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Investors Will Show Love to Entrepreneurs Who Do Their Homework. Many entrepreneurs are so enamored with their product vision that they believe their own hype, and are convinced that the market for their solution is so huge that no one will ask them for independent market-research data.

Investors Will Show Love to Entrepreneurs Who Do Their Homework

They don’t realize that business projections with no third-party validation have no credibility with investors. Every good business plan needs an early section that sizes the total market opportunity, and then breaks down that total into the most relevant segments for your focus. If 10 percent of these numbers, multiplied by your average product price, will get you the revenue you need to scale your business, you will get the love you need from angel and venture capital investors. Related: Do More Homework Before Launching Your Business A common excuse I hear from entrepreneurs for not doing the work is that real market research takes too much time and costs too much money. 1. 2. 3. 4. Related: How Much Can Your Startup Really Grow? 5. 6. Paso a Paso usuario Súmate -

Photoshop. 10 Companies That Totally Nail Copywriting. You all know The Old Spice Guy, right?

10 Companies That Totally Nail Copywriting

"The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign was successful for many reasons, but one of them was that it gave Old Spice a voice. A voice that came through in every video, commercial, tagline, Facebook update, tweet -- you name it. And do you know who is behind all of that marketing collateral? Copywriters. The ability to find the exact right words to tell your company's story isn't an easy feat, and it's even harder to do so consistently. 1) Hipmunk Hipmunk should win for best copywriting on company name alone, no? Hipmunk takes a familiar concept -- comparison shopping -- and incorporates a hilarious spin on the process of doing it for booking flights and hotels.

Hipmunk has found the words to describe how everyone feels in the midst of travel, and incorporated it into their product. 2) UrbanDaddy UrbanDaddy has mastered the art of getting me to open emails. And I'm not even the target market for that email. Talk about an opening line. 3) Dropbox. Great copy from around the world. Only the Best Copywriting Sites. Metropolitan State University Of Denver - Carlos Luzon - 2013 Baseball. #siemprendemos: Eventos para emprendedores a los que hay que asistir en 2014. FranklinPirela : Ya todo listo en la segunda... 4 técnicas de creatividad para hibridar (post-389.

Las oportunidades de hibridación afloran desde la creatividad, y el juego creativo en estos tiempos pasa en buena medida por el arte de la combinación disruptiva, es decir, por descubrir híbridos.

4 técnicas de creatividad para hibridar (post-389

How Curiosity Cultivates Creativity. If an idea is the seed of strategy, experience is the seed of an idea.

How Curiosity Cultivates Creativity

But can there be qualitative differences in experience? Yes, research has shown that the reason time seems to speed up as you get older is that the world is not as novel as it was when you were young. The more familiar you are with a situation—or you perceive that you are with a situation—the more quickly you will experience it. This is an argument for varied experience—a predictor of creativity—but it is also an argument for mindfulness. It is a matter of attending to your experience, or staying curious about the world. Da Vinci lived during a time of some of the biggest discoveries and creative masterpieces ever known. Beginning as a painter before he became a sculptor, an engineer, an anatomist, and a painter again, da Vinci was long trained in experiencing and appreciating the natural world—thus the power of his representations.

As he once wrote: 18 cosas que las personas altamente creativas no hacen igual que el resto. La creatividad funciona de una forma misteriosa y a menudo paradójica.

18 cosas que las personas altamente creativas no hacen igual que el resto

El pensamiento creativo es una característica estable, que define algunas personalidades, pero que también puede cambiar dependiendo de la situación y del contexto. A veces, la inspiración y las ideas vienen sin más, y luego, cuando más las necesitamos, no aparecen; el pensamiento creativo requiere un conocimiento complejo, si bien es completamente independiente del proceso de pensamiento. La neurociencia ofrece una imagen muy compleja de la creatividad. Según plantean los científicos, la creatividad no es tan simple como la división entre las regiones derecha e izquierda del cerebro (la teoría dice que el hemisferio cerebral izquierdo es racional y analítico, mientras que el derecho es creativo y emocional).

De hecho, se piensa que la creatividad implica numerosos procesos cognitivos, vías neuronales y emociones; aún no disponemos de una panorámica completa que explique cómo funciona una mente imaginativa. Bravo Publicidad. Diseno WEB, POSICIONAMIENTO Web, Imprenta, FOLLETOS, Buzoneo, Madrid. Contraseñas guardadas en el navegador: cómo mejorar su seguridad. El pasado mes de agosto se habló mucho de una supuesta (y se llegó a decir que muy grave) vulnerabilidad de Google Chome que exponía las contraseñas guardadas en el navegador.

Contraseñas guardadas en el navegador: cómo mejorar su seguridad

Spain Startup Map - the map of the spanish startup community. El portal líder en Economía de Empresa - Emprendedores. Buscador de Ayudas y Subvenciones. Become a #WOBIMember. Emprende market. Subvencion emprendedores madrid. YouthActionNet. Planet for Change - Share and cocreate initiatives to Change the Planet. Invierte en valor social.