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Citroideae / Aurantioideae

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Citreae. Aurantioideae. Notable members include citrus (genus Citrus), bael (Aegle marmelos), curd fruit (Limonia acidissima), species of genus Murraya such as curry tree (M. koenigii) and orange jessamine (M. paniculata), and the small genus Clausena.


Description and systematics[edit] Aurantioideae are smallish trees or large shrubs, or rarely lianas. Their flowers are typically white and fragrant. Their fruit are very characteristic hesperidia, usually of rounded shape and colored in green, yellowish or orange hues.[1] Citroideae. [edit] Familia: Rutaceae Subfamilia: Aurantioideae Tribus: Aurantieae – Clauseneae Name[edit] Aurantioideae Eaton (1836) Type genus: Aurantium Mill.

