19 Snarky Tweets That Prove #NoWomanEver Enjoys Being Harassed. Women as influential to make the world better. First, Emma Watson is a British actress and now a world known famous thanks to Harry Potter Saga in wich one she acted Hermione.
In this movie, she incarnates a clever, brave and young girl who can be an example, a model for teenagers. That's why she was chosen to be an ambassador for United Nation. Now, she fights for women through "He for she campain". Then , Malala Yousatzai, an Indian teenager, was an ordinary girl with an ordinary family until the day she has been shot by Talibans in 2012. Brock Turner Banned For Life By USA Swimming. Rapist’s mother wrote letter to judge complaining about decorating — and not one word about the victim.
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Follow Raw Story! Brock Turner’s mother did not mention the victim of his assault in a letter to Judge Aaron Persky, but she did discuss the effect of his actions on their home, the Fresno Bee reported. “We moved into our home on Jan. 17 2015. Then we got that fateful call from Brock on Sunday the 18th and our world has been spinning apart ever since,” Carleen Turner wrote.
“This house now reminds me of the horror of that moment. The letter also does not make direct reference to the former swimmer’s attack on the unconscious woman, instead saying that his account of what transpired had not changed and that he was “trying to fit in with the swimmers he idolized.” Turner’s mother also expressed concern about his future job prospects and fretted over the fact that he would have to register as a Tier 3 sex offender after serving his sentence. “Brock will have to register at the highest tier which means he is on the same level as a pedophile/child molester. One woman's scathing letter to her coworker about Brock Turner and consent. An open letter to my coworker: It’s a Monday morning and we’re making small-talk.
Like, “How was your weekend?” The Conversation You Must Have With Your Sons. To the Parents of U.S.
Teenagers, Remember that intimate conversation you had with your son? The one where you said, “I love you and I need you to know that no matter how a woman dresses or acts, it is not an invitation to cat call, taunt, harass or assault her”? She joked she was going to start stealing from drunk dudes to make a powerful point. Close At Upworthy, we tell stories for a better world.
Like us on Facebook to get them first: Like Upworthy on Facebook: Share on Facebook. Rape statistics. Statistics on rape and other sexual assaults are commonly available in industrialized countries, and are becoming more common throughout the world.
Inconsistent definitions of rape, different rates of reporting, recording, prosecution and conviction for rape create controversial statistical disparities, and lead to accusations that many rape statistics are unreliable or misleading. In some jurisdictions, male-female rape is the only form of rape counted in the statistics [1] and countries may or may not criminalize marital rape. Rape is severely under-reported. A United Nations statistical report compiled from government sources showed that more than 250,000 cases of rape or attempted rape were recorded by police annually. The reported data covered 65 countries.[4] Is India the Rape Capital of the World? Americans are reading with horror as sexual assault after sexual assault unfolds in India.
It’s easy to wonder, “What’s wrong with that country?” But we should be asking what’s wrong with the United States, too. Rape and violence against women are a massive problem in India. According to the country's National Crime Record Bureau, crimes against women have increased by 7.1 percent since 2010. The number of rapes reported has also risen. Protests Over 5-Year-Old's Rape Block Major Intersection Near Delhi. Gurgaon, Haryana: A group of furious villagers today blocked a major intersection in Gurgaon near Delhi as they protested against the rape on Sunday of a five-year-old, who is in the ICU.
The child, bleeding and in pain, was moved from hospital to hospital before finally being referred to a government hospital 25 km away in Delhi. There she had a five-hour surgery. Men and women from her village today refused to move from the road until senior police officers arrived to assure them that the child would be shifted to a private super-specialty hospital closer home and given an uninterrupted traffic corridor. 6-Year-Old's Alleged Rape at Bangalore School: Parents Hold Protest March. Bangalore: The alleged rape of a six-year-old at a prominent school in Bangalore that has enraged the city triggered more protests by parents today. .
(Six-Year-old's Alleged Rape in School Sparks Anger In Bangalore) Demanding a speedy investigation, a large group of parents of students from schools across the city held a six-kilometre protest march till a police station where both the Deputy Commissioner of Police and the Commissioner of Police met them. Many protesters held placards of which read, "I Am A Child, Not A Toy" and "Stop The Shame Now. " Parents said they want immediate arrest of the accused in the case and assurance that their children will be safe in schools. Kolkata: Mamata Banerjee mum as protests continue over death of teen who was gang-raped. Protests in Kolkata over the death of 16-year-old girl who was gang-rape twice Kolkata: Sporadic protests continued today in Kolkata against the death of a 16-year-old gang-rape victim who, the police revealed yesterday, was set on fire and hadn't committed suicide as was claimed earlier.
For the first time, protests also took place in Madhyamgram, a town 90 kilometres away from Kolkata, where the young girl was gang-raped twice in October last year. A human chain was formed by Congress workers at Kolkata's Hazra More to protest the death of the teen and the subsequent politics over her body. At Metro Channel, the Left Front conducted a drive to raise money for the girl's family. The teen died of serious burns in a hospital in Kolkata on Tuesday. In Madhyamgram, locals demonstrated outside the police station - the protests, though, were modest.
25 Everyday Examples of Rape Culture. Women Against Violence Against Women. Anti-Rape Campaigns that are getting it right - People Against Rape Culture. Rape Ads in Missoula Target Perpetrators. In the world of public service announcements, “Don’t Get Raped” is the resounding message coming from many trying to protect women from sexual assault. But as well-intentioned as some of those ads may be, their warnings just parrot the same misguided message that women have had to listen to for centuries: If you’re raped, it’s somehow your fault for (pick one) drinking too much, drinking in public, leaving your drink unattended, failing to say “no” enough times, wearing that skirt, flirting with that man, etc., etc., ad infinitum.
What too few recognize is that instead of implying it’s the woman’s fault for failing to prevent her own rape, it needs to be directly stated that it’s the sole fault of the perpetrators for raping in the first place. And that may finally be the case. A new viral campaign out of Missoula, Montana, addresses assault by targeting the wrongdoing of the potential attackers instead of their victims. Clearly, someone is trying to right that ship. University Of Arizona Men Speak Out Against Sexual Assault In PSA. Just one day before a University of Arizona student stood on campus with a “You Deserve Rape” sign, the school’s Campus Health Service released a video portraying quite the opposite message: University of Arizona men are not cool with sexual assault.
The video, titled “The University of Arizona Men Against Sexual Assault,” features a diverse group of male students who all think violence against women makes men look bad. The clip was posted to YouTube on April 22. “One in five women will be the victims of attempted or completed sexual assault before they graduate college,” a male student explains at the beginning of the video. “But think about what that actually means … think of five women you care about.
Statistically one of them will be the victim of this in their time here.” In the video, male students are asked both what they would say to someone who commits sexual assault and what they are going to do about it. Oh, So In Scotland They Actually DON'T Promote Rape Culture? Women's right-Stanford sexual assault survivor's message to her attacker. Women's rights-Joe Biden open letter to Stanford sexual assault survivor. READ: Full Letter by Dan Turner, Brock’s Father, to Judge. Brock Turner with his mother, father and siblings. (Facebook) A letter written by Dan A. Turner, the father of convicted Stanford rapist Brock Turner, urging a judge to sentence his son to probation, has sparked outrage. Dan Turner, who read the statement in open court during his 20-year-old son’s sentencing, said his son “will never be his happy go lucky self with that easy going personality and welcoming smile.” The elder Turner also wrote, “His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve.
Turner was stopped by two Stanford graduate students from Sweden, Carl-Frederik Arndt and Peter Jonsson, who saw him sexually assaulting the woman as she was lying on the ground behind a dumpster on the university’s campus. Brock Turner's statement blames sexual assault on Stanford ‘party culture’ The woman who was assaulted by former Stanford University student Brock Turner has received international attention for her powerful statement describing the trauma she and her family have experienced. One particularly compelling part of the victim’s testimony is her anguish over Turner’s refusal to express remorse and take responsibility for sexually assaulting her while she was unconscious – an attack that led a jury to convict him of three felonies.
The Guardian has since obtained a copy of Turner’s full statement to judge Aaron Persky, who gave him a lenient sentence of six months in county jail, sparking widespread outrage and a recall campaign. The letter from the former swimmer offers a close look at the many ways Turner has refused to even acknowledge that he assaulted the woman, despite the guilty verdicts, and has instead continued to place blame on a “party culture” of “drinking”. Cosmopolitan about Pavlovitz's Powerful Response to Brock Turner's Dad. Santa Clara County Sheriff | JohnPavlovitz.com Earlier this week, the father of Brock Allen Turner — the former Stanford student convicted of sexual assault — wrote a response to his son's light sentencing, saying Brock doesn't deserve to be a lifelong registered sex offender and spend six months in jail for "20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life. " Dan Turner's letter defending his son has generated a lot of anger, largely because it makes light of the gravity Brock's crime: sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster.
The most recent response to Dan Turner's letter comes from another dad, pastor John Pavlovitz from Raleigh, North Carolina. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below In a post on his blog titled "To Brock Turner's Father, From Another Father," Pavlovitz urges Dan Turner to see that Brock's life has only been "deeply altered" because he committed a serious crime and "made a reprehensible choice to take advantage of someone for his own pleasure.
" To Brock Turner’s Father, From Another Father. Twitter Moments: Stanford letter gets revised by the internet. Tweet Destroys Defense of Brock Turner. Tweet editing Brock Turner's Dad's letter. Dear Dads: This is what rape culture looks like, and you're responsible. Being a dad these days is hard, right? So many things you have to remember.
So much political correctness. Much of the way our dads taught us to behave no longer cuts the mustard with polite society. I have no intention of making the process of parenting teenage boys any harder than it already is, so here's one clear and easy rule for dads everywhere. Follow this long-standing rule for raising young gentlemen, and you should be good. If you teach your son to cook a good steak before you teach him to respect women and treat them as human beings at all times, you have failed at life. This is the lesson we can draw from the family of Brock Turner, the Stanford athlete who was convicted on three counts of sexual assault for raping a woman behind a dumpster — and was given a shockingly lenient six-month sentence by the judge, who is now the subject of a recall effort.