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Estadística-Biodiversidad. MatESO. Rúbricas. Gamificación. Papiroflexia. Derechos Autor. Prensa-Radio. Editor LATEX. Documentación TIC. PROYECTOS ++ Didáctica. Flipped classroom. TechKidsAcademy presents Ateliers créatifs numériques pour les 7-17 ans Creative computing workshops for kids & teens — KissKissBankBank. I remember a time when we already talked about digital school, the arrival of TO7 and MO5 in classrooms, BASIC lessons given by my dad on our TRS-80, pretty boring computing books in English and Super Nova games... in short, another age!

TechKidsAcademy presents Ateliers créatifs numériques pour les 7-17 ans Creative computing workshops for kids & teens — KissKissBankBank

Since then, the progress in technology, Internet and new technologies invaded our households, which led to new usages and the birth of a new generation, ultra connected, communicative, collaborative and creative: the "digital natives". Today, mom of a 12 year-old boy, I can only note that, although computers, tablets, smartphones are part of their everyday life, those young technophiles often remain very passive in front of new technologies, even though their mastering and coding will be essential for their future.

Tech Kids Academy is designed to get our kids be more active in front of computers, be creative and innovative with new technologies and pass on to them the desire to learn in a fun way, enabling them to live by their passion! Ecosistemas de Recursos Educativos Abiertos. Contenidos. Contenidos que promueven la creatividad y la innovación en el alumnado.

Ecosistemas de Recursos Educativos Abiertos. Contenidos


Psicodiagnosis: Psicología infantil y juvenil. Jueves 26 de Mayo de 2016 1- Documentos y libros (pdf) Adjuntamos algunos documentos en pdf. que consideramos de interés.

Psicodiagnosis: Psicología infantil y juvenil

¿Quién te quiere a ti? Acoso Escolar y Ciberacoso. Educacion Expandida, el libro - Publicaciones ZEMOS98. English version En 2009, el Festival ZEMOS98 dedicó el grueso de sus reflexiones y actividades a pensar junto a activistas, profesorado y gente del ámbito artístico y la innovación social, aquellos lugares, metodologías y procesos, que al margen de la educación formal, expresan otras formas de conocimiento.

Educacion Expandida, el libro - Publicaciones ZEMOS98

Esto ocurrió en el marco del seminario internacional que tuvo por nombre Educación Expandida. Tutoriales - CONSTRUYENDO UNA NUEVA EDUCACIÓN.

Herramientas XXI

Blendspace - Create lessons with digital content in 5 minutes. De Mobo Slides. Plickers. Formularios. eXeLearning. Kanban Tool Support. Get important email alerts on your board!

Kanban Tool Support

Stay on top of new notifications and visualize the alerts on your project boards. You can integrate email alerts from any software you are using. Follow this sample MOZ guide to activate your board alerts You can integrate MOZ alerts with Kanban Tool and stay up to date with all important notifications. Our Marketing board template is designed for the alerts to be stored in the very first column. 1.

In order to start receiving your alerts to your project board you will have to setup filters in your Gmail account (or any other mail client you are using). 2. Once you confirm the address, a new Kanban card will be created on your board with instructions to activate your new forwarding address. Follow the instructions inside the card to verify your email address. 3. 3. 4. In this section you will have to specify your filter options in order to forward the alerts to your project boards. 6.

Chart Tools: Image Charts - App Inventor en Español. PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative. TeamUp - Aalto. Herramientas de evaluación online. Fluky_SectoresTool.

Herramientas TIC XXII

Free eBooks And Audiobooks To Read Online Or Download. Fidenia – Il social learning italiano (e-learning, social network, e-sharing, e-commerce) SurveyMonkey : logiciel gratuit de sondage en ligne et de questionnaire.

Create Mobile Apps. Programación. App-Inventor. AI2_ConceptCards. Anybody can learn. Cursus d'apprentissage de la programmation en école primaire, avec application à la robotique - Kits pédagogiques - FORUM DESSINE-MOI UN ROBOT. L'IUT Réseaux et Télécoms et le DSDEN 40 ont mis en place, dans le cadre du programme ASTEP, une initiation à la programmation informatique, appliquée à la robotique, dans 3 classes de 2 écoles du territoire du Marsan (CM1/CM2).

Cursus d'apprentissage de la programmation en école primaire, avec application à la robotique - Kits pédagogiques - FORUM DESSINE-MOI UN ROBOT

La première partie du projet est basée sur l'utilisation du site code.org6 pour apprendre les bases de la programmation et de l'algorithmique. Plus précisément, nous avons utilisé le cursus n°224 de ce site. Le côté original de ce cursus est qu'il alterne activités sur papier ou sous forme de jeu en classe, avec expérimentations sur des labyrinthes et jeux informatiques. Nous avons modifié légèrement et traduis les documents proposés sur le site (voir les pdf ci-dessous). Nous avons utilisé 6 séances de 1h30 dans les classes, ce qui a permis d'aborder : Suite à cette première partie, nous avons voulu récompenser les élèves pour leur travail de l'année. Dash (sans dot)Thymio. Consejos para que los niños usen Instagram de forma segura. Cada vez más niños y adolescentes se unen a Instagram.

Consejos para que los niños usen Instagram de forma segura

Te damos las claves para conocer cómo funciona esta aplicación social para compartir instantáneas. A los preadolescentes les encanta Instagram porque les gusta fotografiarlo todo, capturar momentos especiales y compartirlos con sus amigos.


Procomún. Award-winning learning management system for teachers and school administrators. Matemáticas 3º Ciclo Primaria. Building Responsive Layouts presentation at Responsive Web Design Summit. Today I spoke at the online conference Responsive Web Design Summit 2012 on Building Responsive Layouts.

Building Responsive Layouts presentation at Responsive Web Design Summit

I talked about two of the core components of responsive web design: fluid/liquid layouts and media queries. Much of the talk was focused on fluid layout techniques and tips: how to build a basic two- or three-column all-fluid layout, how to create fluid grids with fixed-width margin and padding, how to create a hybrid fixed-fluid layout, and how to calculate nested width, margin, and padding values. I then walked through adding media queries onto the fictional Little Pea Bakery site from my book Stunning CSS3 to demonstrate how to make a layout responsive to a variety of screen sizes and devices. Finally, I covered how to fix media query issues in iOS and IE 8 and earlier. Diccionarios.