Home · Netflix/Hystrix Wiki. The Big List of TDD and Unit Testing Knowledge - DZone DevOps. Oct 09, 2015 devops,tdd,unit testing,test-driven development Learn how improving the performance of your app is easy with New Relic's SaaS-based monitoring. One of my fellow dev friends asked about a set of links, books, screen-casts related to TDD / Unit Testing. He wants to expand his knowledge. Instead of sending him a private message, I thought that it would be great to just create a blog post with all the resources, I used in the past to learn. Basics Presentation - Video: Unit Testing and TDD – Why You Should Care and How to Make It Happen By Roy Osherove If you are completely new to those concepts then this presentation will be a nice quick start.Book – “The Art Of Unit Testing” by Roy OsheroveStart here if you want to get into TDD and Unit Testing.
Intermediate Resources for developers that started using TDD practice and want to expand their knowledge. Advanced Topics that might be going out of TDD and sometimes into more philosophical issues. Functional Flavour. Core Java Archives. Degraph. Degraph for visualization You can analyse class files and jars using Degraph and get a graphml file as result. This can be rendered using yed. What makes Degraph different from other tools is that it supports nested graphs. Inner classes are visualy contained in their containing class; Classes are contained inside packages and if you want you can group packages to modules, layers and so on.
These ways of grouping classes are referred to slices in Degraph. If you do a hierarchic layout in yed of the resulting graphml file you can easily see which classes you can move to different packages, layer or modules without creating circular dependencies or which you have to move in order to break cycles. Read more … Degraph for controlling dependencies Ever wanted to establish a rule in a project like “stuff from the presentation layer must not access stuff from the persistence layer!”? Java Interview Reference Guide – Object Oriented Concepts | Tutorials. Object Oriented Concepts Object oriented approach conceptualize the problem solution in real-world object which are easier to reuse across the application. For example Chair, Fan, Dog, computer etc. Java is based on Object Oriented concepts, which permits higher level of abstraction to solve any problem in realistic way. In Java, a class is a blueprints, template or prototype that define common behavior of object of same kind.
An instance is realization of a particular class and all instances of a class have similar properties, as described in the class definition. For example, you can define a class called House with number of room as attribute and create instances such as house with 2 rooms, house with 3 rooms etc. Benefits: Below are few advantages of object oriented software development: There are four main features of OOPS: EncapsulationInheritancePolymorphismAbstraction Encapsulation: Benefits: Below are few advantages of Encapsulation: Polymorphism: Shape shape=new Square (); E.g. Benefits: Java Interview Reference Guide – Concurrent Framework | Tutorials. The Java Concurrency framework provides libraries to build concurrent application which consists namely of Executors, synchronize, concurrent collection, locks, atomic variables and Fork/Join. Java.util.concurrent: It is main package, which provides common libraries such as concurrent collection (ConcurrentHashMap.), ForkJoin, Executors, and Semaphore etc. to build concurrent application.
Java.util.concurrent.atomic: This subclass provide thread safe variable without using synchronized key. It uses CAS (compare-and-set) instruction support to provide thread safe. Java.util.concurrent.locks: This subclass contains low-level utility types for locking and waiting for conditions without using synchronization and monitors. Java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock implements Lock interface is more efficient over traditional synchronized based monitor lock mechanisms. ThreadPoolExecutor is one of the implementation of ExecutorService in java.util.concurrent packages. Executors: FixedThreadPool:
6 Reasons Not to Switch to Java 8 Just Yet | Takipi Blog. Java 8 is awesome. Period. But… after we had the chance to have fun and play around with it, the time has come to quit avoiding the grain of salt. All good things come with a price and in this post I will share the main pain points of Java 8. Make sure you’re aware of these before upgrading and letting go of 7. 1. Parallel Streams can actually slow you down Java 8 brings the promise of parallelism as one of the most anticipated new features. No, it can actually make your code run slower if not used right. The slower benchmark, grouping a collection into different groups (prime / non-prime): More slowdowns can occur for other reasons as well. Diagnosis: Parallelism with all its benefits also brings in additional types of problems to consider. 2.
Lambdas. Now let’s get functional with a nice lambda: Baam! On the bottom line this all means that what you’re writing and what you’re debugging are two different things. Into this: 3. And that’s it, problem solved. 4. So where is it? 5. 6. 4 Ways to Copy File in Java.
Automation. Spring.