Mental Health
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Durant 50 ans, 84 % des lobotomies furent réalisées sur des femmes, en France, Belgique et Suisse. L’étude n’a pas encore été publiée.
Juste une dizaine de lignes rédigées dans la revue scientifique britannique Nature, nous replongent au temps de gloire et de controverse, pas si lointain, de la lobotomie. Sans que nul ne sache qu’à cette époque, les femmes furent davantage visées. C’est ce qui ressort de l'enquête, menée par trois neurochirurgiens français Aymeric Amelot, (Hôpital La Pitié-Salepétrière, Paris), Marc Levêque (Hôpital Privé Résidence du Parc, Marseille), et Louis-Marie Terrier (Hôpital Bretonneau, CHRU Tours). En fouillant les archives de la bibliothèque de Santé de Paris, ces trois médecins sont parvenus à compiler près de 80 articles et trois thèses portant sur les lobotomies pratiquées entre 1935 et 1985. Objectif ? Des traitements de choc à la lobotomie La lobotomie est une intervention chirurgicale qui consiste à sectionner un lobe, ou une portion du cerveau, et certaines fibres reliant le lobe frontal au reste du cerveau.
Première lobotomie sur une femme. “L’Hécatombe des fous” : 45 000 malades mentaux morts de faim sous le régime de Vichy - Télévision. For Many, Self-Care Makes Anxiety Worse, Not Better. What It’s Like to Go to Work as a Queer Person with Mental Illness. Theconversation. Problems Only Happy People With Depression Understand. 1.
Being happy despite depression doesn’t mean I’m happy to have depression. That’s about as ridiculous as saying someone who smiles during treatment for a physical illness is happy to have it. Being happy means I am strong, I am resilient and I never give up. I have depression whether I’m happy or not.
16 Little Things You Can Do For Someone With Anxiety. When Mental Health Professionals Could Not Speak To My Experience, They Would Not Let Me Heal — EFNIKS. It was near the end of primary school that I first sat down with a therapist.
At 9-years-old, I bore the weight of familial abuse, bullying, abandonment and trust issues, and life-threatening physical health problems. Combined, these led to the first of three suicide attempts. By 11-years-old, I was diagnosed with major chronic depression and anxiety. This has been my truth ever since. Until the Fall of 2013, I navigated these illnesses as best I could alone. Toward the end of 12th grade, I developed a chronic heart condition. Then came the summer of 2017.
15 Mental Health Resolutions For The New Year – Let's Queer Things Up!
2017 was pretty momentous, as far as mental health and recovery goes.
I was finally diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which was one of the most important realizations I’ve ever had. It’s also the year I finally said goodbye to alcohol and hello to online therapy (both A+ decisions). As far as personal growth goes, it was kind of a banner year for me. It wasn’t easy, though. 2017 was also an important reminder that healing takes hard work. The combination of political and personal turmoil landed me in the hospital last January, and a series of unchecked compulsions finally led me to seek professional help for my OCD after it tore through my life like a relentless tornado.
15 Creative Ways to Track Your Mental Health. Header image credit: Lindsay Braman Whether you are recording your mental health to see if your medication is working or keeping a log for you and your doctor – there are many ways daily tracking can help you assess your wellbeing.
If you already track your mental health, you might have a routine that works well for you, and that’s great! Please share below in the comments with ideas and recommendations.
Pour une approche politique de la santé mentale. Hazel Corft est historienne, écrivaine et militante communiste.
Feminism and Anxiety: How the Movement Changed My Relationship with My Mental Health. I’ve been dealing with anxiety for almost as long as I can remember.
Some of my most vivid childhood memories are of the feelings of panic I felt each day immediately prior to entering school. Without warning or reason, my chest would become heavy and I felt short-of-breath. It felt like everything was out of my control.
7 Illustrations That Capture Exactly What It’s Like to Have Anxiety. Panel 1 When you’re sick and ask Dr.
Internet for cure… (A computer below reads, “You’re Obviously Dying. -Internet.”) Panel 2. A Guide to Self-Care for People with Anxiety – Let's Queer Things Up!
[The image features a metal case, presumably a first aid kit, with the words “SELF CARE” on top.]
Holy anxiety, batman. If there’s one thing readers want to hear more about, it’s my experiences with anxiety — namely, how I cope with it. It seems like a lot of us are still trying to navigate this tricky condition. Therapy and medication can help, but a lot of how I manage my anxiety is based on a regular, consistent practice of self-care.
Psychologists Say That Belonging To A Fandom Is Amazing For Your Menta. In May of this year, when the pop fandoms of One Direction, Camila Cabello, Shawn Mendes, Fifth Harmony, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and others came together to support Ariana Grande in the wake of the attack at her Manchester concert, it was a benchmark moment.
Never before had these self-identified groups come together in such a visible way. It wasn’t just the irrefutable power of teens who believe in the greater good, but also the visibility of their togetherness. It legitimized what the internet had known for years: fandoms are big, and they are important — especially in difficult times. “Fandoms,” as they’ve grown to be called, are a group of people who all admire or support a particular entity in popular culture, usually in the case of television shows, book series, movies, artists or performers. Though the term could technically apply to other franchises – like sports – it’s typically reserved for actors, actresses, musicians, content creators and the like.
«Dépression: parlons-en» déclare l’OMS, alors que cette affection arrive en tête des causes de morbidité. 19 Things That Have Genuinely, Honestly, 100% Triggered My Anxiety. Scientists May Have Identified A Physical Difference In The Brains Of People With Suicidal Thoughts.
Psychiatrists at the University of Manchester, in the UK, have identified a link between suicidal ideation and neuroinflammation in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). Using PET scans, they were able to detect elevated levels of microglial activity (an indication of brain inflammation) in individuals with suicidal thoughts. They now think that neuroinflammation could increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior.
Hôpital psychiatrique : ces anciens patients qui soignent les malades - 20 avril 2016. Lorsque Valérie est arrivée dans l'équipe, les réactions ont fusé. "J'ai entendu des infirmières dire : 'Si maintenant les patients deviennent soignants, c'est vraiment qu'on n’en a plus rien à foutre de nous !
Stress et Anxiété : Le Kit de Survie pour faire face à l’imprévu. « Un ami proche a décidé de déménager et de s’installer dans un appartement avec sa future épouse. Tout est prêt pour se passer dans les meilleures circonstances, sauf que… Les déménageurs arrivent avec 4 heures de retard et leur camion est trop petit… tout est chamboulé.
Stress et Anxiété : Le Kit de Survie pour faire face à l’imprévu. 5 Things You Shouldn't Say to Somebody Dealing with Anxiety - Everyday Feminism. 30 things people don't realize you're doing because of your depression.
Les fous qui vivent chez l’habitant. Je suis un auteur de BD indépendant et pas une journaliste salariée du Monde, si ce blog vous plaît, partagez-le et suivez-moi sur Twitter, Facebook , Google+ , Instagram .
Et n’oubliez pas: La femme qui prenait son mari pour un chapeau est une chouette lecture à la plage et à la montagne. Le 14, 15 et 16 juillet quizz sur le cerveau et dédicace au Festival Les Rendez-vous de Juillet (13H), le 29 octobre spectacle sur le cerveau à Bulleberry (Bourges) et le 5 novembre à Massilargues Atuech .
The Wrong People Are Asking The Wrong Questions About Fidget Spinners. Why is nobody talking to people who have the disabilities these were originally designed to solve?
Je ne suis pas seul-e, j’ai au moins toujours l’anxiété avec moi.
L’anxiété ce n’est pas seulement redouter de passer des examens ou avoir le trac avant de faire quelque chose devant un large public, ça peut être des choses aussi « basiques » que :
Une bonne santé mentale pour satisfaire aux normes de la société?
La Semaine nationale de la santé mentale prend fin le 7 mai, et la population fut à nouveau sensibilisée sur l’importance de « cultiver » sa santé mentale.
Les voix des personnes handicapées intellectuelles doivent compter. Il est vrai que, faute de prise en compte de leurs besoins par la société, elles ont souvent plus de difficultés que les autres à apprendre, comprendre et communiquer.
Blog de réflexions autour du vécu traumatique et de la réappropriation des corps, de l'identité de genre, des sexualités et de l’expression pornographique.
Troubles anxieux. What Anxiety Does to Your Brain and What You Can Do About It. A mentally ill woman’s harrowing final days: ‘God Knows Where I Am’
This documentary explores mental illness through the story of a homeless woman, Linda Bishop, whose body was found in an abandoned New Hampshire farmhouse. (Wider Film Projects) This documentary explores mental illness through the story of a homeless woman, Linda Bishop, whose body was found in an abandoned New Hampshire farmhouse. This documentary explores mental illness through the story of a homeless woman, Linda Bishop, whose body was found in an abandoned New Hampshire farmhouse. (Wider Film Projects) No one knows exactly when Linda Bishop drew her last breath, though it was likely Jan. 13, 2008, or soon thereafter.
It is those notebooks, the journal of the last months of Bishop’s life, that form the basis of the remarkably moving new documentary, “God Knows Where I Am,” by brothers Jedd and Todd Wider.
7 Illustrations That Capture Exactly What It’s Like to Have Anxiety - Everyday Feminism. How Your ‘Tough Love’ Hurts People with Depression – And What to Do Instead - Everyday Feminism. Why Mental and Physical Illnesses Make People So Tired. Chances are, if you know someone with a mental disorder or disability, you might have asked them or thought, “Why are you tired?”
For me, “I’m tired” is not a complaint or pessimistic. It’s merely a fact of life. Allow me to explain why a person who is constantly battling their own brain and societal expectations may feel so drained. These are people whose brains are stuck in overdrive and have a great amount of difficulty unwinding to fall asleep at night. For the “average” person, it takes seven minutes to fall asleep. Imagine crawling into bed exhausted and it takes the average of an hour to fall asleep, instead of seven minutes. These are people whose sleep is frequently disturbed and who spend their nights tossing and turning instead of resting. These are people who wake up feeling, at best, slightly more rested than they were when they crawled into bed in the first place — like a battery that has been damaged that never seems to recharge properly. We want to hear your story.
The Strongest Girls Are The Girls With Anxiety. She’s strong, because she’s in a constant battle with her anxiety.
It’s telling her that she’s weak. That she shouldn’t speak up. That she shouldn’t get out of bed. Some days, she listens to everything that voice tells her. But other days, she finds the power to ignore it.
I Have a Mental Disorder – And No, I'm Not Sorry. Mental Health By the Numbers. Millions of Americans are affected by mental health conditions every year. Here are some facts about the prevalence and impact of mental illness. Schizophrenia. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2015, from Bipolar Disorder Among Adults. (n.d.).
10 facts on mental health. Mental Health By the Numbers. ANNUAIRE DES CENTRES MEDICAUX PSYCHOLOGIQUES (SUIVI GRATUIT)
Chaque ville de France à normalement son centre médico psychologique, les entretiens avec les psychiatres, psychologues, infirmières, relaxologues... sont entièrement gratuits.
4 Ways Mentally Ill People Are Blamed For Their Struggles - Unapologetic Feminism.
When You Feel Like You’re ‘Too Much’ for Your Friends. Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal. Politiques et données sur l'emploi. Comic Strip Shows Why Anxiety & Depression Are So Difficult To Fight. 7 Illustrations That Capture Exactly What It’s Like to Have Anxiety - Everyday Feminism. 5 Barriers Making It Harder to Get Mental Health Care If You're Not White - Everyday Feminism.
83 Percent Of Us Will Suffer From A Mental Disorder, According To Study. 5 Things You Shouldn't Say to Somebody Dealing with Anxiety - Everyday Feminism. Helpful Advice. Tips for Managing Anxiety When There’s a Lot of Bad News. Anxiety: What No One Talks About. Tips for Managing Anxiety When There’s a Lot of Bad News. What to Tell Someone With Mental Illness When Feeling Low. What People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because of Your Social Anxiety. There’s an awful cost to getting a PhD that no one talks about — Quartz.
10 Things To Know If You're Having A Mental Health Crisis - BuzzFeed News. Here's How To Use A Bullet Journal For Better Mental Health - BuzzFeed News. 8 Reminders to Not Be So Hard On Yourself When You’re Just Trying to Survive. Combating Anxiety: I'm Not Lazy, I'm Overwhelmed. Réflexions sur les concepts de personne neuroatypique / neurotypique – trolldejardin. L'influence de la santé mentale déclarée sur le maintien en emploi−Économie et Statistique n° 486-487. Chômage et santé mentale−Économie et Statistique n° 486-487. No, There Isn’t a Huge Crisis of Overdiagnosing Mental Illness and Disability– And Here’s Why - Everyday Feminism. Why We Demonize Mental Illness – And What to Do About It - Everyday Feminism.
This Insider's View of Schizophrenia Proves That Neurotypical Privilege Exists - Everyday Feminism. 5 Unhelpful Things People Say to Trivialize Mental Health Issues. Unhelpful Advice: Using Logic to Combat a Mental Illness. Anxiety doesn't come with a guide. Here's what I need from you if you want to help.