Leading Change – 3 Images. I enjoy using images to share ideas.
In my last post, I shared the ‘Embracing Change’ image, also shared below. As I said in the post: “…we’ need to recognize that:* Change isn’t usually easy. * Change only happens when we create a need. * Change is not a thought or a discussion, but an action. * The time to act is now. “If it’s important, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” The idea is simple. Change happens when: Importance > Challenge Despite saying, ‘the idea is simple’, I’ve come to realize that there are a few nuances about the original image that could be explained in a bit more detail than I provided. 1. One of the key elements of this image is the 1:1 relationship represented by the 45 degree slope. So ultimately, when we are implementing change we would want to create an environment where we either increase the importance or where we decrease the challenges we face. 2.
Leading Change – 3 Images. New Study Finds Which Countries Respect Teachers Most. There’s a new report out today called the Global Teacher Status Index and it’s from the folks at Varkey Gems Foundation.
They’ve asked more than 330,000 questions in 21 different countries in an attempt to figure out just about everything teachers want to know. The first big question they’ve answered is about which countries respect teachers the most. You might be surprised that a country like Finland, known to have a high-quality education system, is not at the top of the heap. In fact, they’re nowhere near the top. The study is being released today and is available in full here.
D. Trinidad Hunt. Coaching/ mentoring. 9 Suggestions for the Welcome Back to School letter from the Principal. “Although it was a bit too long, I really appreciated your letter this summer,” is something I have heard many times in the past 15 years.
Like many of you, I write a “welcome back to school” letter to parents every summer, and I think it is a very valuable practice—but be sure to make the most of it. Last summer I happened to post my letter to my blog, something I wasn’t sure was worth doing because it tends to be mostly “inside-baseball,” material primarily pertinent just to my own immediate constituents. 2d3bda87-8e73-4178-aeca-4e684be06432. YouTube. The Heliotropic Effect in Leadership and Coaching. Recently I attended a workshop at Positive 12 led by Kim Cameron Professor of Management at University of Michigan. In his presentation he referred to the ‘Heliotropic Effect’ You might remember this from science classes – perhaps not.
It is the tendency of living things to move towards sources of light and positive energy. (Click the link later in this newsletter to listen to an interview with Professor Cameron). New developments in social network analysis are now revealing the ‘positive energisers’ in organisations and conversely the ‘energy drainers’ - who is attracted to who and who avoids who. 21st Century PLNs for School Leaders. As many school administrators are enjoying their summer break, we all tend to think of ways that we can make our school better in the upcoming year.
Often, I point school principals and district leaders to a powerful post by Will Richardson that helps us point the finger right at ourselves when we are looking to push our school ahead. Stephen Covey Quotes. Stephen covey's seven habits of highly effective people review. Home » self/personal development » the seven habits of highly effective people® Dr Stephen Covey's inspirational book - 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People® Dr Stephen Covey (1932-2012) was and remains a hugely influential management guru.
Covey's most famous book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, became a blueprint for personal development when it was published in 1990. The principles may be used for life in general - they are not limited to workplaces, management, leadership, etc. Covey's concepts actually can help people to grow, change, and become more effective in really any other aspect of human responsibility that you might imagine. Covey's Seven Habits are easy to understand, but like all the best and simplest models, can be a little more difficult to apply in practice.
Be inspired by Covey's ideas nevertheless. Covey produced a substantial body of educational and teaching work. Here is a quick summary. Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People® N.B. Empathy definition, techniques and training, levels of listening theory, listening even.. Home » self/personal development » empathy, trust, listening, diffusing conflict and handling complaints empathy skills - for relationships, communications, complaints, customer retention, conflict and levels of listening types Empathy and trust are a platform for effective understanding, communication and relationships.
Empathy and trust are essential to develop solutions, win and retain business, and avoiding or diffusing conflict. Empathy and trust are essential for handling complaints and retaining customers.
When to Confront Someone: The Rule of Three - Peter Bregman.