Neopets Battlepedia. « Back to Articles Index "Meuka slithers out of your Neopets nose and challenges you to a battle in the BATTLEDOME!!!!!!
" A rather disgusting creature, Meuka enjoys scaring young Neopets in the battledome - in between turning their favourite teddy into snot that is! Getting Meuka as a Challenger To get Meuka as a challenger you will need a pet with either Sneezles or Neoflu. The easiest way to make your pet sick with one of these diseases (er, that sounds bad doesn't it?) Recommended Minimum Stats Horrible as he is, Meuka can be quite a difficult opponent to beat - especially if your pet's stats are a little on the low side.
Faerie Abilities As with any battle there are a few Faerie Abilities that can be helpful. Static ClingLevel 1, Free Opponent Weapons This section is loaded by javascript so make sure you have that enabled! Useful Weapons Your choice of equipment is, of course, very important. Thrown Slushie CupA good freezer is always useful, and Meuka is no exception! Downsize! Les facultés de ton Neopet. NeoPets Guides - Bottled Faeries. By AP_is_me Bottled Faeries are items found around Neopia, as in Kauvara's Magic Shop for a very high price, Tiki Tack Tombola for winning, in random events, At 6:00 AM Neopian Standard Time (Pacific Time) every Wednesday, Balthazar likes to donate a lot of Bottled Faeries at the Money Tree.
They are used to give your neopet Battledome abilities. There are currently six kinds of Bottled Faeries that exist in Neopia. The Bottled Grey Faerie has not yet been released to the public yet. NeoPets Fire Faerie Abilities. NeoPets Earth Faerie Abilities. NeoPets Air Faerie Abilities. NeoPets Dark Faerie Abilities. NeoPets Light Faerie Abilities. NeoPets Water Faerie Abilities.
How to Get Neggs in Neopets. Neggs? - The Daily Neopets Forum. Onemilcows, on Oct 27 2008, 03:23 PM, said: Okay, so my question is: How do you get Neggs without buying them?
Quests or what? Is it even possible?... And what exactly do they do? O.0 It depends on the kind of negg you want. Others you can get from just walking around, stealing one from the Snowager, etc. If you want other types (usually the rarer ones like Faerie Negg or Super Negg), you can either buy them using the Shop Wizard or the Trading Post. Those are just some ways, I'm sure there are a ton more.
As for what they do, each one tends to have its own special 'gift'. Just find one of those lists and they'll tell you. The Snowager. The Snowager is a great big beast that resides in the Ice Caves of Neopia.
It is a snake-like figure, closely resembling the petpet, Snowickle. The Snowager is considered a rather formidable creature - well, according to the Neopedia article. In reality, it is very easy for normal Neopians like yourself to go and get some cool items, possibly an avatar; or, on the other hand, get blasted by its ice-breath. Each time you enter, you take that risk. The Snowager is awake for the majority of the day, and you will not have the option to approach it. The Snowager moves slightly in its sleep.. you decide to run just in case it wakes up! The icy blast and MASSIVE icy blast will both cause your pets health to lower, but you may also get lucky and be awarded the elusive Snowager avatar: Getting blasted can also unlock The Snowager as a 1-Player Battledome challenger.
Thanks to Phase 3 Items of the Snowager Stats Project Scratchcards | Neggs |Snowballs | Keyrings | Weapons | Plushies | New Items. Complete Guide to Neggs. NeoPets Guides - Training (Basic) Do you dream of being a famous battledomer, or maybe you'd just like a NeoPet that you can battle your friends with?
Either way, you'll need to train it. There are a few basic ways to do it. Want a more advanced training guide? . Mystery Island Training School: Click the Techo Master to visit the training school. One effective way to get good training is at the Island School, aka the Mystery Island Training School. Codestones range from 3,000 NP and go up to about 5,000 NP. to search the Shop Wizard for them.
Courses, Level Requirement, Cost, and Time: Cap'n Threelegs' Swashbuckling Academy: Click the image to visit the Academy. Training your Neopet. By scalibur777 Battledome—So, you are flipping through the Battledome chat one day, to look for advice on a weapon, when you stumble across a topic that says “Challenge me!”
You take a look inside, and the opponent’s pet looks easy enough to beat… but when you enter to battle, they destroy you. This is probably because the opponent had far better stats than your pet does. How do these players get stats so high? How to effectively train your Neopet. By allielle There are many reasons that Neopians decide to train their Neopet(s).
For one, your pets will become strong enough to defeat other challengers in the Battledome.