支付宝的性能测试. 一、性能测试支付宝场景介绍.
深入学习微框架:Spring Boot. Netty系列之Netty高性能之道. 1.
背景 1.1. 惊人的性能数据. SQLite vs MySQL vs PostgreSQL: A Comparison Of Relational Database Management Systems. A Comparison Of NoSQL Database Management Systems And Models. 可视化Java垃圾回收. 垃圾回收,就像双陆棋一样,只需几分钟来学习,但要用一生来精通。
Ben Evans是一名资深培训师兼顾问,他在演讲可视化垃圾回收中从基础谈起讨论了垃圾回收。 以下是对其演讲的简短总结。 基础. Java里快如闪电的线程间通讯. 可视化Java垃圾回收. 漫谈“推荐系统”_libin82cn. 由于需要准备一月底与三月中两个关于“推荐系统”的短期课程(前者在阿卜杜拉国王科技大学,没错就是那个传说中沙特的土豪大学!
后者在悉尼科技大学),期间二月份还夹带了一个推荐系统相关的讨论班,所以从去年十二月开始我几乎每个周末至少得抽出一天的时间来做幻灯片。 Java里快如闪电的线程间通讯. 借助JArchitect探究Cassandra CLI内部机制. Joe's Blog: Demonstrating Gemfire Components Configured using spring-data. Gemfire, and the applications that use it are made up of serveral components.
There is the data caching tier itself that can exist as one or more data nodes. The data tier can be extended to provide database write-behind, write-through and on-demand read-through. The data tier can also be replicated to remote data clusters through the WAN gateway. WAN replication is not currently part of this example. There is also a client tier that can be pure client, client with local caching and notification client or a combination of the three. 15. GemFire Support. Spring Integration provides support for VMWare vFabric GemFire VMWare vFabric GemFire (GemFire) is a distributed data management platform providing a key-value data grid along with advanced distributed system features such as event processing, continuous querying, and remote function execution.
This guide assumes some familiarity with GemFire and its API. Spring integration provides support for GemFire by providing inbound adapters for entry and continuous query events, an outbound adapter to write entries to the cache, and MessageStore and MessageGroupStore implementations. Spring Integration集成框架之Message-Channel - 震秦的个人空间. Integration. Introduction Using the Spring Framework encourages developers to code using interfaces and use dependency injection (DI) to provide a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) with the dependencies it needs to perform its tasks.
Spring Integration takes this concept one step further, where POJOs are wired together using a messaging paradigm and individual components may not be aware of other components in the application. Such an application is built by assembling fine-grained reusable components to form a higher level of functionality. JAX-WS + Spring integration example. Here’s a guide to show you how to integrate Spring with JAX-WS, as mention in this link : Upon finishing this tutorial, you will create a simple HelloWorld web service (JAX-WS), and DI a bean into the web service via Spring. 1.
Project Folder See the final project folder structure. 超越数据挖掘. 本文最初发表在 IEEE 软件 杂志上,由InfoQ & IEEE计算机学会共同为您呈现。
预测建模社区(predictive modeling community)将数据挖掘应用到来自软件项目的工件上。 开发经理的职能. 开发经理是个工作压力比较大的职位。
分布式系统的事务处理. 当我们在生产线上用一台服务器来提供数据服务的时候,我会遇到如下的两个问题: 1)一台服务器的性能不足以提供足够的能力服务于所有的网络请求。 Integrating Spring Batch and MongoDB for ETL Over NoSQL. In today's enterprises, I deal with applications which are interactive or which run in batch mode. Interactive applications are like Web applications in that they require user input. By contrast, applications which need to start once and end after completing their required jobs are called batch applications.
They do not require frequent manual interventions. Spring Batch Partitioning example. Photo Credit : Spring Source In Spring Batch, “Partitioning” is “multiple threads to process a range of data each”. For example, assume you have 100 records in a table, which has “primary id” assigned from 1 to 100, and you want to process the entire 100 records. Normally, the process starts from 1 to 100, a single thread example. The process is estimated to take 10 minutes to finish. Article: Using Oracle Coherence with Spring Batch for High-Performance Data Processing. By Vijay Nair. Seafile 2在centos 6安装. CentOS+Apache+seafile+WindowsAD 安装记录 - Frank's Note. 20140113 更新:[1]. 我们是否需要REST的替代品?
Platform as a Service - Comparison List. Apache Thrift - 可伸缩的跨语言服务开发框架. 前言: 目前流行的服务调用方式有很多种,例如基于 SOAP 消息格式的 Web Service,基于 JSON 消息格式的 RESTful 服务等。 其中所用到的数据传输方式包括 XML,JSON 等,然而 XML 相对体积太大,传输效率低,JSON 体积较小,新颖,但还不够完善。 本文将介绍由 Facebook 开发的远程服务调用框架 Apache Thrift,它采用接口描述语言定义并创建服务,支持可扩展的跨语言服务开发,所包含的代码生成引擎可以在多种语言中,如 C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, Smalltalk 等创建高效的、无缝的服务,其传输数据采用二进制格式,相对 XML 和 JSON 体积更小,对于高并发、大数据量和多语言的环境更有优势。 本文将详细介绍 Thrift 的使用,并且提供丰富的实例代码加以解释说明,帮助使用者快速构建服务。 回页首. Software in 2014. We’re at an inflection point in the practice of constructing software. Our tools are good, our server developers are happy, but when it comes to building client-side software, we really don’t know where we’re going or how to get there.
Happy times upstream · The art and science of building server-side code is just fine, thank you; the technology’s breadth and polish has been ramping for years and still is. 12306 外包给阿里巴巴、IBM 等大企业做是否可行. 现有的部分讨论,双方缺少对基本事实的共识。 在下转一篇文章,给诸位提供一些材料,不管是支持还是反对,至少可以指出支持反对哪一点,免得鸡同鸭讲。 文章是两年前的,欢迎知情人士指出两年来是否有什么变化。 文章主要说了12306这个网站有多独特,技术难点在哪里,有什么可能的改善方法。 ================== 2012年1月16日 陈皓 业务. 12306的技术改造之路 - 网络与安全 - 畅享网. 每到岁末,春运时刻,围绕12306的话题总是层出不穷。 12306的技术革命_存储在线. [导读]通过技术改造解决了困扰我们多时的尖峰高流量并发问题,让全国人民不再因为技术原因而抱怨,我们终于舒了一口气。 Pivotal GemFire分布式集群内存数据技术对整个技术改造发挥了关键的作用。
我为何停止使用Spring. 闲思录 - 创业感悟 网站架构 性能优化 技术评论. The-little-redis-book/cn/redis.md at master · JasonLai256/the-little-redis-book. The-little-mongodb-book-cn/mongodb.md at master · justinyhuang/the-little-mongodb-book-cn. NoSQL反模式 – 文档数据库篇. 聊聊并发(七)——Java中的阻塞队列. 一些软件设计的原则. SVN有任何胜过git的地方吗? Learning 30 Technologies in 30 Days: A Developer Challenge.
Linux shell用法和技巧.