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A Step-by-Step Guide to Migrate Your Site to HTTPS - Search Engine Journal. Online security is no longer an optional extra for businesses – it’s the basic price of admission for businesses of all size.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Migrate Your Site to HTTPS - Search Engine Journal

One of the most basic forms of online security is switching to HTTPS hosting. Of course, there are loads of factors to consider, but aside from the advantages of presenting a safe and secure website to your visitors, switching to secure HTTPS hosting (as opposed to HTTP) is good for business. As well as reassuring your visitors, HTTPS is actually endorsed by Google. And in the coming years, the question isn’t going to be so much whether you need to migrate to HTTPS, it will be when are you going to switch. The problem is that many businesses, smaller ones in particular, are not making the change.

3 Major SEO Steps for a Website Relaunch - Search Engine Journal. You’ve had the same site for years.

3 Major SEO Steps for a Website Relaunch - Search Engine Journal

Finally, you get the funding for a new one. The team’s been working together for weeks and you’re finally ready to re-launch. Where do you start? The website relaunch process is a critical time for SEO. It involves planning, transition, and post-launch phases of activities to ensure that previously earned relevancy and authority are transferred from the old site to the new. The three phases will take a varying level of resources and time depending on the size of the site, as well as the goals of the site.

Website Relaunch SEO Planning Excel File Phase 1: Planning This phase is crucial to project success. Page URLsKeyword mappingTitle and meta descriptionsCanonical tags Planning doesn’t have to be fancy or elaborate. And if you’re not getting results when trying to crawl, it’s likely your developer is doing the right thing and disallowing all robots from indexing the site with a disallow “all” in the robots.txt file ( is a great resource). The Ultimate Guide to Smart Link Building After Penguin 4.0 - Passive Income Wise. I’ve seen many bloggers writing about how to do link building, some of them are good, others are not, but what most of them have in common is that they talk about black hat links at some point.

The Ultimate Guide to Smart Link Building After Penguin 4.0 - Passive Income Wise

After some time I’ve decided to write this guide about link building because, after all, this is what has worked for me. My Link Building Case Study The guide you are going to read is based on real facts. Before starting with Passive Income Wise, I created a bunch of sites. I’ve been learning and testing until I found the best backlink strategy. The image below shows the results for one of my site-niches. 153212 - Downloaded files disappearing on Windows - chromium - Monorail. A Beginner’s Guide to Website Speed Optimization by Kinsta. Website performance optimization, the focal point of technologically superior website designs is the primary factor dictating success for modern online businesses.

A Beginner’s Guide to Website Speed Optimization by Kinsta

After all, unimpressive website performance kills business bottom line when the torture of waiting for slow Web pages to load frustrates visitors into seeking alternatives – impatience is a digital virtue! And speed sells! Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Blogging. Are you about to start your first blog?

Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Blogging

Maybe you’ve just got going, or you’re a few months in. You’re worried that you’ve missed something important – or you feel like you’re not seeing the success you should. Step-By-Step Guide For E-Commerce SEO. Once upon a time, e-commerce sites were limited to giants of the ’90s—Amazon, 1-800-Flowers, eBay, and all things e-commerce from the Bob Saget and this Windows 95 Guide era.

Step-By-Step Guide For E-Commerce SEO

Now, with so many build-it-yourself options like Shopify, BigCommerce, and Squarespace, the basics of SEO for e-commerce are dramatically changing. Meanwhile, the needs of custom-built websites are also shifting; gone are the days when every URL that ended with a long string of something .com/w89gm79sal;712wi-blah-blah-blah was acceptable. I like to think of building an e-commerce site for SEO as the equivalent of In-N-Out Burger’s “secret” menu: You can customize like crazy, just as long as you know how to ask (Animal style anyone?). Let me explain. Buried in the recesses of many e-commerce websites are options to increase sales and conversions simply by optimizing them with the best possible SEO tactics that suit your needs. 6 Essential SEO Strategies to Incorporate in 2016. If you do great work with your search engine optimization (SEO), it could mean a significant amount of revenue for your business.

6 Essential SEO Strategies to Incorporate in 2016

At the same time, however, it is also an ongoing initiative. Once you generate a steady stream of traffic from SEO, you need to constantly be maintaining and improving your SEO in order to keep those rankings you worked so hard for. Generally, the two most important items needed to rank well in search engines are links to your website and content -- the hard part is creating great content and generating those links. It is also important to note that Google, the largest search engine, has hundreds of ranking factors with some factors having more weight than others. Related: 17 Ways To Immediately Improve Your Website Traffic Here are six important SEO strategies outside of the basics, that are critical to getting to -- or staying at -- the top of the search engines in 2016. 1.

An influencer is someone who people listen to online. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Exclusive Offer.