Mes tweets n’engagent que moi. Les participants du TwittMOOC se demandaient pas plus tard qu’avant hier, comment s’exprimer personnellement sur un compte professionnel, et vice-versa. Leurs réponses dans cette table ronde. Un billet collectif sur une idée collective initiée par @yann1978, comme il peut s’en réaliser si vite avec Twitter. Bonjour, chers twittos, quelques mots de présentation : @yann1978 : Enseignant trentenaire (PE) sur Twitter depuis janvier 2010 après une belle présentation de l’outil par @BertrandFormet, je travaille depuis la même année pour l’OCCE en qualité de formateur pédagogique.
J’utilise maintenant avec une certaine aisance et cherche à me perfectionner sur les réseaux sociaux : Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, … ; et très intéressé à l’utilisation coopérative de ceux-ci… @pierrengt : Parisien, ingénieur, et masculin sont les trois défauts majeurs que me trouve madame. @atresgots2 : Prof d’Histoire-Géo en lycée. Que raconte votre bio twitter, votre PP ? Mapping Twitter Topic Networks: From Polarized Crowds to Community Clusters. Polarized Crowds: Political conversations on Twitter Conversations on Twitter create networks with identifiable contours as people reply to and mention one another in their tweets.
These conversational structures differ, depending on the subject and the people driving the conversation. Six structures are regularly observed: divided, unified, fragmented, clustered, and inward and outward hub and spoke structures. These are created as individuals choose whom to reply to or mention in their Twitter messages and the structures tell a story about the nature of the conversation. If a topic is political, it is common to see two separate, polarized crowds take shape. Measuring reach and engagement on Twitter by Mat Morrison. Stephen wrote an excellent post demystifying Twitter Analytics for PR practitioners a few weeks ago, and I thought it would be fun to look at some of the numbers in more detail.
So with Stephen’s help and the willing participation of a few friendly volunteers, I began my research. What I found was interesting and — I hope — instructive. By Mat Morrison Perhaps the most important lesson: don’t confuse impressions with reach. Lots of people do, but it could be a dangerous mistake when it comes to your own analysis and measurement. “Reach” measures the number of unique viewers who were exposed to your messages, while “Impressions” count the total number of exposures.
Unlike Facebook, say, Twitter doesn’t currently report on Reach in either its Analytics or its Ads platform. While it’s almost certain that Reach and Impressions track closely (i.e. as Impressions increase, so will Reach) we still don’t know for certain what sort of multiples are involved. What Twitter Can Be. Disclaimers: 1) This is a very long read.
Thinking about a company and using its product obsessively for nine years straight will do that to you. 2) My funds and I own a lot of Twitter stock. 3) I do not speak for Twitter. 4) I have no inside information about Twitter. The company could already be building all the stuff below. Inactive account policy. Trademark policy. What The Tweet? Your Illustrated Guide To New Twitter Jargon. Twitter has a problem: New users just don't know how to use it.
To help newbies sign up and start tweeting, the company has made a number of recent changes. Redesigned profiles, a giant World Cup marketing push, and rejiggering the Home timeline are just part of Twitter's many attempts to make it friendlier for first-time users. Ted’s Twitter Follow-Back Policy. Ready?
It’s really straightforward. I follow everyone back on Twitter. (Just about). There, that’s my policy. The Twitter Partner Marketplace. Welcome to Twitter. About Twitter's link service ( Posting links in a Tweet. {55d0d48f-bc8c-44fa-b332-80107e9613a7}_TweetSmarter_eBook_Final. New insights on how followers benefit small and medium-sized businesses.
Last month, we released an interactive desktop example to illustrate the impact that a single follower can have on your business.
Now, a recent study further supports that illustration and offers new insights about the value of Twitter followers for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). We partnered with research firm DB5 to survey 1,000 active U.S. Twitter users who currently follow SMBs. We think the results, along with previous research, help paint a more complete picture of how followers can benefit SMBs. Twitter for Business. Small Business Blog. Increase Sales Online with Flock to Unlock. Twitter Marketing Startegy and Twitter Metics to Measure your Impact. How to Increase Twitter Followers. The value of a follower When someone follows you on Twitter, they not only opt in to see your Tweets – they also take actions that provide value to your business.
In fact, the findings from our ”Small Business Customer Insights Study” (2014) show that followers can help you achieve reach, sales and word of mouth: Content Marketing & Twitter Strategy. Start Tweeting Conversations on Twitter are just like the face-to-face encounters you have with customers each day.
When you’re ready to start Tweeting, use these tips to write Tweets that establish an ongoing dialogue with your followers and stick to your content marketing strategy. Listen and observe. Take a moment to see what other businesses are doing on Twitter and develop your own content marketing strategy by deciding what you like about others’. You can find competitors and monitor relevant conversations using Develop your content marketing strategy Compelling content will help you attract new followers and keep them engaged over time. Here are a few examples of how you can fill your Tweet calendar each week: Monday: PromotionsBuild follower loyalty with an exclusive sale or discount that can be redeemed online or in-store using a special code.
Learn Twitter with Twitter for Business 101. How to Setup a Twitter Business Page & Creating a Business Profile.