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4 | 7 Cities That Are Starting To Go Car-Free. After over a hundred years of living with cars, some cities are slowly starting to realize that the automobile doesn't make a lot of sense in the urban context. It isn't just the smog or the traffic deaths; in a city, cars aren't even a convenient way to get around. Traffic in London today moves slower than an average cyclist (or a horse-drawn carriage). Commuters in L.A. spend 90 hours a year stuck in traffic. A U.K. study found that drivers spend 106 days of their lives looking for parking spots. Now a growing number of cities are getting rid of cars in certain neighborhoods through fines, better design, new apps, and, in the case of Milan, even paying commuters to leave their car parked at home and take the train instead. Unsurprisingly, the changes are happening fastest in European capitals that were designed hundreds or thousands of years before cars were ever built.

In sprawling U.S. suburbs that were designed for driving, the path to eliminating cars is obviously more challenging. Recyclebank. Wind: An eco-loving blog community. 3 | The Top 10 Most Innovative Sustainable Buildings Of 2014. By next year, as much as 48% of new non-residential building construction will be green, according to estimates. Sustainable architecture is no longer rare, and that’s something that’s happened fairly quickly--from 2005 to 2012, the number of new green building designs jumped up 39%. So when there’s an award for the best sustainable architecture, it’s no longer enough to have just a few ad hoc features, like rooftop solar panels or a rainwater collection system.

A new roundup of the top 10 current examples of sustainable architecture--selected by the American Institute of Architects' Committee on the Environment--showcase projects that have a “thoroughly integrated” approach to sustainable design. “This year, we saw a movement towards projects that were very urban, complicated large-scale projects,” says Catherine Gavin, one of the members of the jury. Several of the projects transform old buildings to make them sustainable, rather than starting from scratch. Revista Río Verde. *Chacao Limpio* Recolectamos materiales reciclables. REPAVECA. Guías para el Reciclaje. Dentro del sistema de manejo de residuos para su posterior reciclaje la actuación del individuo es vital y a la vez muy sencilla: 1.

Sé consciente ante las compras que realizas 2. Separa en origen La separación en origen es el primer paso para dar una adecuada disposición final a los residuos sólidos que generamos y se refiere a la clasificación de los residuos -según su composición- desde el lugar donde se generan, ya sea la casa, oficina u otros. Para ello te brindamos la información básica necesaria para hacerlo apropiadamente: Guías para la Separación en Origen 3. 4.

Ecoclick. Dolphin Project. //Caura: Parque Nacional // Consumo Responsable. Guia del Consumo Responsable “Actua” de Greenpeace: Este manual presenta propuestas sencillas con las que podrás contribuir con la ecologia. Los consejos se han estructurado en los ámbitos donde desarrollamos nuestras actividades cotidianas. [Descargar] Un vídeo interesantísimo. Para todas las edades, pero recomendado especialmente para introducir a los más peques en la sostenibilidad, aunque muchos adultos deberían verlo y reflexionar, ahora que andan los políticos peleándose por el cambio climático: hay muchas cosas que podemos y debemos hacer los ciudadanos de a pie sin esperar que de arriba vengan a arreglarnos el juguete. Desde su extracción hasta su venta, uso y disposición, todas las cosas que hay en nuestras vidas afectan a las comunidades, y sin embargo la mayoría de todo esto se oculta.

La Historia de las Cosas es un video entretenido, dinámico y cargado de datos, que describe el lado oculto de nuestros patrones de producción y consumo. Tips para el consumo responsable: 1. 2. Live Green. On World Water Day 2012 thousands of people across the globe will walk together for 6 kilometres to demand an end to this crisis. How Far Would You Walk For Water? Millions — mostly women and children–walk 6K every day for water. Billions have no safe place to go to the toilet. Lack of water and sanitation traps people in a vicious circle of disease, lost life chances and poverty. On World Water Day 2012 thousands of people across the globe will walk together for 6 kilometres to demand an end to this crisis.

Please pledge to walk at Help spread the word! Watch the movies FLOW and Blue Gold –two award-winning documentaries about the global water crisis. Share this with Your Friends. Jardinería » Cerezo.