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Nyctaginaceae. Nepenthaceae (Kannenpflanzengewächse) Droseraceae. Caryophyllineae. Amaranthaceae. Nelkenartige. Beschreibung[Bearbeiten] Ökologie und Vorkommen[Bearbeiten] Viele der Familien verfügen über Sonderanpassungen wie Salz –und Trockentoleranz, Sukkulenz, sowie physiologischen Besonderheiten wie C4-Photosynthese oder der Crassulaceen-Säurestoffwechsel (CAM).


Es gibt mehrere Familien mit insektivoren/karnivoren Vertretern (Droseraceae, Nepenthaceae, Dioncophyllaceae)[2]. Nur selten finden sich Mykorrhizen. Caryophyllales. Caryophyllales. [edit] Classification System: APG III (down to family level) Main Page Regnum: Plantae Cladus: Angiosperms Cladus: Eudicots Cladus: Core eudicots Ordo: Caryophyllales Familia: Achatocarpaceae - Aizoaceae - Amaranthaceae - Anacampserotaceae -Ancistrocladaceae - Asteropeiaceae - Barbeuiaceae - Basellaceae - Cactaceae - Caryophyllaceae - Didiereaceae - Dioncophyllaceae - Droseraceae - Drosophyllaceae - Frankeniaceae - Gisekiaceae - Halophytaceae - Limeaceae - Lophiocarpaceae - Microteaceae - Molluginaceae - Montiaceae - Nepenthaceae - Nyctaginaceae - Physenaceae - Phytolaccaceae - Plumbaginaceae - Polygonaceae - Portulacaceae - Rhabdodendraceae - Sarcobataceae - Simmondsiaceae - Stegnospermataceae - Talinaceae - Tamaricaceae Incertae Sedis: Hypertelis – Macarthuria Name[edit] Caryophyllales Juss. ex Bercht.


& J. Presl Prir. Seed plants evolutionary relationships with Amborella highlighted.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Caryophyllales. Description[edit] The Caryophyllales include about 6% of eudicot species.[2] This order is part of the core eudicots.[3] Currently, the Caryophyllales contains 33 families, 692 genera and 11,155 species.[4] The monophyly of the Caryophyllales has been supported by DNA sequences, cytochrome c sequence data and heritable characters such as anther wall development and vessel-elements with simple perforations.[5] Circumscription[edit] As with all taxa, the circumscription of the Caryophyllales has changed within various classification systems.
