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"...And Sewing Is Half the Battle!" - Basic Makeup for Cosplay FAQ. Basic Makeup For Cosplay - FAQ This is an abridged Makeup for Costuming panel and workshop -- short, internet-friendly version! So you've got a great costume and the perfect wig, and you're all ready to strut your stuff! You go to the convention, pose for a hundred photos, and then go home and prowl the internet looking for your pictures. But when you find them, you're appalled: Your face is washed out. Your forehead is so shiny it's glowing.

You look fifteen pounds heavier. Sound familiar? How Do I Know If My Costume Requires Makeup? What Makeup Do I Need? What Other Products Might I Need? Which Brand of Makeup is Best? How Do I Apply It? Where Should I Buy My Makeup? Is Higher-Priced Makeup Worth the Extra Cost? What if I'm Allergic to Makeup? Where Can I Learn More? How Do I Know If My Costume Requires Makeup? Makeup can be an intimidating topic, especially for you manly men out there! Now, obviously, not every costume requires makeup. Your costume isn't normal street wear. 2) Powder. - Primer. The Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand: Thenar, Hypothenar, Interossei and Lumbricals Muscles - Ground Up Strength. The Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand: Thenar, Hypothenar, Interossei and Lumbricals Muscles Posted on November 21 2010 By Ground Up Strength The muscles that move the hand are divided into two groups, the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles.

The extrinsic muscles of the hand are the powerful flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm. These muscles originate outside the hand and insert within the hand. There are also small muscles located within the structure of the hand itself. The intrinsic muscles that control the thumb, unlike those of the fingers, are actually stronger than the extrinsic thumb muscles. [3] The word thenar refers to the palm of the hand and here, specifically to the fleshy muscular area at the base of the thumb on the palm or volar side of the hand.

Abductor Pollicis Brevis The abductor pollicis brevis (APB) is a large, flat and thin muscle and is just under the skin of the lateral part of the thenar eminence. Abductor Pollicis Brevis Muscle Flexor Pollicis Brevis References 1. 20 (More) Strange and Exotic Endangered Species. The bladder-chewing guppy not enough for you? Can’t stop thinking about exploding ants, boyfriend-devouring she-monsters of the sea and blood-spurting lizards? Don’t worry – terrifying oneself is a common ailment of the intertubes. Unfortunately, there is no cure…but there is more to learn! Reader, prepare thyself. Mexican Walking Fish (Image via dillheady) The Mexican walking fish is on the verge of extinction. Goliath Bird Eating Spider (Image via cirrusimage) Only the biggest spider on earth, this plate-sized bird-gnawing beast actually prefers to feast on smaller fare, like bats, bugs, and annoying children.

Whistling Spider (Image via arachnoboards) Here, human human human human. Chinese Giant Salamander (Images via xinhuanet and ZSL) Something tells us these giant salamanders were never called for in any witch’s recipe. Lord Howe Island Stick Insect (Images via cane toad warrior, aqob and the Age) Delightfully crisp! Weta (Image via basenotes) Giant Water Bug The inspiration for Alien? Kagu. 74 Most Exotic and Amazing Animal Species. Scientists have documented over 20,000 species of fish, 6,000 species of reptiles, 9,000 birds, 1,000 amphibians, 15,000 species of mammals and over a million species of insect – here are some of the strangest, most amazing and most threatened species in the world. Some of these animals may appear harmless but are all too deadly, while others look vicious and are simply rare and endangered. 20 of the World’s Weirdest Endangered Species (BONUS: 20 More of the Strangest Endangered Species) From overweight parrots and lesbian lizards to the cute kiwi and the bumblebee bat, some of the most interesting animals on the planet are also endangered.

Many are remarkably beautiful and others just the opposite but all have a compelling story as a species. 10 of the Strangest Animal Self-Defense Mechanisms: Did you know that a certain type of frog can break its own legs and use the bones as claws to fend off an attacker? 6 of the Most Innocent-Looking Animal Assassins. These little creatures may look cute and cuddly. Until they melt you with their nuclear venom or feast on, say, your bladder. Snails, insects and other small animals often appear to be harmless, but many tiny creatures around the world are capable of delivering a deadly knock-out to the unsuspecting human who crosses their path, as if to compensate for their insignificant size. Read on to be amazed – and consider yourself warned! Candiru (Images via wikimedia, damn interesting and eyes on brazil) Did you hear the one about the Amazonian fish who swam up a penis, took up residence in said penis owner’s bladder, and could not be extracted due to its umbrella-like spines?

Bullet Ant (Image via barrogten) The unimpressive-looking but accurately named bullet ant doesn’t get much traction in the poisonous animal archives of the interwebs, but one of our staff has a first-hand account that is truly horrifying. Blue Ringed Octopus (Image via techhouse) Cone Snail (Image via wikimedia) Poison Dart Frog. BBC Nature - Nocturnal videos, news and facts. Human Traits. Dominant & Recessive Genes.