薛定谔的猫. 希格斯玻色子. 希格斯玻色子(英语:Higgs boson)是標準模型預言存在的一種基本粒子,是一種玻色子,自旋為零,不帶電荷、色荷,非常不穩定,在生成後會立刻衰變,於2013年3月14日暫時被確認存在。
[1][2][7]:401-405這是一個重大的實驗發現,對於希格斯場的存在與否也給出有力證據。 [8]為什麼某些基本粒子帶有質量,而某些基本粒子的質量為零? 根據希格斯機制,基本粒子是因為與遍佈於宇宙的希格斯場耦合而獲得質量。 Magnalium. Magnalium is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and small amounts of copper, nickel, and tin.[1] Some alloys, intended for particular uses at the cost of poor corrosion resistance, may consist of up to 50% magnesium.
It finds use in engineering and pyrotechnics. Properties[edit] Alloys with smaller amounts of magnesium (about 5%) exhibit greater strength, greater corrosion resistance, and lower density than pure aluminium. Such alloys are also more workable and easier to weld than pure aluminium.[2] Alloys with high amounts of magnesium (around 50%) are brittle and more susceptible to corrosion than aluminium.
Uses[edit] Although they are generally more expensive than aluminium, the high strength, low density, and greater workability of alloys with low amounts of magnesium leads to their use in aircraft and automobile parts. Perl. Perl是高階、通用、直譯式、動態的程式语言。
最初设计者拉里·沃尔(Larry Wall)為了讓在UNIX上進行報表處理的工作變得更方便,決定開發一個通用的腳本語言,而在1987年12月18日發表。 目前,版本中包含Perl 5以及Perl 6(开发中)。 复合材料. 复合材料是由金属材料、陶瓷材料或高分子材料等两种或两种以上的材料经过复合工艺而制备的多相材料,各种材料在性能上互相取长补短,产生协同效应,使复合材料的综合性能优于原组成材料而满足各种不同的要求。
复合材料由连续相的基体和被基体包容的相增强体组成。 复合材料的基体材料分为金属和非金属两大类。 民主党 (美国) 自從1932年以來,富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福將他所提出並付諸實行的新政稱為自由主義,成為了之後民主黨的主要政策走向。
共和党 (美国) 位於威斯康辛州瑞盆市(Ripon)的這間校舍是共和黨在1854年的創黨地點。
約翰·弗里蒙特(John Fremont)成為共和黨第一位提名的總統選舉候選人,他提出了「自由土壤、自由言論、自由人、弗里蒙特」的口號,雖然弗里蒙特沒有成功當選,但共和黨於選舉中展現了穩固的基礎。 與現代共和黨不同的是,當時共和黨的支持者大多聚集於東北部,包括了新英格蘭、紐約、和中西部北邊等地,並且在其餘北部地帶都有穩固的支持,但在奴隸制度盛行的南方幾乎沒有任何影響力。 准晶体. 银铝合金准晶的原子模型 準晶体,亦称为“准晶”或“拟晶”,是一种介于晶体和非晶体之间的固体。
准晶体具有与晶体相似的长程有序的原子排列;但是准晶体不具备晶体的平移对称性。 镁铝合金. 鎂鋁合金是一種在鋁合金中加入鎂金屬的合金,在鋁合金編號中獲編5xxx的號碼序列。
鎂鋁合金的優點,在於它有跟鋼一樣的強度和硬度,但重量卻比鋼輕得多,跟塑膠很接近。 因此,因其質量輕,具有良好熱傳導能力,故常用於需重視散熱的電子器材。 它普遍用於手提電腦的外殼。 Quasicrystal. Potential energy surface for silver depositing on an aluminium-palladium-manganese (Al-Pd-Mn) quasicrystal surface.
Similar to Fig. 6 in Ref.[1] Aperiodic tilings were discovered by mathematicians in the early 1960s, and, some twenty years later, they were found to apply to the study of quasicrystals. The discovery of these aperiodic forms in nature has produced a paradigm shift in the fields of crystallography. Quasicrystals had been investigated and observed earlier,[2] but, until the 1980s, they were disregarded in favor of the prevailing views about the atomic structure of matter. In 2009, after a dedicated search, a mineralogical finding, icosahedrite, offered evidence for the existence of natural quasicrystals.[3] Roughly, an ordering is non-periodic if it lacks translational symmetry, which means that a shifted copy will never match exactly with its original. Counterculture. A counterculture (also written counter-culture) is a subculture whose values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores.[1][2] Prominent examples of countercultures in Europe and North America include Romanticism (1790–1840), Bohemianism (1850–1910), the more fragmentary counterculture of the Beat Generation (1944–1964), and perhaps most prominently, the counterculture of the 1960s (1964–1974), usually associated with the hippie subculture.[3] Definition and characteristics[edit] Scholars differ in the characteristics and specificity they attribute to "counterculture".
"Mainstream" culture is of course also difficult to define, and in some ways becomes identified and understood through contrast with counterculture. Counterculture may or may not be explicitly political. Typically, a "fringe culture" expands and grows into a counterculture by defining its own values in opposition to mainstream norms. Sintering. Sintering is traditionally used for manufacturing ceramic objects but finds applications in almost all fields of industry. The study of sintering and of powder-related processes is known as powder metallurgy.
A simple, intuitive example of sintering can be observed when ice cubes in a glass of water adhere to each other. The word "sinter" comes from the Middle High German Sinter, a cognate of English "cinder". Advantages[edit] Particular advantages of the powder technology include: The literature contains many references on sintering dissimilar materials to produce solid/solid-phase compounds or solid/melt mixtures at the processing stage. 哆啦A梦. 此漫畫自1969年開始連載,為第一屆手塚治虫文化賞的漫畫大賞得獎作品,藤子·F·不二雄親自執筆連載了1345回,並至少有短篇單行本50冊(含PLUS)已經發行,原著大長篇漫畫有17本(加上其弟子所編繪之大長篇則有24本以上)。
你睇!!哆啦A梦嚟啦!诞生前100年祭. 新英格兰. Thermodynamics. Annotated color version of the original 1824 Carnot heat engine showing the hot body (boiler), working body (system, steam), and cold body (water), the letters labeled according to the stopping points in Carnot cycle Thermodynamics applies to a wide variety of topics in science and engineering. Historically, thermodynamics developed out of a desire to increase the efficiency and power output of early steam engines, particularly through the work of French physicist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot (1824) who believed that the efficiency of heat engines was the key that could help France win the Napoleonic Wars.[1] Irish-born British physicist Lord Kelvin was the first to formulate a concise definition of thermodynamics in 1854:[2] "Thermo-dynamics is the subject of the relation of heat to forces acting between contiguous parts of bodies, and the relation of heat to electrical agency.
" Curiosity.