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Hace 150 años nacía el Imperio Alemán. El ″Diccionario Alemán″ de los Grimm se finalizó hace 60 años. Muy pesado y muy denso: treinta y dos volúmenes con 34.824 páginas y 84 kilos de peso.

El ″Diccionario Alemán″ de los Grimm se finalizó hace 60 años

Creationism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Winter 2018 Edition) 1.

Creationism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Winter 2018 Edition)

Alemania conmemora el 75º aniversario de los Juicios de Núremberg. Obligados por la pandemia, esta ceremonia se celebrará este viernes (20.11.2020) sin público en la sala 600 del tribunal de Núremberg, la misma en la que fueron juzgados desde el 20 de noviembre de 1945 Hermann Goering, exnúmero dos del régimen, Joachim von Ribbentrop o Rudolf Hess, exlugarteniente de Adolf Hitler.

Alemania conmemora el 75º aniversario de los Juicios de Núremberg

El presidente de la República, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, una autoridad moral muy respetada en el país, pronunciará un discurso en un contexto marcado por el auge de la extrema derecha y del antisemitismo en Alemania. Esta ceremonia es el punto de partida de varios actos organizados con motivo de este 75º aniversario, la mayoría de ellos de manera telemática. El 20 de noviembre de 1945 los más importantes responsables nazis tras los suicidios de Hitler, Joseph Goebbels y Heinrich Himmler, se sentaron en el banquillo de los acusados para responder por sus crímenes durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).

CP (afp. dpa) Fernando Botero, el amigo y el artista (Columna de Opinión) Nota del editor: Mari Rodríguez Ichaso ha sido colaboradora de la revista Vanidades durante varias décadas.

Fernando Botero, el amigo y el artista (Columna de Opinión)

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now. In the 1960s, activist Chicano artists forged a remarkable history of printmaking that remains vital today.

¡Printing the Revolution! The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now

Many artists came of age during the civil rights, labor, anti-war, feminist and LGBTQ+ movements and channeled the period’s social activism into assertive aesthetic statements that announced a new political and cultural consciousness among people of Mexican descent in the United States. ¡Printing the Revolution! Explores the rise of Chicano graphics within these early social movements and the ways in which Chicanx artists since then have advanced innovative printmaking practices attuned to social justice. More than reflecting the need for social change, the works in this exhibition project and revise notions of Chicanx identity, spur political activism and school viewers in new understandings of U.S. and international history.

¡Printing the Revolution! This exhibition is organized by E. Los 15 proyectos más espectaculares de Frank Gehry. 8 edificios de Frank Lloyd Wright nombrados Patrimonio Mundial. Tratar de sintetizar el legado de Frank Lloyd Wright no es tarea fácil, cada una de sus obras hablan de un momento y espacio específico.

8 edificios de Frank Lloyd Wright nombrados Patrimonio Mundial

Los edificios del arquitecto estadounidense han pasado a la historia como estructuras emblemáticas, por lo que desde el 2002 la organización Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, comenzó con un proceso de años para lograr que algunas de las obras sean reconocidas por la UNESCO. Oxford University Museum of Natural History. Wikipedia Started Removing Photos of the Liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army. The American website Wikipedia proposes to remove archival images of the liberation of the Nazi death camp Auschwitz by the Red Army.

Wikipedia Started Removing Photos of the Liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army

The first to draw attention to such an initiative was the journalist from Lithuania Vladimir Vodo. He wrote about this on January 29th on his Facebook page: Aunt Wiki is cleaning up archival photographs documenting the liberation of prisoners of Auschwitz in January 1945 by Soviet soldiers. Something like that … Vodo attached several screenshots of the Auschwitz page in Wikipedia, where it is written in a red box: “This media file has been designated for deletion since January 13th 2020.” The link leads to the page “Requests for removal/Auschwitz – liberation film”. “I don’t think the liberation film Auschwitz (claimed to be in the public domain) and its screenshots are in the public domain in the United States. EA Daily Copyright © 2020. Nuremberg - Explore the Nuremberg Trials! Cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe traducidos por Julio Cortázar en pdf (Obra de dominio público – Descarga gratuita) – ALEJANDRIA DIGITAL (Blog Enciclopédico – Biblioteca Universal – Casa Editorial)

(Obra de dominio público – Descarga gratuita) Edgar Allan Poe – Cuentos completos traducidos por Cortázar Envíanos los títulos de tus libros favoritos.

Cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe traducidos por Julio Cortázar en pdf (Obra de dominio público – Descarga gratuita) – ALEJANDRIA DIGITAL (Blog Enciclopédico – Biblioteca Universal – Casa Editorial)

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The OECD as the cradle of the Club of Rome. Matthias Schmelzer, University of Jena, based on a newly published article on the origins of the Club of Rome within the OECD.

The OECD as the cradle of the Club of Rome

The Club of Rome’s first report, The limits to growth, appeared in 1972 and was ultimately published in thirty languages and sold over thirty million copies worldwide. It made many people aware for the first time that with continuing growth the world would eventually run out of resources. Today, 45 years later, its electrifying conclusions, which modelled the ‘overshoot and collapse’ of the global system by the mid twenty-first century, still provoke intense debates. The report also brought international fame to the newly founded Club of Rome, which has since become a key reference point in the public memory of the 1970s and environmental discourses more generally. Díez días que Extremecieron al Mundo, John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World (TV) Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 13. Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 13 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIFTH DAY Thursday, 9 May 1946 Morning Session [The Defendant Doenitz resumed the stand.]

Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 13

FLOTTENRICHTER KRANZBUEHLER: With the permission of the Tribunal, I will continue my examination of the witness. [Turning to the defendant.] DOENITZ: According to the Allied figures, 2,472. FLOTTENRICHTER KRANZBUHLER: How many combat actions, according to your estimate, were necessary to do this? DOENITZ: I believe the torpedoed ships are not included in this figure of 2,472 sunk ships; and, of course, not every attack leads to a success. FLOTTENRICHTER KRANZB1]HLER: In the course of all these actions did any of the U-boat commanders who were subordinate to you voice objections to the manner in which the U-boats operated? DOENITZ: No, never. FLOTTENRICHTER KRANZBUEHLER: What would you have done with a commander who refused to carry out the instructions for U-boat warfare? DOENITZ: Naturally. 9 May 46 DOENITZ: No, in no way.

DOENITZ: Yes. DOENITZ: No. 1914-1918-online: Homepage. Charles Darwin, el padre de la evolución. Charles Darwin, considerado como el padre de la evolución, murió hace 200 años. Repase con su vida, su obra, el viaje en el Beagle, las claves de su teoría e incluso la relación entre Ciencia y Religión. | Ciencia - © 2009 Unidad Editorial Internet S.L. » 42 maps that explain World War II.

By Timothy B. Lee on November 13, 2014 World War II was a great tragedy, claiming 60 million lives and throwing millions more into turmoil. Yet the war also spurred rapid technological development, hastened the end of colonialism, and laid the foundation for institutions like the United Nations and the European Union. Operabase. Los apuntes de Darwin, a un click. El Museo de Historia Natural de Nueva York (AMNH) celebra el Día Darwin con el lanzamiento del 'Proyecto de los Manuscritos Darwin'.

Lo mejor de la noticia es que éste es una iniciativa totalmente digital y abierta, accesible a través de desde cualquier rincón del globo. Darwin Manuscripts Project. Charles Darwin by George Richmond, pencil 1839 Cambridge University Library On this site, you will find the world's first & only large collection of full colour, high-resolution images of faithfully transcribed Darwin manuscripts. These manuscripts record Charles Darwin's work as a practicing scientist. Whether you are a student or a researcher, our goal is to offer you digital access to the primary evidence for the birth and maturation of Darwin's attempts to explore and explain the natural world.

In these documents, you can trace the development of Darwin as a thinker and you will meet Darwin as a keen-eyed collector, an inspired observer, and a determined experimenter. Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels. Índice. The Mozart Project.