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Victorian Gay Porn - PORNCEPTUAL. Erotic Collages - PORNCEPTUAL. ANTI-PORN by Pornceptual. How to make a kick ass feminist porno. Erika Lust knows how to make great porn.
With a refreshingly feminist viewpoint, a progressive and acclaimed filmography, numerous awards and great visuals, the Swedish director is pushing boundaries on and off the screen. Speaking with Dazed earlier this year she said, "We are in huge need of seeing female sexuality portrayed in a different way, and to see ourselves as protagonists of the stories, not only as vehicles that men use to get their sexuality out of it.”
This defining element is key to Lust’s work, and that of feminist porn — a genre of the adult entertainment industry that condemns the objectification of women and encourages them to embrace sexual equality, diversity and, of course, their own pleasures – unashamedly. Lust’s ability to break free from the stereotypes and clichés that have plagued porn is just a slice of her manifesto. Diversity is key when trying to break the porn mould, and Lust prides herself on an ability to embrace this. Print's not dead: this website will buy your old porn mags. Have you ever brought some old porn – you know, the kind that’s printed or comes on a VHS tape – and not known how to get rid of it?
Or even worse, tragically inherited it from a recently deceased relative? Well, thanks to London-based website webuyanyporn.com, you no longer have to. A former Holloway sex shop businessman set up the porn buying site – and as the web address reads, they really do buy any porn (and from any era as well). According to the site, the business is happy to purchase your lightly jizz-splattered mags, DVDs, books, photos and even amateur and home movies.
They say, "as long as it’s legal we’ll buy it". The website launched nine months ago and has been on the rise since as more of the UK sell off their vintage erotica. “Everybody I’ve purchased books and magazines off goes away very happy. The offline porn industry may have seen a decline in sales since the internet took over, but that hasn’t stopped start-ups taking on the market. Chroma Sex. PORNCEPTUAL. Porn as Therapy. Porn Stars Share Their Most Embarrassing Sex Stories. Everyone makes mistakes on the job from time to time.
Waiters drop plates, data entry employees enter the wrong data, baseball players strike out, teachers spill wine on their students' essays. But when you're a porn star and your job is to have sex in front of a camera, fuck ups tend to be extremely intimate and can involve things that no one ever thinks about, such as, Did I make that person feel bad after he accidentally pooped on my face? I hopped on the phone with six top adult stars (recommended to us by our friends at Pornhub) to take a stroll down X-rated memory lane. Their stories of sex gone wrong ran the gamut from a Spongebob parody with some technical issues to a few scatological surprises. Image via Keiran Lee's Instagram. When you film in England, you always get one or two directors who used to be performers and can't let it go.
So my friend and I drove three hours to get there, and the woman was no MILF. For some reason, though, my johnny was hard as a rock. Image via. How to Make Feminist Porn. Erika Lust on the set of 'XConfessions Vol. 4: Pansexuals.' Photos courtesy of Lust Films Erika Lust leans forward in her seat and looks right in my face, brows lowered, with a huge, conspiratorial grin on her face.
She pounds her right fist against her open, outstretched left palm. "It's time," she near-yells over the huge glassed-in meeting room. Le Porn la poésie. Les mots traversent les âges mais peuvent parfois être esclaves de la modernité.
Quand Deslogis a déposé son poème au bureau, on était bien embêté. La vidéo provenait d’un tube et son blason indiquait clairement qu’elle appartenait à John B.Root, fervent défenseur de l’art mais aussi en guerre ouverte contre les tubes depuis tant d’années. Que faire ? Porn World vs. Real World. Les 400 culs - Voir du sexe : traumatisant ? - Libération.fr. Il existe une expression pour désigner ceux et celles qui ont découvert le sexe à l’écran : les «natifs pornographiques».
Ils sont tombés dedans quand ils étaient petits. Qu’est-ce que ces images leur ont fait ? A cette question difficile, quelques tentatives de réponse. Ils ont vu leurs premières scènes de sexe au cinéma sur grand écran, à la télévision ou en téléchargement libre sur internet. Le documentariste Hadrien Bibard les appelle des «porn natives» par allusion à l’expression «natif numérique» («digital native» en Anglais) qui désigne les personnes ayant grandi dans un environnement numérique. Première constatation : il y a un âge où ce que l’on voit ne laisse pas de trace, n’étonne pas, ne procure ni intérêt ni inquiétude.
Message à Caractère Pornographique - film 2014.