- Great Books for Elementary ESL Students - TESOL. Kids. ESL Teacher Handouts, Grammar Worksheets and Printables. Free English grammar and vocabulary worksheets and printable handouts, for English language and English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers and instructors to use in the classroom or other teaching environment. Get our ESL handouts newsfeed: Beginner English Handouts Adjectives and Adverbs Articles Comparatives & Superlatives Conjunctions Determiners A, An, Some or One (8) General Modals Must & Can (10) Nouns Parts of Speech Prepositions Present Simple Pronouns Pronunciation Pronunciation of 'th' (10) Questions Relative Pronouns Relative pronouns- Which & Where (10) Since and For Some & Any Spelling and Punctuation Syllables How many syllables?
Verbs and Tenses Vocabulary Intermediate English Handouts Conditionals Direct & Indirect Speech Indirect speech (15) Future Forms Gap Filling Gerunds and Infinitives Idioms Singular & Plural- Noun + Noun (10) Passive Past Simple Phrasal Verbs Prefixes & Suffixes Suffixes: -dom, -hood, & -ship (10) Present Perfect Question Tags Indirect Questions (10) Which syllable is stressed? Collocation. Interesting Things for ESL/EFL Students (Fun English Study) 40 hints & tips. This article appeared in the July/August 1994 issue of Hands-on English, and was one of our all-time, timeless hits! It includes tips from many different teachers. We're including the article here because it is so useful, and hope that you will find it inspiring.
This article is copyrighted by Hands-on English 1994. You may reproduce the article if you wish but please always include credit to Hands-on English ( and contact information (such as our address). 1 Join a professional organization Teaching can be a lonely occupation. TESOL is the international organization for ESL/EFL teachers with over 20,000 members. 2 Attend work shops and conferences Even if you haven't joined an organization, you can still go to conferences, and there's no better way to meet fellow teachers, get some inspiring ideas and see ESL books and materials on exhibit. If you can't make it to a conference, try at least to attend some teachers' workshops. 3 Start your own support group. ESL Games. Alphabet Shout Out Randomly choose an alphabet flashcard and award a point to the first student who shouts out a word beginning with that letter.
Alphabet Writing Relay Divide and line up the students into two teams. Divide the board into two halves and have one student from each team run to the board, write 'A', then run to the back of the line. The next student writes 'B', etc. The first team to finish wins. Alphabet Erase relay As 'Alphabet Writing Relay', but this time, write the alphabet on each half of the board and have each team race to erase the letters in order. Alphabet Sculptures Divide the students into teams and call out a letter of the alphabet. Award a point to the first team that can form the letter with their bodies.
Alphabet Soup Give each student an alphabet flashcard and have them skip around the room to the 'ABC Song'. Alphabet Touch Call out letters and have the students find and touch them in the classroom, on posters, etc. Bingo Bingo can be used with any topic. MA TESOL at Michigan State University. Michigan Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Foreign Language and ESL Games. In fact, even acquiring basic level skills in one or several foreign languages is bound to have a sizable beneficial impact on one’s career and life in general. A great way to begin to learn a foreign language is through online games. Kids and adults alike love learning foreign words and phrases using fun matching games. Long before French scholar Champollion deciphered the three Rosetta Stone languages nearly 100 years ago, the advantages of learning a foreign language were clear.
Indeed, foreign language learning statistics show that those who speak more than one language often have greater success in their careers. Foreign language education is therefore an important topic to tackle. Fortunately, foreign language teachers have many foreign language resources at their disposal, including excellent foreign language lesson plans. Other foreign language and ESL games include word matches for various languages, such as French-English translation and German-English translation. TESOL Certification - TESOL Certification. One of the best ways to travel the world while working in a rewarding and profitable field is to seek TESOL certification. TESOL stands for "teachers of English to speakers of other languages.
" People who earn TESOL certification either teach English as a second language (ESL) or English as a foreign language (EFL). You can teach English as a second language in the United States and all over the world. ESL courses help people who speak another language, such as Spanish, learn the basics of English in countries where English is spoken. ESL is offered in most public and private school systems throughout the United States.
English as a foreign language is generally taught in countries where English is not the primary language. Increase Your Earning Potential If you enjoy world travel and you like working with people, teaching English might just be the career choice for you. Articles. Tips for ESL Teachers. Purpose Many comments from teachers have prompted me to describe how teachers can integrate these activities into their own classes and how these quizzes can be used even under the most basic of circumstances. To begin with, the site was mainly designed for (1) self-access learning where students do the listening activities on their own, and (2) teacher-directed learning where the teacher asks students to complete certain exercises as a means of supplementing their classroom objectives.
I should point out that the main objective isn't to test listening, but to help students how to learn to improve their listening, and this goal can be accomplished in part by doing all of the activities in each conversation. However, without a general pedagogical framework focusing on objectives and outcomes, students might not be able to maximize their learning potential while using this site. Listening Levels Learning Options: