Issues of concern being observed in the classrooms can be addressed through Action Research, aspects to observe while observing can be identified through preparation of sample tasks to complete, preparation of lessons can be focused through lesson observations, analysis and preparation of plans and practice can be a real experience in classrooms. Obseve, learn and practice - March 2018. 22- Assignment 1. Teacher Supervision Moving towards an Interactive Approach. 23- Assignment 2 on Someone to watch over me. 24- Assignment 3 on Focused observation. 25- Assignment 4 on Observation by checklist.
26- Assignment 5 on Eye on the classroom 5 and 6. 27- Article Observation Model: Non-linear summary. 28- Task for analyzing the structure of the class. 29- Assignment 6 .Task to analyze Miss LeeĀ“s lesson. 32- The classroom itself. 33- OBSERVATION TASK for the classroom itself. 34- Assignment 9 on brain images. Teaching for Success. 35- Second Semester. Topics for units 3 and 4. 36- Unit 3 Focus on Planning. 37- Sample Lesson Plan 1. 38- Sample Lesson Plan 2. 39- Model Lesson Plan to complete. Portfolio requirements. Attendance Sheet Teaching Practice. Suggested tasks to observe. Task 1. Task 2. Observation and practice task model completed. Task 3. Task 4. 40 -Unit 4 Focus on Assessment.
41- Assigments on Assessment. Guide to activities. 42- Assessment mind maps for class assignment. 43- Focus on the practice period.