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Raphanus sativus (Radish, Gartenrettich)

Rettiche. Raphanus. Raphanus is a genus within the flowering plant family Brassicaceae.


Two or three species are currently classified in Raphanus. [citation needed] They include the cultivated radish, Raphanus sativus and the common wild radish or jointed charlock, Raphanus raphanistrum. Some authors accept the podding or rattail radish, Raphanus caudatus as a third member of the genus, while others treat it as a variety of R. sativus. Substantial numbers of other species in the genus have been proposed at various times, but almost all are currently regarded as varieties of R. sativus, while a few are treated as varieties of R. raphanistrum or are not accepted as well-described species.

[clarification needed] Examples are R. raphanistrum ssp. landra and R. raphanistrum ssp. maritimus (sea radish). Raphanus. [edit] Familia: Brassicaceae Genus: Raphanus Species: R. confusus – R. raphanistrum – R. sativus Name[edit] Raphanus L.


Vernacular names[edit] Raphanus.