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DIY déco: 100 idées DIY pour la déco intérieure d'été. L’été est déjà là et même si on adore passer notre temps dans le hamac avec un verre de limonade fraîche à la main, il faudra tout de même se lever pour travailler un tout petit peu. Le beau temps est l’occasion de commencer quelques projets de DIY déco et redécorer l’intérieur et le jardin. Il s’agit, bien-sûr, de projets originaux et amusants à faire qui vous aideront à donner de la personnalité à votre décoration intérieure. Allez, ne perdez plus de temps et venez contempler nos 100 idées DIY déco pour commencer l’été en beauté! Commençons par le salon. DIY déco: Étagère murale originale pour le salon En parlant de bois, les tables d’appoint en tronc d’arbre sont toujours à la mode et heureusement!

Porte-revues DIY pour la déco de salon Et on ne s’arrête pas là, en ce qui concerne le rangement, parce que le salon a toujours besoin d’idées de rangement créatives! Pouf DIY qui peut servir comme table basse ou tabouret Panier design DIY réalisé à partir d’un vieux sac à main en cuir. Sigalon's HowToDoIt Soup. Materials: Molger Benches. 5/16 dowel pins and drill bit. Clamps and shims. Laser level. Description: My closet drastically needed a make-over and I couldn't afford the expensive closet systems. My closet is 4 1/2 feet by 9 feet with clothes rods on each end. I wanted shelves in the middle that were deeper, and I liked the wood slats instead of the white coated wire shelves that I currently had. before While in Ikea, I noticed the smooth nice finish of the Molger bench, with slatted wood shelf and seat ($39.99 each. 31" wide, 14 1/2" deep, 19 1/2" high) The plan was to stack the benches, dowel them, and attach to the wall studs.

First we assembled the benches. Next, we inserted the dowels (halfway, as the other half would be in the bench above it) and placed that bench with dowels onto the next bench. We stacked the two benches together, and repeated the process for all 6 benches. We placed 4 benches on one side and 2 on the other. . ~ Nancy, Spokane. Home Organization. Home Organization 101 – Week 14 “The Playroom” (Season 3) Hurray! It’s week #14. That means we have conquered the clutter and organized all of the rooms in our homes.

This week is the last week of HO 101. Today we are organizing the toy room or bonus room. Then you can finally take a break! Home Organization 101 – Week 13 “The Master Closet” (Season 3) Welcome to week #13 of my organizing challenge. Home Organization 101 – Week 12 “The Bathroom” (Season 3) Happy Saturday everyone. Home Organization 101 – Week 11 “The Living Room” (Season 3) Happy Saturday everyone! Home Organization 101 – Week 10 “The Mudroom/Entryway” (Season 3) Welcome to week #10 of Home Organization 101, season 3. Home Organization 101 – Week 9 “The Dining Room” (Season 3) Welcome to week 9 of Home Organization 101 (Season 3). Home Organization 101 – Week 8 “Kids Closets” (Season 3) Week 8 of our challenge begins today.

Home Organization 101 – Week 7 “The Linen Closet” (Season 3) Master bedroom organization begins today. 6 Ways To Make A Small Closet More Functional | Making DIY Fun. During different times in our lives we’ve had anywhere from a tiny, shared closet to and enormous walk-in. And it doesn’t matter the size of the closet, it’s our habits, and what we put in there, that makes the difference as to whether it’s cleaned and organized.

The bigger the closet, the more junk that gets stashed and overlooked. Here are some ways to keep your closet neat, and orderly, no matter the size. 1. Add hooks and baskets to your closet. You’ll be surprised how much you use both. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Déco, tableau: personnaliser son intérieur: novembre 2013. Le choix des draps dans une chambre est capital. On pense à la couleur qu'ils doivent avoir, en harmonie avec la pièce, et à leurs motifs (enfantins, géométriques, romantiques, printaniers...), mais on pense plus rarement à leur matière, choix pourtant très important. Coton, soie, lin...?

Toutes ces matières ont leur signification propre. Le coton c'est la simplicité, la soie le luxe, le lin le naturel... Mais attention, ça peut se corser: récemment j'ai acheté une housse de couette chez Hay en coton satiné! L'autre fibre naturelle pour fabriquer des draps et qui est de loin la plus connue et plus utilisée est le coton. Pour l'hiver, on est plus enclin à utiliser de la laine. Bon et bien moi après cette petite étude, je regretterais presque d'avoir acheté des draps en coton, en plus sans avoir regardé s'ils étaient issus de la culture bio. : Number 4 Lumiere d'hiver Reconstructing Masque, 1.5 fl. oz. : Standard Hair Conditioners : Beauty.

Entretien : Une salle de bains impeccable en 7 jours. Jour 1 : Triez et rangez Rangement : Ce premier jour est l’occasion de partir du bon pied en déblayant tout ce qui encombre votre salle de bains. Elle vous semblera beaucoup plus spacieuse quand vous aurez terminé. Commencez avec l’armoire à pharmacie puis procédez étagère par étagère, en prenant le temps d’examiner chaque produit. Jetez tous les produits dont les dates sont expirées, ceux que vous n’utilisez plus et ceux que vous avez essayés, mais que vous n’aimez pas. D’accord, ils vous ont coûté de l’argent, mais ce n’est pas une raison pour les laisser vous encombrer… Pour l’instant, ne vous préoccupez pas de l’organisation ou du rangement, contentez-vous de trier. Quand vous en avez terminé avec l’armoire à pharmacie, les tiroirs et le plan de toilette autour du lavabo.

Nettoyage : Nettoyez chaque étagère et l’intérieur de chaque tiroir à l’aide de lingettes jetables ou d’un chiffon en microfibre. Idées déco : Le must du rangement pour une maison parfaite. Idées déco du jour Si comme insolite Buzz vous n’êtes pas des pros du rangement, voici quelques conseils idées déco pour avoir une maison parfaite. Nous avons plusieurs décorations à vous proposer et plus exactement 23 photos (voir ci-dessous) ! Un vrai must.

Une fois la visualisation de ces photos faites on pourra dire que vous ne passerez pas pour le crado de services, ce qui n’est pas négligeable ? C’est grâce à l’équipe de chocs « C’est du propre » que nous allons vous aider à disposer et à surmonter tous vos petits problèmes de rangement, grâce à notre équipe vous allez gagner du temps mais surtout de la place grâce a des idées plutôt brillantes et novatrices de rangement, tout cela dans le but de vous faciliter la vie et grâce à toutes ces astuces nous pourrons dire avec certitude que vous êtes maintenant un pro du rangement. Voici donc toutes nos idées déco pour votre maison ! Le must du rangement avec 22 images ! Voici une bonne idée pour ranger sa vaisselle. Meuble gain de place pratique. Le 2 octobre 2013 - par Amandine Enard - ELLE Maison Que vous ayez un petit appartement ou un studio, Maison & Déco vous aide à optimiser votre espace.

Table pliante, console extensible, mobilier deux-en-un ou empilable : notre sélection de 20 meubles gain de place va vous faire gagner des cm² ! LeftRight Vous pensiez ne pas pouvoir profiter d'un espace de travail chez vous ? Vous aviez tort ! Dans un espace réduit, on utilise le moindre recoin pour son mobilier et ses rangements, comme ce meuble d’angle, idéal pour gagner de la place. Meuble d’angle 2 portes GLOSSE, L 85 cm en façade/60 cm au mur x H 87 cm x P 42,5 cm en diagonal : 329 € - 3 Suisses. Les produits, les conseils et les idées pour le bricolage, la décoration et le jardin. 33 Insanely Clever Upgrades To Make To Your Home. 36 Genius Ways To Hide The Eyesores In Your Home. 20 Savvy Ways to Stay Organized. 28 Surprising Things That Really Work, According To Pinterest. 50 Organizational Tips That'll Make You Go Ah-Ha Part 2 - Beautifully BellaFaith. After almost 18 months, I have decided to compile a “Part 2″ to my 30 Organizational Tips post.

The ideas and images below are not my own and have been credited/linked to the proper source. Credit: None found Credit: Controlling My Chaos Credit: Shelterness Credit: None found Credit: 500 Days of Candy Rubbermaid 3F19 Configurations XL 42-Inch Three-Handle Low-Profile Box with Cedar Inserts, Natural Credit: Martha Stewart Credit: Flickr Credit: DIY Home Decor Pins Credit: Flickr Credit: Ash Bee Design - Credit: Simplified Bee Credit: Ash Bee Design Credit: Better Homes and Gardens Credit: All You Credit: Happy Clippings Credit: Indulgy Credit: Journey Chic Credit: Decor Chick Credit: House Dressing Style Credit: Simple Effects Credit: Door DIY Credit: Izea Credit: Be Different, Act Normal Credit: Little Bit Funky Credit: Bin Solutions Credit: Edison Avenue Credit: The Scrap Rack Credit: Heart of Wisdom Credit: Kids, Clutter and Chaos Credit: Honey and Fitz Credit: One Good Thing by Jillee Credit: Houzz Credit: All Sorts.

33 Cool Makeup Storage Ideas. Makeup Storage In Chest Of Drawers Jewelry organizing is only one problem a lot of women are struggling with. The other one is organizing their makeup. Even though DIY make-up magnet board we showed you before is a great solution for this problem there are many other that are as cool as it is. We gathered a collection of the most cool and popular ways to store woman’s cosmetics. You’re probably familiar with some of them while others can be new to you. Makeup Storage In Baskets And Boxes Makeup Storage In Drawer Compartments Makeup Storage In Specially Designed Furniture Makeup Storage In Tabletop Containers Makeup Storage In Bathroom Cabinets.

DIY Bookcase Built Ins. If you missed the first part, check it out here and the second part here. Progress! The built ins are now installed and secured to the wall. These babies aren’t going anywhere. To install the overhang, I bought 5 of these L brackets and two corner braces. We wanted the overhang to sit further off the wall than the tall vertical shelves to give it some dimension. To make the overhang sit further out, we screwed some 2×4′s into the studs.

Then we added the L brackets to the studs (leveling as we went) so the overhang can sit on them. …then screwed the overhang into the L brackets. For some added security, we used two corner brackets to secure the top of the overhang to the wall. We needed a base to raise up the tall vertical shelves so that they would be level with the top of the overhang . (this thing is the icing to my DIY cake…can’t wait to use it again). In order for the tops to be level, the base needed to be 4 layers high. So here we are now! This post contains affiliate links. DIY Bookcase Built Ins. In case you missed it: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Y’all. The built ins are done. D-O-N-E. Done. Imagine me doing a celebratory dance around my house…emphasis on the imagine part because I’m too tired to get up. First, let me explain how we covered the L brackets on the overhang… Remember how these brackets were showing? We first added some 1×2’s… …then cut this board to size. And then nailed that board to the 1×2’s.

By the way, I just bought this nail gun . To install the crown, we first added some baseboard to the top to beef it up a bit. We added some trim to the sides and extended the baseboards around the front of the shelves. By the way, I used the coping method to install the baseboards. The top of the base will be covered later with more trim… All I can say is…thank goodness for caulking that fills in all those little gaps!

I bought the picture lights found here to mount on the bookcases. Ready to be painted! Are you ready for it??? The view coming down the stairs… So there it is! DIY Bookcase Built Ins. I feel like life hasn’t slowed down one bit since I’ve been home with Micah. We have had full days of playing, book reading, walks, play dates…all great things. So what’s a girl to do when she feels super busy already? Start a huge project of course! What else!? A couple weeks ago, I got the idea to add built ins around these french doors… And here is some inspiration that I found around the ol’ web: via via via via via I did a quick (very rough) photoshop of what I have in mind: So here’s the plan: We decided not to build all the way to the ceiling.

Updates to come soon. To view the rest of this project, check out Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4. Billy Bookcase Built-Ins. If you missed part 1 (the planning) check it out here. SO. Before I get to the details, lets start out with what we bought at Ikea: 3 Billy bookcases (one of them is the skinny one), and 2 Billy bookcase extender shelves. Now…for how we got there. I decided on Mocha Accent by Behr for the back of the built-ins and Wheat Bread by Behr for the wall color. I really like how white bookshelves look with darker backs. We had an assembly and painting party in order get the bookshelves ready to be installed. If you’re going to paint the backs of these shelves, be sure to use primer. This was the state of the office for way too long because LORD KNOWS Micah has an anti-DIY sixth sense that is triggered anytime he goes down for a nap and I try to get anything done. Somewhere in the midst of it all, I got the room painted. I didn’t like how the shelf adjusting holes would be showing.

Since the top bookshelf needed to be evenly spaced, we had to cut off the bottom. Table saw, and reassembled it. Sharing My New Craft Storage. I finally have a pretty little area for all my craft supplies and goodies. Over a year ago we decided that each of our boys would get their own room, which meant we would lose our playroom/craft room. That left me without a room or organized storage for my crafts for over a year.

I was making my crafts from drawers, closets and tubs all in different rooms. It made me nuts! So finally this spring I decided to reorganize one of my large closets and turned it into my craft closet. Here's the right side of my closet. Here's the top and bottom of the left side of my closet. Jewelry box is recovered with K&Company's Jubilee. Marker, pencil and tool storage was made by using Crystal Light and metal candy containers. Stamp pad storage and extra punches in small milk crates. Ribbon scraps stored on small hooks, binder rings and safety pins. Ribbon spool storage in decorative box.

Punches stored on curtain rods. 20 Savvy Ways to Stay Organized.