CO2 Meter - CO2 sensor for OEM applications. Quantity pricing. In stock - Sensor by Senseair. The K-30 Sensor Module is a maintenance-free transmitter module intended to be built into different host devices that require CO2 monitoring data.
It is an accurate, yet low-cost solution for OEMs who want to integrate CO2 sensing into their products. The compact size, low-power requirements and multiple output options are intended to be easily implement into analog or microprocessor-based controls and equipment. The sensor may be customized in order to optimize the total system with respect to the OEM application.
For example, the K-30 can be used in IAQ sensor housingsAir handling unitsAlarm sensor housingsFresh air ventilatorsAir conditioning in carsKitchen appliances, fansAutomatic window openersCombustion controls The only restriction for this product is your creativity and inventiveness. The K-30 is aimed at high volume production. Quantity Pricing Quantity pricing is available for 100+ sensors. Custom Configuration Available. CO2 Sensor (Arduino compatiable) I bought an A4WD (w/o electronics) a couple years ago and have experimented with Xbee RF modules for communication both directly to the Sabertooth motor controller, as well as through an Arduino.
I used C# to write multi-button window panels to control the drive motors. Other than testing sensors and servos, I never got to the point of including any of them in the motor drive program. MG-811 CO2 Gas Sensor Module. Overview This sensor module has an MG-811 onboard as the sensor component.
There is an onboard signal conditioning circuit for amplifying output signal and an onboard heating circuit for heating the sensor. CO2 Carbon Dioxide Monitor. Martin Liddament Background The importance of carbon dioxide concentration as a measure of the adequacy of fresh air ventilation in an occupied space is now widely understood.
In the UK systems are still expensive but can easily be assembled with just a few components. This design provides full data logging and set-point switching as well as the potential to upload data via an ethernet connection. It operates effectively in the 400 ppm - 2000 ppm range as well as logarithmically extending to 9999 ppm. Components This unit consists of: In addition the following items are needed and can easily be found from disused computer equipment: A 5 volt USB power supply rated at a MINIMUM of 1 Amp OR A 9 – 12 Volt stabilised DC power supply rated at a MINIMUM of 1 Amp and terminated with a 2.1 mm connector. Also connecting wires and a suitable base on which to layout the components will be needed. Analog Voltage Divider V2.
Introduction The Analog Voltage Divider V2 can detect the supply voltage from 0.0245V to 25V.
This module is based on resistor divider principle. The voltage detection module allows the input voltage to reduce 5 times. SAUTER - sauter-controls.com - SAUTER AG. Détails sur le produit - sauter-controls.com - SAUTER AG. Catalogue Siemens Landis & Staefa - Régulation Electricité Systèmes Télégestion Strasbourg 67 - Sorelest. Catalogue Siemens Landis & Staefa - Régulation Electricité Systèmes Télégestion Strasbourg 67 - Sorelest. CO2 sensors for OEM / HVAC applications by E+E. EE893 is optimized for OEM applications and for demanding environment.
A multiple point CO2 and temperature adjustment procedure leads to excellent CO2 measurement accuracy over the entire temperature working range. With its low power consumption, compact size and electrical connection via contact pins and pads, EE893 is ideal for integration in battery operated devices. Key features E+E dual wavelength NDIR CO2 working principleMeasuring range up to 10,000ppmAuto-calibration for excellent long term stabilityMaintenance freeHighly insensitive to pollutionEasy user configuration and adjustmentVery low current consumption down to 60 μADigital outputVery small size Typical Applications data loggershandheldswireless transmittersbuilding managementdemand controlled ventilation.
593571.pdf. 617229.pdf. Capteur / Sonde de CO2 d'ambiance, sortie analogique 0-10V. REGIN-FRANCE - Sondes et transmetteurs Sondes analogiques - Sondes de CO2. Capteur CO2 Compatible avec Arduino. REGIN-FRANCE - Sondes et transmetteurs Sondes analogiques - Sondes de CO2. Capteurs de dioxyde de carbone. Sonde CO2. Montage en ambiance, pilote un registre motorisé, un ventilateur ou une vmc double flux.
Tarif au 01/01/2012 Sonde airXCO2 : 395.00 € HT. Capteur COV (Composés Organiques Volatiles) y compris le formaldéhyde et le benzène. Les capteurs de COV (Composés organiques volatils) que nous proposons sont destinés à mesurer ces gaz à l’intérieur d’un habitat afin de connaître leurs présences.
Le gaz de référence utilisé est l’Isobutylène, les concentrations mesurées se rapportent toujours à ce gaz, toutefois, vous trouverez en bas de page les valeurs de réponses d’un certain nombre de COV (y compris le formaldéhyde et le benzène) qui vous permettront d’utiliser ces capteurs. Capteur de dioxyde de carbone CO2 (gaz carbonique) Parmi les gaz importants à mesurer dans les pièces où vivent des personnes, le dioxyde de carbone appelé aussi gaz carbonique est certainement celui qui doit être mesuré le plus précisément et le plus souvent pour déterminer la qualité de l’air intérieur et procéder à des actions pour l’éliminer (ventilation de l’espace de vie).
Dans les espaces confinés, le gaz carbonique est généré par la respiration des personnes présentes et, amplifié par la présence de fumeur. À l’état naturel le dioxyde de carbone est présent dans l’air avec une concentration moyenne résiduelle de 390 ppm (en augmentation permanente dû aux activités industrielles). Bouches et régulation Capteur CO2. La sonde CO2. Capteur électrochimique de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) - 350 - 30 000 ppm. Capteur de dioxyde de carbone CO2 (gaz carbonique)