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Unbricking/reloading the bootloader and failsafe on your ArduPilot. Discussion Unbricking/reloading the bootloader and failsafe on your ArduPilot In the course of my testing, I managed to completely mess up my ArduPilot.

Unbricking/reloading the bootloader and failsafe on your ArduPilot

Several of the red lights would come on with power but I could no longer upload the software using the Arduino Development environment that I had used hundreds of times before. It continued to give me an avrdude error message very similar to the one you get when "Set RTS on Close" is not set correctly on your FTDI cable. Obviously, these instructions are intended for those of you who have been able to upload the firmware in the past, but all of a sudden can't get it to work anymore. ArduPilot Mega - Home. Arduino based Arducopter UAV, the open source multi-rotor - Home. ArduPilot. The ArduPilot Project The ArduPilot project is a family of open source autopilots based on the Arduino open source computing platform.


It consists of a choice of ArduPilot Mega (APM) electronics and a range of free software versions for different vehicles. Multirotor UAV.