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Pathways to Urban Sustainability: Perspective from Portland and the Pacific Northwest: Summary of a Workshop. Pathways to Urban Sustainability: Perspective from Portland and the Pacific Northwest is the summary of a workshop convened by the National Research Council's Science and Technology for Sustainability Program in May 2013 to examine issues relating to sustainability and human-environment interactions in the Portland metropolitan region.

Topics addressed included the role of land-use restrictions on development, transportation innovations, and economic and social challenges. The speakers at the workshop used examples from Portland and the greater Pacific Northwest region to explore critical questions in finding pathways to urban sustainability. This was the third and final of a series of three place-based urban sustainability workshops - the other two workshops focused on Atlanta, Georgia and Houston, Texas. [read full description] This report uses examples from Portland and the Northwest U.S. /S.W. La competizione collaborativa. Ricostruire il capitale sociale ed economico: Fabrizio Pezzani: Libri. Information and Self-Organization: A Macroscopic Approach to Complex Systems (Springer Series in Synergetics) eBook: Hermann Haken: Kindle Store.

Amazon. Solving Complex Problems: Professional Group Decision-Making Support in Highly Complex Situations (2nd Edition): Alexander de Haan, Pauline de Heer: 9789462365049: Books. Amazon. Early Warning for Geological Disasters: Scientific Methods and Current Practice (Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences): Friedemann Wenzel, Jochen Zschau: 9783642122323: Books.

Amazon. 100 Diagrams That Changed the World: From the Earliest Cave Paintings to the Innovation of the iPod: Scott Christianson: 9780452298774: Books. The Responsive City Design Game. This paper reports on a city-game experiment conducted by Ekim Tan as part of the responsive city workshop ( The game was inspired by city-games developed by Portugali (Inter-representation networks and cognitive maps.

In: Portugali, J. (ed.) The Construction of Cognitive Maps, pp. 11–43. Keywords Adaptive design Almere Almere Haven City design City games Complex agents Complexity Design Dutch urbanism Evolution Informal towns Negotiate design New towns Play the city Self organization Serious gaming Simple urban rules The responsive city Urban agents Urban design. Integrated Catastrophe Risk Modeling: Supporting Policy Processes. Abstract Efficient and equitable policies for managing disaster risks and adapting to global environmental change are critically dependent on development of robust options supported by integrated modeling. The book is based on research and state-of-the art models developed at IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) and within its cooperation network.

It addresses the methodological complexities of assessing disaster risks, which call for stochastic simulation, optimization methods and economic modeling. Furthermore, it describes policy frameworks for integrated disaster risk management, including stakeholder participation facilitated by user-interactive decision-support tools. Applications and results are presented for a number of case studies at different problem scales and in different socio-economic contexts, and their implications for loss sharing policies and economic development are discussed. Terremoti, comunicazione, diritto. Riflessioni sul processo alla "Commissione Grandi Rischi" Le catastrofi hanno spesso un'incubazione molto lunga e più di un responsabile.

Per queste ragioni non è possibile cogliere la complessità della vicenda giudiziaria conseguente al terremoto dell'Aquila se non si mettono da parte gli eccessi di semplificazione, i pregiudizi e la frettolosa ricerca di colpevoli. Questo volume si rivolge a chiunque abbia a cuore i problemi connessi alla gestione dei rischi naturali e le conoscenze necessarie per evitare che in futuro questi possano convertirsi in disastri.

La condanna in primo grado dei sette esperti che parteciparono alla riunione della "Grandi Rischi" e l'assoluzione in appello per sei di loro evidenziano un problema che non riguarda solo la solidità dell'impianto accusatorio, ma anche il delicato rapporto tra scienza e giurisprudenza, tra attese dei cittadini esposti ai rischi e istituzioni chiamate a gestirli, tra percezione del rischio e azioni per ridurlo, tra operatori dei media e comunicazione istituzionale. Integrated Catastrophe Risk Modeling. Amazon. Selection from Joseph Fiksel's book, Resilient by Design by Island Press. Amazon. Taking Children’s Voices in Disaster Risk Reduction a Step Forward. Chipo MudavanhuAffiliated withDepartment of Geography, Faculty of Science, Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE) Email author , Siambalala Benard ManyenaAffiliated withHumanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, University of Manchester, Andrew E.

CollinsAffiliated withDisaster and Development Centre, School of Applied Sciences, Northumbria University, Paradzayi BongoAffiliated withDepartment of Geography, Faculty of Science, Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE), Emmanuel MavhuraAffiliated withDepartment of Geography, Faculty of Science, Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE), Desmond ManatsaAffiliated withDepartment of Geography, Faculty of Science, Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE) 10.1007/s13753-015-0060-7 Copyright information Abstract Disaster risk reduction (DRR) continues to gain momentum globally and locally, but there is a notable void in the DRR literature on the role of children in community-level disaster risk management in Zimbabwe.

Cultures and Disasters: Understanding Cultural Framings in Disaster Risk Reduction (Paperback) - Taylor & Francis. Recovery from Disaster (Paperback) - Routledge.