Top 10 Amazing Plants | Super Tight Stuff. After millions of years of evolution and development, an enormous number of different plant variations have been created. Of all the plants that have ever lived most are long since extinct, but still around a third of a million plant species are estimated to be surviving today. Evolution has created some particularly strange and tight examples, and here is STS’ attempt to compile a list of those that we find to be the most interesting. 10. Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) Nepenthes is a genus of carniverous plant that encompasses over 120 species, native to Indonesia, the Phillipines, and South-East Asia. 9. The Sensitive Plant is native to Central and South America, and gets it name because its leaflets fold in and droop when they are touched. 8. If you are pale and have ever been to Hawaii or Mexico, then you owe a lot to this plant. 7. This flower was discovered in 1822 during a jungle expedition in Sumatra, and is considered to be the largest flower in the world. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
Venusfliegenfalle. Beschreibung[Bearbeiten] Die Venusfliegenfalle ist eine ausdauernde, krautige Pflanze. Sie ist langsamwüchsig und erreicht erst nach drei bis vier Jahren Blühreife. Im Herbst beendet die Pflanze ihre Aktivität und wechselt in die Winterruhe, zu erkennen an der Ausbildung sehr kleiner Blätter mit winzigen, inaktiven Fallen. Im Frühjahr treibt die bedingt winterharte (minimal −5 °C, in Einzelfällen −10 °C Tiefsttemperatur) Pflanze wieder aus. Sie hat 5-10 Blätter in Blattrosette, sie sind wie Fallen geformt. Wurzeln und Rhizom[Bearbeiten] Die Hauptwurzel der Venusfliegenfalle stirbt zugunsten einiger faseriger Seitenwurzeln bald nach der Keimung ab.
Ungefähr 10 bis 15 Zentimeter unterhalb der Erdoberfläche befindet sich das Rhizom (Wurzelstock) der Pflanze, aus dem sie bei oberirdischer Zerstörung wieder austreibt. Fangblatt Blätter/Fallen[Bearbeiten] Auslöseborste von Dionaea muscipula Video von Venusfliegenfallen mit Beutetieren. Dieser Verschluss ist allerdings noch nicht vollständig. Dionaea muscipula (Venus flytrap) Venus Fly Trap, VFT, Dionaea muscipula, Venus Fly Traps, Carnivorous Plant, Plants. Venus Fly Traps Dionaea muscipula These pages are brought to you by Collectors Corner Carnivorous Main Page Carnivorous Links Cephalotus Darlingtonia Drosera Heliamphora Nepenthes Nursery Information Pinguicula Sarracenia Utricularia Venus Fly Trap Commercial Sales Venus Fly Trap Varieties Cultural Information Commercial Carnivorous Plants The Venus Fly Trap is the most famous of all carnivorous plants due to the active and efficient nature of its unique traps.
Since Darwin first described the plant in 18?? The VFT produces a short fleshy leaf that carries a modified tip that forms two sides of the trap, each side contains three hairs which when touched two to three times causes the two sides to spring shut in a very rapid motion fast enough to catch flies and other insects. There is only one species of Dionaea but there are many varietal forms of this single species and many collectors specialize in collecting these varieties. Copyright © Collectors Corner 2004. 10 of the World's Strangest Plant Species - Oddee.com (weird plants, strange plants) Welwitschia mirabilis:World's Most Resistant Plant It's not pretty to look at, but Namibia's plant Welwitschia Mirabilis can truly claim to be one of a kind.
There really is nothing like it. Welwitschia plant consists of only two leaves and a sturdy stem with roots. That's all! Two leaves continue to grow until they resemble the shaggy mane of some sci-fi alien. The stem thickens, rather than gains in height, and can grow to be almost 2 meters high and 8 meters wide. Their estimated lifespan is 400 to 1500 years. Dionaea muscipula: the Venus Fly Trap The Venus Fly Trap is the most famous of all carnivorous plants due to the active and efficient nature of its unique traps. Rafflesia arnoldii: World's Largest Flower There is one exotic and rare plant you wouldn't likely want to grow anywhere near your landscape no matter how famous it would make you for doing so.
Rafflesia Arnoldii, recently assigned to the Euphorbiaceae family, is the biggest individually produced flower in the world. Venus Flytrap. The Venus flytrap (also Venus's flytrap or Venus' flytrap), Dionaea muscipula, is a carnivorous plant native to subtropical wetlands on the East Coast of the United States. It catches its prey—chiefly insects and arachnids— with a trapping structure formed by the terminal portion of each of the plant's leaves and is triggered by tiny hairs on their inner surfaces. When an insect or spider crawling along the leaves contacts a hair, the trap closes if a different hair is contacted within twenty seconds of the first strike. The requirement of redundant triggering in this mechanism serves as a safeguard against a waste of energy in trapping objects with no nutritional value. Dionaea is a monotypic genus closely related to the waterwheel plant and sundews, all of which belong to the family Droseraceae.
Description The holes in the meshwork allow small prey to escape, presumably because the benefit that would be obtained from them would be less than the cost of digesting them. Etymology Habitat. Dionaea muscipula. Dionaea muscipula Name[edit] Dionaea muscipula Sol. ex J.Ellis, 1768 References[edit] Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. Uppsala 1:98. 1773USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Vernacular names[edit] Alemannisch: Venusfliegenfalleالعربية: خناق الذبابčeština: Mucholapka podivnádansk: FluefangerDeutsch: VenusfliegenfalleΕλληνικά: ΔιωναίαEnglish: Venus Flytrapespañol: Dionea AtrapamoscasEsperanto: Muŝkaptulofrançais: Dionée Attrape-mouchehrvatski: Venerina muholovkaitaliano: Venere Acchiappamosche, Dioneaעברית: דיונאהlietuvių: Jautrusis musėkautasmagyar: Vénusz légycsapójaNederlands: Venusvliegenvanger, Venusvliegenval日本語: ハエトリグサnorsk bokmål: Venusfluefangerpolski: Muchołówka Amerykańskaportuguês: Dionéiaрусский: Венерина мухоловкаSimple English: Venus Fly-trapsuomi: Kärpäsloukkusvenska: Venus FlugfällaTiếng Việt: Bắt ruồi VenusTürkçe: Sinekkapan Bitkisi中文: 捕蠅草.