Overcoming Child Depression through Enchanting Tales and Physical Fitness. Child depression is more common than you can imagine.
Many parents refuse to believe that their children might be suffering from depression or any other form of mental ailment. Why? Because they are kids. They are not supposed to feel anxious or become a victim of dejection. The fact is that children, just like adults, have their “dark days” and choosing not to acknowledge those dark days only makes things worse for children. Pave the Way for an Active Lifestyle The most important thing for children is that they have a balanced life.
Here are some sure-fire ways that you can use to introduce ample activity into your child’s life: According to a growing body of study, empty mind leads to boredom and ultimately child depression. Turning Frowns into Smiles: How to Eliminate Child Aggression through Playgrounds? The most common incidents that occur in the school playgrounds are usually the result of child aggression.
All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy… Indeed, all work and no play can turn our bodies into robotic being with a higher risk of malfunctioning.
But nobody believes in this proverb anymore. The new proverb according to the new era is kinda like “all work and no play can help you reach a towering success,” which is far from being true. It would not be wrong to say that today’s motto of life is a disappointing slur on our lives; instead of letting our children be productive through a good amount of physical activities, we are enslaving them to the technology. This post will discuss why our kids are becoming academic learning machines and what can we do about it. Why My Kid is being so Boring Lately? The answer is simple; the excruciating academic tasks have deprived your kid of all the wit and mischief that might have existed in some part of his growing mind. Before we go any further, here’s what you need to know. Parental Control: How Much is Too Much?
As a parent, I understand how it must be like after working through an 8-9 hour shift every day.
The never-ending headache and the dreadful fatigue are one of the many perks of working a full time job. This becomes especially challenging for people who have children. In an attempt to find the balance between their work and personal life, mots parents take refuge in strict, control policies that confine their children and reduce their ability to express themselves. Creating a Culture of Well-Being: What Can We do? Summary: With the escalating trend of computer activity and sedentary life choices, our children are increasingly falling into the black pit of obesity that offers no way out.
According to a report published by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, more than one third of children in America were obese in the year 2012.[1] This number has significantly escalated in the past few years and there is a possibility that obesity will take its toll on more children in the coming years. Do your kids walk around with layers of fat and cellulite? Lack of physical activity can increase fat accumulation in the body that can ultimately lead to bulky appearance. So what can we do? We cannot just sit around and watch our kids become a victim of deadly corpulence. Exercising through Aerobic Dancing: How to guide Kids for Aerobic Dancing. What could be better than a high level, heart pumping activity for your child?
Perhaps, nothing. Research shows that the best way to eliminate sedentariness For those parents who overlook the benefits of aerobic dancing must know that this might your kids only chance at developing muscular strength. Before we go any further towards the dancing techniques, first, let’s walk through the various types of aerobic exercises that you introduce your kids to.
Aerobic Dance Vigorous aerobic dance movements help in keeping up the inside and out wellness furthermore ends up being a delightful experience. Cycling If you believe that cycling is a kid thing, think again! Power Walking. How to Redefine Fun for Preschoolers with Gross Motor Activities? Most of us are not really aware of what exactly are the gross motor activities, which is the primary reason why we never look for ways to incorporate them in our children’s lives.
So before we take off about what gross motor activities to include in our kids’ lives, let’s, first see what gross motor skills really are. In general terms, gross motor activities are the motor skills that your child learns at an early age. The basic gross motor skills include body movements, including leg, hand and head movement. This article will discuss the various gross motor activities that can help your child develop advance motor skills while having fun on the playground or in the backyard.
Hopscotch There are various approaches that can help kids have an enjoyable game of hopscotch. This is the least challenging approach to the game where players simply hop through the boxes to get the marker. Get Together for the Good Old-Fashioned Charades Charades is one of the most popular and engaging games. The Bored Tyke: Where is boredom taking our children? The recent surge of technology has changed the way children perceive the world.
In fact, it would not be wrong to say that the bleeding edge technology has flipped the conventional horizon of recreation. Gone are the days when children could sit on a bench and read a book while observing nature, or engage in simple play structures in the community park. Am I a Mom Enough? If you have been the permanent resident of the ‘mommy land’ for a while now, then you have probably been visited by the thought “am I mom enough?”
Am I doing enough for my child?” Or “what more should I be doing for my child?” Of course you are doing enough. You provide for them and make sure that they stay protected from the ill-fated events that might injure their future. Why Children Need Specific Set of Exercises? As a parent, it can be very challenging to understand what exercises might be best for children.
Many parents usually fail to comprehend as to why children need a specific set of exercises. This post will shed a light on the unknown facts that play a significant part in our children’s physical and mental development. Not All Exercises Stand Equal The first and the most important thing that you need to realize is that not all exercises are designed to perform an equal task.
For example, exercises that are designed to build leg muscle endurance cannot tone the pectoral muscles. In the same fashion, not every exercise is designed for every age group. Ages 2 months to 5 months: Body movement exercises, including leg, arm and neck movement.Ages 1 -5: Ample physical activity that involves both structured and unstructured play.Ages 5-10: Mild exercise combined with active play.