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List of living supercentenarians. This is a list of living supercentenarians (people who have attained the age of at least 110 years).

List of living supercentenarians

To be verified, a supercentenarian must have their age validated by an international body that specifically deals in longevity research such as the Gerontology Research Group (GRG).[1] Verification usually requires that at least three documents contain the same date of birth. Pending cases are those that have presented sufficient documentation to a verifying body in the process of validating (or otherwise) those documents. Unverified cases are those where a person is reported to have been born more than 110 years ago in a reliable source, but sufficient documentation has not yet been produced for verification. This article lists only those people confirmed alive within the past year. Lists of centenarians. Lists of centenarians From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search For people known exclusively for attaining extreme ages, see Oldest people.

Lists of centenarians

Grandma Moses, who lived to 101 The following is a list of lists of well documented famous centenarians by categorized occupation (people who lived to be or are currently living at 100 years or more of age) that are therein known for reasons other than their longevity. List of People With Most Children. This article lists people who have parented the most children.

List of People With Most Children

Lists[edit] Mothers[edit] This section lists mothers who have birthed the most children. Fathers[edit] List of Uncontacted Peoples. History[edit] Modern[edit] Asia[edit] Andaman Islands, India[edit]

List of Uncontacted Peoples