PSA: A lot of techs are basically impossible to get without the correct scientist assigned. Here's a list of (all?) the related multipliers. : Stellaris. Snazzy Maps - Free Styles for Google Maps. Roleplaying City Map Generator. Powers Quicklist. Fox Creator ~ Twai's Kitsune Game. AnyDice. About my SRD Tools. I thought of writing down something about these tools: how I started them, why I started them, and more importantly: what's missing and other people's similar tools.
Some years ago, a page named Irony.com used to have all sorts of generators; but then one day it all disappeared. I wanted to have something I could rely on. These tools are online-only and most of them written in PHP. I don't have any plans to develop offline-tools at the moment because it's a bit more complicated: I'd have to compile for Linux, Mac, and Windows (I don't own a Mac); any minor change requires to recompile everything; people don't always know which version they're using; etc. Will this page dissapear? Well, it might some day. But before that happens, I'd release this code someplace else. What's the license for my code? Looking for other people tools? Monsters Database This is what started it all. Before taking a dive into this endeavor, I searched the web.
What's missing? Other people's generators: Rings Database. Age of Fable. Random Village Map Generator. Mapping Software - RPG Virtual Tabletop. Page have been review 2018-03-30 ANAmap ANAmap is an online Flash-based map editor, with emphasis on simplicity. It's free and requires no registration. It doesn't support any textures or off-grid placement of objects, but it balances that by being so straightforward and intuitive that it's very easy to create simple maps quickly. AutoREALM Last Update( 2015-06-02) AutoREALM is a Free GNU mapping software (a "cartographer") that can design maps of castles, cities, dungeons and more. Dundjinni Last Update (2008) Dundjinni is a full-featured fantasy map creation program. It has monster stats from Core Rulebook 3 (MM), Privateer Press's Monsternomicon, Green Ronin's Book of Fiends, The Inner Circle's Denizens of Avadnu, and Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed and Eldritch Might series.
Dungeon Painter by Pyromancers.com Dungeon Painter is a free powerful encounter map design tool. No download, installation or registration required. Flat World Map Fractal world map generator. Fractal Mapper 8.0 Mipui. Twisted Product: Snowball. Snowball is named after the well-known Snowball Effect - the most common metaphoric illustration of positive feedback loops. The name came about as a result of looking for a water-based name, one that could thematically tie it back to its direct ancestor The Pool, a game by James V. West. Snowball is, and will always remain, free on the world wide web. It can also be purchased as a part of the No Press Anthology, accessible through the link on the right. There, it comes with seven other wonderful games written by other authors, as well as several illustrations you won't see anywhere else! Download Snowball. Read a review of Snowball and the other games in the anthology.
Snowball was the first product of Twisted Confessions - in fact predating it. Snowball was designed to capitalize on a particular narrative idea - that of the backwards and/or disjointed narrative that proved very popular in the movie Memento, the book Slaughterhouse Five, and numerous other experiments. Other Worlds. Work on the next iteration of Dungeons & Dragons is underway, and you can be a part of it! Interested in playtesting D&D Next? It's easy to sign up and download the latest playtest materials.
Periodically, we will also send you surveys via email to get your feedback. To get started and download the latest playtest packet, click here: For Further Information: Questions about the D&D Next Playtest? Read the FAQ. Overview-map-lettersize.jpg (3150×2400) Encounter Calculator. Online Dungeon Painter & RPG Forum Scene Viewer - solutions for comfortoble online playing. Wildgen. Www.Gozzy's.com - Gaming Links. Links to other sites that contain maps, mapping tools and other roleplaying resources. In this section I've tried to include links to some of my own favourite sites. If you would like me to link to your site send me an e-mail with your URL. Please note that links should be map related and I may not always add the link if I don't consider the site to be relevant.
If I add a link I'll expect you to return the favour! Roleplaying Maps Dungeon Artist - The home of the amazingly talented Jeremy Simmons. Includes downloadable maps that were produced for a number of commercial products. RPG-Art by William McAusland - More excellent maps and other RPG art. RPG Hoard - A superb selection of maps (and other RPG goodies) from the gang at RPG Host. SkeletonKey Games - Some of the most beautiful large-scale adventuring maps you'll ever see. Wizards.com - D&D Map-a-Week - Now simply an archive, the designers at Wizards of the Coast used to add new maps weekly. Other Map Sites Tools and Software. Donjon; RPG Tools. Dave's Mapper | RPG Map Generator.