Ambon (isola) File:Ambon and Lease Islands (Uliasers) en.png. Ambon Island. Geography[edit] Ambon Island lies off the south-west coast of the much larger Seram island.
It is on the north side of the Banda Sea, part of a chain of volcanic islands that encircle the sea. It is 51 kilometres (32 miles) long and is of very irregular shape, being almost divided in two. The Ten Thousand Things. The Ten Thousand Things (original Dutch De tienduizend dingen, 1955) is a novel by the writer Maria Dermout.
The story is a rich tapestry of family life against the exotic, tropical background of the Molucca Islands of Indonesia. Although never explicitly stated, the main setting is probably Ambon Island. The story is structured along geographical themes with four major divisions: the Island itself, the Inner Bay, the Outer Bay, and again the Island. Dermout's omniscient narrator is attempting to make sense of the whole generational saga by carefully reflecting on the wonder of this world while revealing some of the horrible evils that the characters commit. Libri interessanti, narrativa.