесплатные шрифты. Этот раздел предназначен только для публикации шрифтов или информации об имеющемся у вас шрифте которым вы готовы поделиться с участниками комьюнити.
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Radio France / Arte / design numérique, animation / @bureau_205. Sacrés caractères!
Co-produite par Radio France et les Films d’ici, la série “Sacrés caractères!” Présente 6 polices de caractères expliquées en à peine plus de 2 minutes: Bodoni (la police de Calvin Klein), Cooper Black (la typographie d’Easy Jet), Gotham (le caractère de la victoire de Barack Obama en 2008), Helvetica (la police des grandes marques internationales), Mistral (la typographie du film Drive), Times (le caractère “sérieux” de HSBC). Ce format court appelle à une réelle exigence sur le plan du dessin mais aussi de l’aspect didactique car il demande une précision exemplaire dans le discours et sa mise en scène. La réussite du projet a été le fruit d’un dialogue étroit avec le réalisateur et de multiples échanges et propositions. Extrabrut.shop. Welcome – Grilli Type – Independent Swiss Type Foundry – Free Trial Fonts.
Letters from Sweden. 1554 : répertoire de la scène typographique française vivante. Type Foundry Index. Klim Type Foundry · Home.