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Eric Horwitz

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Help. Cool stuff. Alex Prager. GEM-LLC. 10 worst phrases to use at office. Some phrases are over used while others are wrongly used, according to the author. Some phrases uses at the office drive one author crazyShe doesn't want anyone picking her brain or requesting some sweat equitySays all history is past and you can't get more unique than plain uniqueShe's also tired of things being drilled down and balls tossed into her court (CAREERBUILDER) -- YouGov published its list of the 10 worst business sayings months ago. Some I more than agreed with ("thinking outside of the box," "blue-sky thinking," "heads up"); some didn't bug me too much ("at the end of the day," "going forward," "credit crunch").

But it also got me thinking about my own version of the 10 worst business sayings. Consequently, I compiled my own list, complete with definitions and -- most importantly -- the reasons they were included. The first three top my list for their gross factor, pure and simple. 1. 2. 3. The next three were included because of their cliché factor. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Top 10 ways to make better decisions - free mindmap shared on Bi. What a gem. Quotations Book! Can I manage my time? If you do not manage yourself, how do you expect to manage anyone else?

Here is a list of 10 ways to keep yourself on track. (from Coach University) Can you say? 1. I am always on time and ready for meetings; no rushing.2. I have mastered time management. It all gets done well.3. How many did you honestly say yes to? Are you ready for some football? So it is that time of the year, where people actually ask me what is a coach?

(you know those new year's resolutions and all) What does a coach do? Why would I want a coach? Is a coach a therapist without credentials? Is it all a bunch of B.S.? So my best explanation goes as follows: My definition of a business, executive or life coach is the same as a football coach in professional sports, except that you are the player and the owner, and me and my support team are the coach. What does a sports coach do? So you may say that this is something you can do on your own? So without a coach, perhaps you are standing out on the business or career field without protective pads, or training, or any sense of who is your opponent and what their strategy might be. Having a coach myself has allowed me to up my game and improve in every area of my life. Take the first step to your future.

Your Global Education Consulting Firm for School Placement and M. International Baccalaureate. Logo of the International Baccalaureate. Marie-Thérèse Maurette[5] created the framework for what would eventually become the IB Diploma Programme in 1948 when she wrote Is There a Way of Teaching for Peace? , a handbook for United Nationsite.[6] In the mid-1960s, a group of teachers from the International School of Geneva (Ecolint) created the International Schools Examinations Syndicate (ISES), which would later become the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).[7] by Peter Nehr, International Baccalaureate Africa, Europe and Middle-East (IBAEM) was established in 1986,[8] and International Baccalaureate Asia Pacific (IBAP) established during the same period.[9] The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) adheres to the study of eight subject areas and was developed and piloted in the mid-1990s. Diploma Programme curriculum outline[edit] Extended essay[edit] The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, culminating in a 4,000-word paper.

Ways of knowing: The Hotchkiss School - About Hotchkiss - The Center for Global U. The Center for Global Understanding and Independent Thinking reflects a serious commitment by the School, supported by the Board of Trustees, to build upon Hotchkiss’s long heritage of global connectedness. In 2008, the second floor of the Monahan Building, the School’s former athletic center, was transformed to further that commitment by giving needed physical space to house The Center for Global Understanding and Independent Thinking. The Center, directed by Dr. Manjula B. Salomon, Assistant Head of School and Director of Global Initiatives, has a twofold mandate: Establish a comfort with “otherness” in the student body, the faculty, and in the curriculum; and Provide an adult resource and training center on global issues and independent thinking. History The Center for Global Understanding and Independent Thinking builds on an already strong global awareness at Hotchkiss.

Almost from the time of its founding in 1891, Hotchkiss has been enrolling students from across the world. THE ZEN OF ATTRACTION. 12 Things Happy People Do Differently. Post written by: Marc Chernoff Email by Jacob Sokol of Sensophy “I’d always believed that a life of quality, enjoyment, and wisdom were my human birthright and would be automatically bestowed upon me as time passed. I never suspected that I would have to learn how to live - that there were specific disciplines and ways of seeing the world I had to master before I could awaken to a simple, happy, uncomplicated life.” -Dan Millman Studies conducted by positivity psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky point to 12 things happy people do differently to increase their levels of happiness.

These are things that we can start doing today to feel the effects of more happiness in our lives. I want to honor and discuss each of these 12 points, because no matter what part of life’s path we’re currently traveling on, these ‘happiness habits’ will always be applicable. Express gratitude. – When you appreciate what you have, what you have appreciates in value. Photo by: Aurelio Asiain. Consistent effort + Senate passes Small Business Jobs Act - Sep. 16, 2010. By Catherine Clifford, staff reporterSeptember 16, 2010: 1:27 PM ET NEW YORK ( -- After months of debate and significant pressure from the White House, the Senate on Thursday passed a $42 billion bill aimed at helping small businesses. The House passed its own version of the bill about 3 months ago. The Senate's version of the Small Business Jobs Act will now have to go back to the House, where it's expected to pass, before President Obama can sign it into law.

The measure is expected to create 500,000 jobs, according to a Senate summary of the bill. The bill, which passed the Senate vote 61 to 38, aims to spur hiring by making credit more available to small businesses. Without adequate credit, businesses can't grow and hire. What is in the bill: The Small Business Jobs Act authorizes the creation of a $30 billion fund run by the Treasury Department that would deliver ultra-cheap capital to banks with less than $10 billion in assets. Share this. Ambition can also. Put Me in, Coach — I’m Ready to Play | City Scoops -

What a gem. Interesting website. 1300 GEM fans. May. 10-10-10. Six tips from your future self. Older generations warn against spending money you don't have. Our elders can give a good sense of what mistakes younger generations should avoidMany young people put too high of a priority on money and then fall into debtDon't pass up opportunities, says one study participant Editor's note: Karl A. Pillemer, Ph.D., is a professor of human development at Cornell University and professor of gerontology in medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College.

He is also the author of "30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True Advice from the Wisest Americans. " (CNN) -- In an episode of the popular sitcom "30 Rock," television CEO Jack has a hallucinatory encounter with his future self, from whom he receives life advice that helps him avoid major mistakes. Most of us would also like to know which choices and decisions we make as young people will benefit us later on -- or come back to haunt us. The surveys addressed the question, what mistakes should younger people avoid? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mis-Takes. Who are you? Coaching Helps Organizations Achieve Business Results During Economic Downturn. LEXINGTON, KY--(Marketwire - October 12, 2010) - Hard economic times have challenged individuals and companies like never before to try fresh, innovative approaches to finding or securing jobs and the future of their businesses.

Results of the new ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study imply professional coaching can be that innovative tool to help many companies and individuals recover from the recent global recession. According to the recent study, professional coaching is being used to help people around the world improve work performance, expand career opportunities and increase self-esteem. In fact, the study found that more than half of participants -- 51 percent -- are at least aware of the still young and growing coaching profession. Of the 48 percent of respondents who were unaware of coaching, one-third indicated they would consider participating in a coaching relationship in the future. Lack of Coaching Hampers Female Executives. 10 habits of highly organized people. Sorting items into specific groups will help you stay organized. Tips for staying organizedSchedule regular decluttering sessions so everything doesn't pile up at onceAn organized person is willing to call for help, says organization expertSeparate emotions from possessions and be willing to let go of things you don't need ( -- 1.

Walk away from bargains Just because you can buy a cashmere sweater for $20 or three bottles of ketchup for the price of one doesn't mean you should. "Ask, 'Do I have something similar? ' and 'Where am I going to store it? ' before making a purchase," advises New York City professional organizer Julie Morgenstern, author of "Shed Your Stuff, Change Your Life.

" 2. Efficient people give "A-level effort" to the most important projects (say, work assignments or a kitchen redesign), and for the rest they do just enough to get the job done, says Renae Reinardy, PsyD, a psychologist who specializes in hoarding disorders. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Dashboard | Peers & Rivals. Brevan Howard Proves Master of Hedge Funds With Four in Top 100.

When Alan Howard set off for a business trip to India as a young Salomon Brothers bond trader in the late 1980s, colleagues advised against drinking local water. When he got back, the buzz on his trading desk was about the huge tab Howard had run up buying cases of Evian water, according to a person who worked with him at the time. The London native joked that he not only didn’t drink from the tap, he used the imported bottled water to bathe, shave and wash his hair. Today, the co-founder of the $32.6 billion hedge-fund juggernaut Brevan Howard Asset Management LLP still makes it his business to keep out of harm’s way.

From Howard’s trading desk in Geneva, former colleagues say, he obsesses daily about fat- tail risks, black swans or the mere possibility that his economic outlook may be wrong. In 2011, Howard’s risk aversion served him well. Exterior of the Brevan Howard Asset Management's new office building in Geneva. Close Open Photographer: Raffael Waldner/Bloomberg Navigating Crises. Healpros video. Eric Horwitz. Eric Horwitz - New York, NY. Erichorwitz (erichorwitz) Eric Samuel Horwitz - Overview - The University of Maryland. Home. CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time - Blogs from CN. Tigers mistress money. Facebook | Home. Buddakan NYC.