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Laser cutter, start slicing stuff for under 50 dollars. There are many out there that are making things to win a laser cutter.

Laser cutter, start slicing stuff for under 50 dollars

Here is a project for those 500 that don't win, but still want a laser cutter for simple stencil cutting needs. This project was conceived during a chat with Alex where we wished we had a laser cutter and thought we could make one out of an etchasketch. Alex, this instructable is for you. Keep on inspiring me. Pricing guide to DIY CNC mill and router kits. 18 DIY CNC kits from mini to mega Ponoko offers an online, on-demand CNC routing service where you can upload your design file and we’ll send you the CNC cut pieces.

Pricing guide to DIY CNC mill and router kits

UPDATE: As of 18 February 2013, Ponoko is suspending its CNC routing service. But please check out our 3D Printing service and Laser Cutting service! But we know that lots of you makers would like your own CNC machine. So I’ve put together this guide! This is a pretty thorough guide with brief introductions, images, and links to 18 different do-it-yourself CNC kits available for purchase. If you know of any other complete CNC kits available for purchase, please leave info in the comments. Also, I couldn’t have put this list together without the wealth of information available at the excellent and very active CNCZone forums. 1.

Open hardware CNC & 3D printer kit. Successful Kickstarter project now offers complete kit for under $500. 3. Affordable & well supported project; perfect for beginners new to CNC. 4. micRo-kit™ — $699 6.


Paulware/ArduinoDebugger. Achat Imprimante 3D - Acheter imprimante 3D - Imprimante 3D aux meilleurs prix. The Media Computing Group : Back to Tools This place contains all the information that allows you to built your own FabScan.

The Media Computing Group :

Note: Due to the nature of iteratively changing and improving the architecture there are multiple versions of the FabScan out there now. Obviously this situation is not very helpful for me as the developer since ideally I would have to support all available versions. Luckily the structure of the FabScan is modular so you can upgrade and downgrade between the different versions with little effort. In the long run I want to provide support for all the versions and make it easier to change the different parameters. Project description. Technology: How things work.

Project description

RoboSpatium: The high tech playground! News: What has happened so far... Responses: Leave an entry in the guestbook. Low Cost Hobby Servo XY Table. For this project, we wanted to build a lower cost, lower precision XY table for an installation at TeleToyland.

Low Cost Hobby Servo XY Table

The goal is to allow web users to draw shapes in a sand box, so we wanted a simple XY table that is easy to control from a web application. Since we already have the Web to Hobby Servo connection working well for other installations, using a hobby servo was the desired approach. Most homebrew CNC XY tables use motors like steppers and acme screw drives, but we don't need that much precision, and they are a bit slower than we'd like. The Hobby Servo approach also gives us absolute position control, and helps keep the cost down too - using industrial servos would be great, but a lot more expensive. We were also looking for a lower cost way to do the linear glides - trying to avoid costly linear bearings etc.


Polargraph Drawing Machine : Sprocket up! Space Efficient Gardening Rack. DIY CNC. If your at all interested in DIY CNC (do it yourself computer numerical control), then Instructables is the place to be.


We've got detailed step by step instructions on how you can build your own CNC lasers, CNC mills, CNC foam cutters, self-replicating CNC's and even a CNC chocolate 3D printer! Start building a CNC device for your shop today and make something awesome! I think one of the best things about tools is that they can be used to make more tools! I decided to build a miniature milling machine for machining plastic parts, creating wax patterns and for drilli... The idea behind this Instructable was to fulfill my desire for a desktop sized CNC machine. Here is a way to make a computer controlled milling machine. Recycler des vieux lecteurs CD en Télécran. Fabriquer un appareil photo avec un kit Arduino.


Fabriquer un Hotspot Wifi répéteur autonome à énergie solaire. Il est parfois utile de propager un réseau wifi ouvert pour y accéder à une distance plus éloigné.

Fabriquer un Hotspot Wifi répéteur autonome à énergie solaire

Et bien souvent on se heurte au problème de l’alimentation. Voici donc comment construire un répéteur Wifi autonome, alimenté par énergie solaire qui permet de créer un nouvel hotspot wifi. En effet, bien souvent vous disposez un hotspot gratuit, mais il vous manque les quelques mètres pour attraper correctement le signal. PhlatPrinter 3 - A COMPLETE CNC Solution! When your machine is finished, it's time to prepare for your first cuts!

PhlatPrinter 3 - A COMPLETE CNC Solution!

Planet-CNC USB PhlatBoard Since I am using the USB option (Planet-CNC USB PhlatBoard), I had to get that installed with all of the correct settings. The instruction manual that can be downloaded from Planet-CNC ( is very thorough, but I found it to lack basic implementation instructions. Drawduino : Fabriquer le Drawdio de Célestin avec un Arduino. Une boite qui s’ouvre avec la bonne mélodie. DIWire Bender : Une machine qui plie du fil métallique selon un modèle 2D ou 3D. DIWire Bender est une machine de prototypage rapide de formes 2D ou 3D réalisées à partir de fil métallique.

DIWire Bender : Une machine qui plie du fil métallique selon un modèle 2D ou 3D

Il suffit de dessiner une forme sur un ordinateur et la machine cintre le métal jusqu’à la reproduire. Un logiciel permet d’importer des fichiers vectoriels pour les retranscrire en instructions qui vont directement être executer par la machine DIWire Bender. C’est alors une carte arduino qui rentre en action, et va piloter chacun des servo-moteur pour reproduire la forme correspondante au modèle de base.

Un orgue de barbarie électronique à base de NE555. Le NE555 est un petit circuit intégré qui permet pas mal de chose, mais sa fonction principale est de générer une horloge simplement et ajustable avec un simple condensateur et deux résistances.

Un orgue de barbarie électronique à base de NE555

Avec cette horloge, il est possible de produire un son en l’injectant dans un haut-parleur et en jouant avec la valeur d’une seule résistance, on peut ainsi produire plusieurs notes de musique. Fabriquer simplement un petit moteur educatif. Grandson Nicholas vient de réaliser un tuto sur pour réaliser un petit moteur pour un projet éducatif dans son école. Le moteur dispose également d’un système simple et efficace permettant de réguler la vitesse et d’inverser le sens de rotation.

La réalisation est très simple à réaliser, il suffit de réaliser un rotor de 15 spires avec du fil de bobinage autour d’une pile, et de ne pas oublier de gratter les extrémités. Ce rotor est placé sur des crochets conducteurs et relié à un bloc de 4 piles AA pour l’alimenter.