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Politics, Power, and Preventive Action How Many Bombs Did the United States Drop in 2016? U.S.

Politics, Power, and Preventive Action How Many Bombs Did the United States Drop in 2016?

President Barack Obama attends a military full honor review farewell ceremony given in his honor, accompanied by Vice President Joe Biden (C) and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford (L) at Joint Base Myer-Henderson in Washington, U.S. January 4, 2017. (Barria/Reuters). This blog post was coauthored with my research associate, Jennifer Wilson. As President Obama enters the final weeks of his presidency, there will be ample assessments of his foreign military approach, which has focused on reducing U.S. ground combat troops (with the notable exception of the Afghanistan surge), supporting local security partners, and authorizing the expansive use of air power.

In President Obama’s last year in office, the United States dropped 26,171 bombs in seven countries. Most (24,287) were dropped in Iraq and Syria. To determine how many U.S. bombs were dropped on each Iraq and Syria, we looked at the percentage of total U.S. Nikola Tesla’s 5 Lost Inventions That Threatened The Global Elite – Awareness Act. Great inventions change the way in which society exists.

Nikola Tesla’s 5 Lost Inventions That Threatened The Global Elite – Awareness Act

These inventions are often suppressed as to not disrupt the status quo. Nikola Tesla is one of the many great inventors to be suppressed. There are several creations of his that ‘they’ do not want us to know about. Nikola Tesla was an engineering genius. Below are the five great Tesla inventions that have been suppressed. Tesla’s Oscillator Back in 1898, Tesla made claims that he had built and deployed a small oscillating device that when attached to his office and operating would almost shake down the building and everything around it. Death Ray. Explosive Evidence Official BILDERBERG Documents Leaked ! Yes you are reading this correctly, on Jun 12, 2016, near the conclusion of this years infamous Bilderberg meeting, and just a few days prior to the Orlando Mass Shooting Event, a vast collection of photo-copied documents, obtained from a variety of sources all related to the Bilderberg Group were gathered from academic institutions all around the world, then they were consolidated and uploaded to the academic archive site

Explosive Evidence Official BILDERBERG Documents Leaked !

A few years ago the BBC uncovered incredible archived Bilderberg documents which confirmed that both the EU and the Euro were the brainchild of Bilderberg. These documents and others are apart of the massive information leak. European media pressured Bilderberg into coughing up the documents after it had refused to provide them in the United States. These documents confirmed earlier American Free Press reports that the Bilderberg Group was indeed behind the formation of the European Union.

Audio Player. Is Time Really Speeding Up?  The Phenomenon That Nobody Can Ignore. On 26th November 2016 @ 3.05pm © press Never have much time anymore?

Is Time Really Speeding Up?  The Phenomenon That Nobody Can Ignore

Fukushima: First Images Emerge Of Radioactive Salmon In Canada. The first pictures of Radioactive salmon discovered in British Columbia, Canada have emerged.

Fukushima: First Images Emerge Of Radioactive Salmon In Canada

A group of research scientists from the University of Victoria made the discovery recently not long after it had also emerged that Fukushima had contaminated over a third of the world's oceans. Seaborne Cesium 123, which is said to be the indicator -of nuclear contamination from Fukushima has been detected on the West coast of the US this month. Environews reports: WHOI is a crowd-funded science seawater sampling project, that has been monitoring the radioactive plume making its way across the Pacific to America’s west coast, from the demolished Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in eastern Japan. The seawater samples were taken from the shores of Tillamook Bay and Gold Beach, and were actually obtained in January and February of 2016 and tested later in the year.

A Top Secret Black-Budget Secret Space Program That’s Reversed-Engineered Extraterrestrial Technology – Awareness Act. There are many people that will find the topic of this article a bit unsettling.

A Top Secret Black-Budget Secret Space Program That’s Reversed-Engineered Extraterrestrial Technology – Awareness Act

While it may be easy to dismiss the notion of such a program, once you begin doing the research, you may be surprised by what you find. What makes this important is what it could mean for all fields of learning, including history, science, energy and more. However, as most of us have been told that “Aliens” are little green men, with giant black eyes, it is hard to open your mind up to the idea of an actual extraterrestrial existing. According to a former head of the CIA, Rosco Hillenkoeter, in 1960, “Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. Comments. Melody Edwards 😂😂 us teenagers are making excuses and being lazy?


There are some like that to be honest but there are teens who are involved in clubs and sports and honor/college classes which takes a lot of time. There are students who have to wake up 4 or 5 in the morning to get ready and catch the bus. After sports practices and club meetings, there are also homework that has to be done which takes hours. Awareness Act. Millennials are obsessed with side hustles because they’re all we’ve got — Quartz.

Food Energetics: The Spiritual, Emotional, and Nutritional Power of What We Eat: Steve Gagné: 9781594772429: Books. Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition by Paul Pitchford. Summation. Product.